Famous Quotes & Sayings

Multinomial Logit Quotes & Sayings

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Top Multinomial Logit Quotes

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Gleason Archer

Why did God allow Jephthah's foolish vow to run its course? (D*) — Gleason Archer

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Lionel Murphy

The people of Australia would be staggered to learn that Australia has no national development plan. — Lionel Murphy

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Joss Whedon

If you're someone who genuinely believes that women don't deserve or aren't as much as men, you're like the plague. On the big history chart, you're the plague ... It's just pointless and deadly. — Joss Whedon

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Bob Gill

It's much harder to be an in-house person than an outside person. — Bob Gill

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Jenna Helland

Hail Heliod, Lord of Breakfast," Xenagos shouted. "And Thassa, Queen of Puddles! — Jenna Helland

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Christopher Pike

Why am I talking about all this? Who am I talking to? I send out these words, these thoughts, simply because it is time. Time for what, I do not know and it does not matter because it is what I want and that is always reason enough for me. — Christopher Pike

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Klaus Kinski

I make movies for money, exclusively for money. — Klaus Kinski

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Anonymous

I'm a bitch because I can't be bothered trying anymore. Not when my efforts are rewarded with being treated like trash. Someone to be used, fucked and tossed out the morning after. My entire attitude might be seen as a cop-out, but I was so fucking tired of clawing my way out of the shit pile. People get to a point where they can't take anymore. Hope, faith and all that ... I've learnt the hard way just to let it go. Some people don't get their happy ending, no matter how deserving they are or aren't. Real life's a bitch and so am I. — Anonymous

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Had not a conviction of the danger to which an unlimited occupation of the executive chair would expose the republican Constitution of our Government, made it conscientiously a duty to retire when I did, the fear of becoming a dotard and of being insensible of it, would of itself have resisted all solicitations to remain. — Thomas Jefferson

Multinomial Logit Quotes By John Wooden

Material possessions, winning scores, and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord, because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters. — John Wooden

Multinomial Logit Quotes By John Fairbairn

there is no territory in the centre", and even if White gets imposing thickness or influence there, where are the weak Black groups to make use of it? They are invisible but Shuei sees them. — John Fairbairn

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Joseph Salerno

Government is an inherently inflationary institution and will ever remain so until it is dispossessed of its monopoly of the supply of money. — Joseph Salerno

Multinomial Logit Quotes By Zig Ziglar

Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there — Zig Ziglar