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Murmered Quotes & Sayings

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Top Murmered Quotes

Murmered Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

I heard there are no male sidhe-seers."
Where did you hear that?"
And which one of those are you in doubt about Ms. Lane?"
Which one of what?"
Whether I see the Fae, or whether I'm a man. I believe I've laid your mind to rest on the former; shall I relieve it on the latter?" He reached for his belt.
Oh, please." I rolled my eyes. "You're a leftie, Barrons."
Touche, Ms. Lane," he murmered. — Karen Marie Moning

Murmered Quotes By Tamara Summers

You don't really want me on your team,' Lexie said. 'I'm totally terrible.'
'I know," Jake said. 'I want you on the other guy's team.'
Lexie swatted him with her free hand. "That is no way to talk with your girlfriend,' she said, forgetting for a moment that Bree was right there, intently watching them.
'You're right,' he said. 'My apologies, sugar plum. I'm sorry, honey pie. I'll never do it again, my little pumpkin. Is that better?'
She wrinkled her nose at him. ' feel so edible all of a sudden.'
'Cute enough to eat,' he said. — Tamara Summers

Murmered Quotes By James Lipton

I became a professional actor in Detroit and I was able to earn some money. It was a good job because it permitted me to study. It fit perfectly with school. — James Lipton

Murmered Quotes By David Harvey

Marx set out to resolve the contradictions and to correct the errors in classical political economy. In this he thought he had succeeded very well. Judging by the sound and the fury of the controversy surrounding his interpretations, he either succeeded too well or deluded himself to the success of his enterprise. — David Harvey

Murmered Quotes By Laura Lee Guhrke

Neamh," he murmered. '"Tis Neamh, you are, Olivia. — Laura Lee Guhrke

Murmered Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

It is a strange world," I murmered, more to myself than to the native soul.
"The strangest," he agreed. — Stephenie Meyer

Murmered Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

In the silence of the night, streetlights talk each other by touching their lights each other! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Murmered Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

When we go home to the present moment, we understand there are so many conditions of happiness that we don't need to go running after yet another one. We already have enough conditions to be happy. Happiness is entirely possible right in the here and now. The — Thich Nhat Hanh

Murmered Quotes By Charles Bukowski

I often stood in front of the mirror alone, wondering how ugly a person could get. — Charles Bukowski

Murmered Quotes By Andrea Cremer

You've opened the gate. Now it's a matter of walking through. — Andrea Cremer

Murmered Quotes By Timothy Zahn

How many black holes have we been up close and personal with?" Kosta countered. "All sorts of odd things happen near the event horizon, from huge tidal forces to variations in time. Personally, I'm voting on it having to do with gravity, either a polarization of the fields themselves or else something related to the time differential."
I didn't know physics had become a democracy," Hanan murmered. — Timothy Zahn

Murmered Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

An extraordinary dream by lord charles wellesley. (Charlotte Bronte)
'In this slumber i thought i was walking on the banks of a river ... Which murmered over small pebbles at the bottom, gleaming like crystals through the silver stream' 'and the green buds of the wild rose trees around were unopened' 'and a mild warmth were shed from the sun ... Then at its height in the blue sky — Charlotte Bronte

Murmered Quotes By Anna Gavalda

She was sound asleep when he came to curl up next to her. She grunted.
"Don't worry. I'm too drunk, I won't do anything," he murmered.
As she had her back to him, he placed his nose on her neck and slid his arm underneath her to be as close to her as possible. Short strands of her hair tickled his nostrils.
Was she asleep? Was she pretending? No answer either way.
"I like being with you."
A little smile.
Was she dreaming? Was she asleep? Who knows ... — Anna Gavalda

Murmered Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

There's a metaphor for the American public in here," Gansey murmered darkly, "but it escapes me at the moment. — Maggie Stiefvater

Murmered Quotes By Peter Ackroyd

Is Dust immortal then, I ask'd him, so that we may see it blowing through the Centuries? But as Walter gave no Answer I jested with him further to break his Melancholy humour: What is Dust, Master Pyne?
And he reflected a little: It is particles of Matter, no doubt.
Then we are all Dust indeed, are we not?
And in a feigned Voice he murmered, For Dust thou art and shalt to Dust return. Then he made a Sour face, but only yo laugh the more. — Peter Ackroyd

Murmered Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Diplomacy was never my strong suit and my patience had run dry. I crouched and called out, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." [ ... ]
"Kitty, kitty?" asked a level male voice.[ ... ]
"What kind of woman greets the Beast Lord with 'here, kitty, kitty'?" he asked.
"One of a kind". I murmered the obvious reply. — Ilona Andrews

Murmered Quotes By Michael Scott

Here it comes," Niten said. The whites of his eyes,his teeth and his tongue had turned blue.
"Ready," Prometheus said.
Nicholas Flamel touched the green scarab he now wore around his neck and felt it grow warm in his hand.The spell was a simple one,something he had performed a thousand times before, though never on such a large scale.
A red-skinned head broke the surface of the water ... followed by a second ... and a third ... and then a fourth head,black and twice as large as the others appeared. Suddenly there were seven heads streaking toward them.
"Let's hope no one if filming this," Niten murmered.
"No one would believe it anyway." Prometheus grinned. "Seven-headed monsters simply do not exist.If anyone saw it,they'd say it was Photoshopped. — Michael Scott

Murmered Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Do I feel ancient to you now?" he murmered. "Too different from the person you loved before you knew this?"
Her eyes were already glowing green, and her full lips parted. "No, you don't feel too ancient." Her voice was husky. "Or too different. You feel like mine. Whoever you were, whoever you are ... you're mine."
Mencheres smiled, his fangs stretching to their full length. "So you have spoken, so it shall be decreed. For all eternity. — Jeaniene Frost

Murmered Quotes By J.R. Ward

Son of a bitch" Wrath breathed as a figure stopped twenty yards away.
The glowing man laughed "Well, if it isn't good king Wrath and his band of merry-merry happy-happy. I swear you boys should do kiddie shows, you're so fucking cheery."
"Great," Rhage murmered, "his sense of humor's still intact."
Vishous exhaled "Maybe I can try to beat it out of him-"
"Use his own arm to do it, if you can-"
Wrath glared at the two of them, who shot him back a pair of 'who-us?' stares — J.R. Ward