Famous Quotes & Sayings

Murder Mystery Quotes & Sayings

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Top Murder Mystery Quotes

Murder Mystery Quotes By Cassandra Giovanni

The hole where my heart had finally grown back after the loss of my parents was returning because of the very person who had filled the void — Cassandra Giovanni

Murder Mystery Quotes By Nike N. Chillemi

I like to write literature that reads like pulp fiction. — Nike N. Chillemi

Murder Mystery Quotes By Vincent H. O'Neil

Actors are all about entrances, but writers are all about exits. — Vincent H. O'Neil

Murder Mystery Quotes By Hunter Murphy

The only way he could truly stick out in New Orleans was if he were walking down the street on fire. — Hunter Murphy

Murder Mystery Quotes By Labake Akinyosoye

Then he would have access to him. Then he could silence him forever. — Labake Akinyosoye

Murder Mystery Quotes By J. Alexander Greenwood

The professor's motive was in the grand scheme of things terribly petty " Greenwood said. ""Pilate's Cross" is inspired by the questions this terrible crime created but as a work of fiction it is set in a different place and time and has a more complex motive for the murders. — J. Alexander Greenwood

Murder Mystery Quotes By Ry Cooder

No second chances in the land of a thousand dances, the valley of ten million insanities. — Ry Cooder

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaylin McFarren

As Sloan approached the door, Paul Lyons lifted his eyes to watch her leave. He found himself wondering why after all these years they couldn't manage to get along for a lousy twenty minutes. Perhaps it was the result of their inability to compromise - to give each other the benefit of the doubt. Or maybe they'd both simply lost the ability to trust another human being and believe anything good could come of this world. — Kaylin McFarren

Murder Mystery Quotes By Rachel Brady

I rested my head on the wall behind me and closed my eyes, wishing my life had a button: Ignore All. — Rachel Brady

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Barrett

No one mentioned the sad piece of tinsel, naked in places, hanging across the chimneybreast, nor that Twelfth Night was a week ago. No one mentioned the two Christmas cards on the mantelpiece. No one mentioned them because inside they were blank. — Andrew Barrett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

But it is not everything in life that has its ticket, so much. There are things that are not for sale. — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Cyndi Williams Barnier

We're Killers On The Keyboard — Cyndi Williams Barnier

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Barrett

... but his problem was infinity; his problem was time running along the x-axis versus stress running along the y-axis, and there never seemed to be time without stress. Stress was a constant. — Andrew Barrett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Carolyn Gibbs

Goodnight, Sam."
Sam took a deep breath and tried to settle himself. It did not good, instead he inhaled a hint of her vanilla perfume mixed with the smell of sea salt. He couldn't help himself. His mind drifted. He longed to buy his face in her neck and breathe it in. Instead he made due with taking deep breathes as the spicy aroma engulfed him.
After a while he realized this wasn't working for him, her signature scent stimulated him and forced him to long for her. He tried counting backwards from a hundred. Maybe that would work to level off his arousal so he could get some sleep. Just lying there thinking about her cologne or the fact that he could simply reach out and touch her body was enough to keep him hard all night. And frustrated...ninety-five, ninety-four, ninety-three. — Carolyn Gibbs

Murder Mystery Quotes By Adrian McKinty

The first proper mystery novel that I read was 'Murder On the Orient Express' with a gaunt David Niven and a cherubic Peter Ustinov on the cover. 'Orient Express,' you'll recall, is the one where everyone did it, which delighted me no end, and I was immediately hooked. — Adrian McKinty

Murder Mystery Quotes By Cash Peters

Across the rectory's east lawn, through a blizzard of flying leaves, something long and thin was flapping in the wind. A ragged figure in a white nightgown hanging lifelessly from the trees. — Cash Peters

Murder Mystery Quotes By S.L. Ellis

P.I. Cassie Cruise--You don't have to like her, but you damn well better respect her — S.L. Ellis

Murder Mystery Quotes By Michael Houbrick

I know what happened. I used my inTWINition — Michael Houbrick

Murder Mystery Quotes By Saurbh Katyal

All that stuff you read about detectives having microphones, guns, and other fancy gadgets in the drawers, is strictly for the cows. The only action we ever get is killing mosquitoes during an all-night watch. Our preferred choice of weapon is a spray can of mosquito repellent, and a steel flask of whisky. — Saurbh Katyal

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Barrett

I am not their f*****g entertainment. And I am not a f*****g hero! Given the choice, a hero would do exactly the same again. I wouldn't. Okay? — Andrew Barrett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Leslie Meier

It's a small-town rule: Never speak ill of the dead until the estate has paid the outstanding bills. — Leslie Meier

Murder Mystery Quotes By Cassandra Giovanni

They didn't understand, for we were Shakespeare, and they were mere actors in the play. — Cassandra Giovanni

Murder Mystery Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I thought why not write a kind of mystery, murder, thriller book, but use romance language where the language plays completely against the very dark subject matter, that very strange murderous plot, but use that Harlequin Romance language. — Chuck Palahniuk

Murder Mystery Quotes By Vincent H. O'Neil

Your boss takes a dim view of SEX? — Vincent H. O'Neil

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

I loved her- I always loved her- no matter what she was-I wanted her safe- not shut up- a prisoner for life, eating her heart out. And we did keep her safe- for many years
Phillip Stark — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Patricia Cornwell

Rain slowly slides down the glass as if the night is crying. — Patricia Cornwell

Murder Mystery Quotes By Hunter Murphy

Deader than four o'clock. — Hunter Murphy

Murder Mystery Quotes By Wodke Hawkinson

Well, it's an anomaly! He must have received the wrong dosage. That's what happens when you put these matters in the hands of morons. — Wodke Hawkinson

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

When you read the account of a murder - or, say, a fiction story based on murder - you usually begin with the murder itself. That's all wrong. The murder begins a long time beforehand. A murder is the culmination of a lot of different circumstances, all converging at a given moment at a given point. People are brought into it from different parts of the globe and for unforeseen reasons. [ ... ] The murder itself is the end of the story. It's Zero Hour."
He paused.
"It's Zero Hour now. — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Anthony Horowitz

It's strange when you think about it. There are hundreds and hundreds of murders in books and television. It would be hard for narrative fiction to survive without them. And yet there are almost none in real life, unless you happen to live in the wrong area. Why is it that we have such a need for murder mystery? And what is it that attracts us? The crime, or the solution? Do we have some primal need of bloodshed because our own lives are so safe, so comfortable? — Anthony Horowitz

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

It is the courage, the insistence, the ruthless force of youth. — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Jeannie Walker

Had a big trial. It was like an Errol Flynn movie. — Jeannie Walker

Murder Mystery Quotes By David Suchet

It's an honour to have such a wonderful international cast on board for this world famous murder mystery. Writer Stewart Harcourt has created an exquisite script. His attention to detail is impeccable. — David Suchet

Murder Mystery Quotes By Keith Houghton

No matter which way you dice it, self-preservation is selfish. — Keith Houghton

Murder Mystery Quotes By Maria Hudgins

The years pass so quickly now that I can't keep my mental image of myself up to date. [Mature Dotsy deals with her age] — Maria Hudgins

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaitlyn Dunnett

Her eyes popped open in time to see flames shoot up behind the first-floor windows of Angie's Books. Angie! Where was Angie? Where were her children? The bookstore owner lived in the apartment above her shop with sixteen-year-old Beth and twelve-year-old Bradley.
The Moosetookalook Fire Department was located right next door, housed in part of the town's redbrick municipal building. The overhead door had already been raised. As Liss watched, unable to move, unable to look away, the truck pulled out, maneuvering so that it could get closer to the burning building. — Kaitlyn Dunnett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Chris Karlsen

I see. Because I'm not hideous, not a drunkard, and appear to bathe regularly, you picked me. How you flatter me. — Chris Karlsen

Murder Mystery Quotes By Merlin Fraser

Before man can explore outer space he should first learn to explore the Inner Space of his mind. — Merlin Fraser

Murder Mystery Quotes By Keira D. Skye

She had golden blazing sun kissed hair, which hung down in loose, lazy spirals, a heart shaped pouted mouth, which was pink tinged with violet blushing, wide, spangled blue eyes that glimmered sparks to flicker and ember in the vivid intelligence of the moon's love, and a yielding body, that seem to tangle in loose rhythm as I walked near to her. — Keira D. Skye

Murder Mystery Quotes By Feather Stone

I talked with the admiral's staff. Military personnel are the worst, no disrespect intended. They clam up tighter than a bullfrog's ass. — Feather Stone

Murder Mystery Quotes By Wes Craven

The 'Scream' series is unique in that it's an ongoing murder mystery, even though it's a different killer, so if you know who that killer is, then half of the fun of the movie is gone. — Wes Craven

Murder Mystery Quotes By Hunter Murphy

The morning sun in New Orleans felt like it was trying to make a point, convincing the old world to believe something new. — Hunter Murphy

Murder Mystery Quotes By Meryl Sawyer

Audubon considered it a bad day if he didn't shoot a hundred birds. "It's amazing that his name has become synonymous with conservation. — Meryl Sawyer

Murder Mystery Quotes By Norman Giddan

Things are often exactly what they seem---horrifying or distasteful, even repugnant and disgusting. — Norman Giddan

Murder Mystery Quotes By Jeannie Walker

The sheriff peered over his eyeglasses and said, Your son is a suspect in the murder. — Jeannie Walker

Murder Mystery Quotes By Arthur Conan Doyle

And the more I thought of what had happened, the wilder and darker it grew. I reviewed the whole extraordinary sequence of events as I rattled on through the silent gas-lit streets. There was the original problem: that at least was pretty clear now. The death of Captain Morstan, the sending of the pearls, the advertisement, the letter, - we had had light upon all those events. They had only led us, however, to a deeper and far more tragic mystery. The Indian treasure, the curious plan found among Morstan's baggage, the strange scene at Major Sholto's death, the rediscovery of the treasure immediately followed by the murder of the discoverer, the very singular accompaniments to the crime, the footsteps, the remarkable weapons, the words upon the card, corresponding with those upon Captain Morstan's chart, - here was indeed a labyrinth in which a man less singularly endowed than my fellow-lodger might well despair of ever finding the clue. — Arthur Conan Doyle

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kerri Maniscalco

Always foster and grow that unquenchable curiosity of yours." I smiled. That was a promise I fully intended to keep. — Kerri Maniscalco

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrea Heltsley

I'm suddenly not hungry," Shane, said, his face ashen. "Noah, you go get the note. Be careful not to touch anything else. Don't step in the blood. — Andrea Heltsley

Murder Mystery Quotes By Catherine Hardwicke

Sometimes, a scene goes on too long and, with this being a suspense story and murder mystery that you're trying to discover through her heightened paranoia, you don't want scenes that take you on a tangent. Sometimes, you love those scenes, but you know that it's better not to be in the overall film. So, I'm not sad that they're not in the main movie, but I do think it's fun for people to get to watch them, if they want to. — Catherine Hardwicke

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaitlyn Dunnett

She made an inarticulate sound of distress at the sight that met her eyes. It was a fire, and it was the bookstore on the far side of the square that was burning. — Kaitlyn Dunnett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Helene Hanff

All my scripts have artistic backgrounds
ballet, concert hall, opera
and all the suspects and corpses are cultured, maybe I'll do one about the rare book business in your honor, do you want to be the murderer or the corpse? — Helene Hanff

Murder Mystery Quotes By Elizabeth Cook-Howard

Before I can give myself to another I first must give me to myself. Once I know the value of self, I then can allow another to share in my wealth. — Elizabeth Cook-Howard

Murder Mystery Quotes By Stephen Craig

In fact, until the last moments of his life, until the last seconds as he gasped for breath, he never realised how much he wanted to live. But, at that point, death was inevitable and nothing that had happened could be changed. — Stephen Craig

Murder Mystery Quotes By Chris Karlsen

Faith leaned closer, inches from his face, her loips a hands breadth from his. She shook her head side to side a bit faster than the average metronome and waggled a finger back and forth. "They not going to find out though, are they?
He stared into merry eyes almost as dark as his coffee. The devil was a woman and Faith one of her most beautiful minions. — Chris Karlsen

Murder Mystery Quotes By Rajib Mukherjee

Well, typically the state of hypnosis is perfected at the right combination of light and sound frequency when the mind completely relaxes. At this state, the mind also becomes highly suggestible, which means the word of the hypnotist becomes the new reality of the subconscious mind. — Rajib Mukherjee

Murder Mystery Quotes By Keira D. Skye

Vomit began to spill out of me like pea soup, splattering the road with champagne and caviar, long island iced teas, of bacon appetizers and croissants, and a perfectly grilled filet mignonette. It had gone down easy, among the kiss ups of the lawyer world, but spewed out nastily and hard, in the company of a cheater. — Keira D. Skye

Murder Mystery Quotes By Hunter Murphy

Just as the Mediterranean separated France from the country Algiers, so did the Mississippi separate New Orleans proper from Algiers Point. The neighborhood had a strange mix. It looked seedier and more laid-back all at the same time. Many artists lived on the peninsula, with greenery everywhere and the most beautiful and exotic plants. The French influence was heavy in Algiers, as if the air above the water had carried as much ambience as it could across to the little neighborhood. There were more dilapidated buildings in the community, but Jackson and Buddy passed homes with completely manicured properties, too, and wild ferns growing out of baskets on the porches, as if they were a part of the architecture. Many of the buildings had rich, ornamental detail, wood trim hand-carved by craftsmen and artisans years ago. The community almost had the look of an ailing beach town on some forgotten coast. — Hunter Murphy

Murder Mystery Quotes By Ed Lynskey

Within the same hour as the murder took place, Isabel Trumbo sat in her armchair dozing, the Alaskan Outdoor magazine on her lap. Her kid sister Alma fidgeted in the other armchair, from time to time picking up her newspaper folded over to the day's crossword puzzle. — Ed Lynskey

Murder Mystery Quotes By Josephine Tey

It would do her good to have some demons to fight, to be swung out in space and held over some bottomless pit now and then. — Josephine Tey

Murder Mystery Quotes By Robert G. DeMers

If you don't like the path your life has taken, choose another. — Robert G. DeMers

Murder Mystery Quotes By Dorothy L. Sayers

The banks of the Thirty-Foot held, but the swollen Wale, receiving the full force of the Upper Waters and the spring tide, gave at every point. Before the cars reached St. Paul, the flood was rising and pursuing them. Wimsey's car
the last to start
was submerged to the axles. They fled through the dusk, and behind and on their left, the great silver sheet of water spread and spread. — Dorothy L. Sayers

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaylin McFarren

Never settle for normal, Miss Lyons," Shinzo told her. "Normal is not natural. Extraordinary is natural, and that's why you're here. To do something extraordinary. — Kaylin McFarren

Murder Mystery Quotes By Leslie Meier

She was halfway through the revolving door when the thought hit her; she was the one who had seen Junior and Luther fighting before the banquet. She was the one had told Detective Sullivan. Overcome with guilt, she grabbed Ted's arm and faced him.
"It's because of me," she said. "Junior was arrested because of me! — Leslie Meier

Murder Mystery Quotes By Chris Karlsen

Apology accepted. If you're finished Mrs. Porter ---"
"Fine. If you're finished, Allegra, I'd like to go."
"I'm not."
Good Lord, but the woman was a blister that refused to pop. — Chris Karlsen

Murder Mystery Quotes By Joanne Fluke

The next time you come to the Cookie Jar, the coffee's on me. You could probably bottle that stuff of yours and sell it for rat poison. — Joanne Fluke

Murder Mystery Quotes By Linda Mickey

Work is tough for everyone but for Kyle Shannon, it's just murder. — Linda Mickey

Murder Mystery Quotes By Graham Moore

Murder was so trivial in the stories Harold loved. Dead bodies were plot points, puzzles to be reasoned out. They weren't brothers. Plot points didn't leave behind grieving sisters who couldn't find their shoes. — Graham Moore

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

Why didn't they ask the Evans? — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Ellen Read

Time meant nothing.
She loved him in an instant.
She would love him forever. — Ellen Read

Murder Mystery Quotes By Traci Andrighetti

There are still a lotta nice Sicilian boys in New Orleans. (A nonna's advice to a zitella.) — Traci Andrighetti

Murder Mystery Quotes By Gilbert N. Lewis

A detective with his murder mystery, a chemist seeking the structure of a new compound, use little of the formal and logical modes of reasoning. Through a series of intuitions, surmises, fancies, they stumble upon the right explanation, and have a knack of seizing it when it once comes within reach. — Gilbert N. Lewis

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaitlyn Dunnett

Liss squinted, searching frantically for Angie and Beth and Bradley. She couldn't spot them anywhere. Her chest rose and fell in time with her agitated breathing. What if they were still inside? What if they were trapped?
Struggling for calm, Liss told herself that they must have escaped. Angie was scrupulous about changing her smoke-alarm batteries. She and her kids would have had plenty of time to get out. Heck, Angie was probably the one who'd alerted the fire department.
But where was she? Where were Beth and Bradley? — Kaitlyn Dunnett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Cotto

The lady in the liquor store sold me a fifth of whiskey and the landlord's name without taking her eyes off the book she was reading. — Andrew Cotto

Murder Mystery Quotes By Thomas K. Matthews

Write or perish in the banality of mediocrity! — Thomas K. Matthews

Murder Mystery Quotes By Beate Boeker

Carlina with her cat-like eyes who didn't fit into any category he knew. (Commissario Garini's difficulty with his prime suspect.) — Beate Boeker

Murder Mystery Quotes By Robert Benton

Twilight is about getting older and relationships - not about a murder mystery. It's about love when you reach a certain age; nothing is in primary colors. — Robert Benton

Murder Mystery Quotes By Joanne Fluke

She skinned her hair back into a ponytail, a style she knew was probably too young for her, but she planned to drive with her windows open and she could ditch the elastic band once she got to the lake. — Joanne Fluke

Murder Mystery Quotes By Christopher Bollen

My dad liked more macho adventure books like Shogun or spy novels. My mother reads murder mysteries. In fact, so does her mother, my grandma. That's where I trace the familial line of murder mystery obsession. — Christopher Bollen

Murder Mystery Quotes By Stacey D'Erasmo

Shelley Jackson's 'Half Life' is the textual equivalent of an installation, a multivocal, polymorphous, dialogic, dystopian satire wrapped around a murder mystery wrapped around a bildungsroman. — Stacey D'Erasmo

Murder Mystery Quotes By Rhys Ford

I stole a bit of a chopped vegetable and was about to put it in my mouth when Jae's long fingers closed over my wrist. "What? You can't eat this raw?"
"It's bitter melon. You won't like it." He went into the fridge and came out with something that looked halfway familiar. "Here, leftover bao. There's char siu inside."
"The red pork stuff? Yeah, I like that. I thought it was Chinese."
"It is. We also eat hamburgers and spaghetti. — Rhys Ford

Murder Mystery Quotes By Ed Lynskey

Quote taken from Chapter 1 of The Corpse Wore Gingham:
"You love to figure out things as much as I do," Piper said.
"Like what?" Bill asked.
"You fix broken stuff," Piper replied.
"Repairing a broken toaster or steam iron is far different than unraveling a murder mystery," Bill said. — Ed Lynskey

Murder Mystery Quotes By Travis Berketa

Only the virtuous can count on life, the pursuer of evil can only ever count on death. — Travis Berketa

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kaitlyn Dunnett

Except for the shapes of the windows, backlit by the streetlights that dotted the perimeter of the Moosetookalook town square, Liss could see very little in the darkness of the room she shared with her husband. The two front windows were raised as far as they would go, since Liss had been taught at an early age that fresh air was one of nature's best sleep aids. She had never had any reason to doubt that small bit of folk wisdom. — Kaitlyn Dunnett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Cotto

My mother's mother came to this country in the usual way--she got on a boat with other immigrants and sailed from Sicily. She wasn't one of them, however: neither tired nor poor or part of any huddled mass. Instead, she traveled alone, with her money in one sock and a knife in the other, coming to the new world with an old world motive--to murder the man that had left her for America. — Andrew Cotto

Murder Mystery Quotes By Umberto Eco

William made an ejaculation in his own language that I didn't understand, nor did the abbot understand it, and perhaps it was best for us both, because the word William uttered had an obscene hissing sound. — Umberto Eco

Murder Mystery Quotes By Laura Elizabeth

I am who I am and always shall be. — Laura Elizabeth

Murder Mystery Quotes By Alane Ferguson

What would you have if you didn't have a murder in a mystery? You'd have something for the lower-level readers. When you get up into the upper levels, there's nothing that will engage you or compel you or get your emotions churning like a murder. It's the ultimate stakes. — Alane Ferguson

Murder Mystery Quotes By Lee Strobel

there are worse things than death or murder." "Like what?" I asked. "Though it's hard to comprehend," he said, "the worst thing is to say to God that you don't need him. Why? Because a dead person can be restored to life by God; a bereaved person can find peace from God; a person who has been violated can find God's sustenance and strength and even see God conquer through the dark mystery of evil. In other words, there is recourse through these atrocities and tragedies. But to a person who says he or she doesn't need God, what is the recourse? There is none. — Lee Strobel

Murder Mystery Quotes By Kerri Maniscalco

Their minds were crying out to be set free, but they refused to unbind them. — Kerri Maniscalco

Murder Mystery Quotes By Gregory McDonald

Writing mysteries lets me get away with murder. I think 'the mystery' may be the greatest form for social criticism, simply because it is pedestrian. — Gregory McDonald

Murder Mystery Quotes By James Gary Vineyard

Spend less time on social media and more time reading and writing. — James Gary Vineyard

Murder Mystery Quotes By J.T. Lawrence

My heart is an empty refrigerator. — J.T. Lawrence

Murder Mystery Quotes By Celia Conrad

Lawyers aren't the most popular people, Miss Allen ... - Murder in Hand — Celia Conrad

Murder Mystery Quotes By Agatha Christie

The two words expressed volumes. — Agatha Christie

Murder Mystery Quotes By Paul Pilkington

But it was just her mind playing cruel tricks, and she tried to push away the irrational thought that Richard was still in there, waiting for someone to save his life. — Paul Pilkington

Murder Mystery Quotes By Guillaume Apollinaire

You alone in Europe are not ancient oh Christianity
The most modern European is you Pope Pius X
And you whom the windows observe shame keeps you
From entering a church and confessing this morning
You read the prospectuses the catalogues the billboards that sing aloud
That's the poetry this morning and for the prose there are the newspapers
There are the 25 centime serials full of murder mysteries
Portraits of great men and a thousand different headlines
("Zone") — Guillaume Apollinaire

Murder Mystery Quotes By Andrew Barrett

Henry was now very annoyed; he had dug himself into a hole so deep that they didn't make a rope long enough. — Andrew Barrett

Murder Mystery Quotes By Rajib Mukherjee

Life, like that water droplet, is everlasting and imperishable. There is only a transition, never an end ! — Rajib Mukherjee

Murder Mystery Quotes By Ann Cleeves

'Shetland' is adapted from the novel 'Red Bones.' The book is based around an archaeological dig, and the mystery starts with the murder of the elderly woman who crofts the land where the dig is happening. — Ann Cleeves

Murder Mystery Quotes By Chris Karlsen

Tonight, I'd like to fuck like every other bloody Englishman, with you on your back and me on top groaning and pumping away for a minute or so, then a nice sleep."
A sneer touched the edge of her mouth, then Isabeau laughed. "You English, you are so uninspired, a pity for your women. My soul cries for them."
"Yes, unimaginative lot that we are, we have somehow managed to colonize much of the world. — Chris Karlsen