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Quotes & Sayings About Motivation At School

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Top Motivation At School Quotes

Motivation At School Quotes By Pat Conroy

The narrator welcomes new students to his school by offering to tell them who the easy teachers are, or who the good ones are. — Pat Conroy

Motivation At School Quotes By Andre Ward

In the school of boxing that I come from, that's frowned upon, giving up free shots, cos we know what those kinda shots do to a man's career, regardless of whether it shows up now, or shows up when you least need it. It takes a toll. — Andre Ward

Motivation At School Quotes By Peter Rogers

I'm gonna take all my sadness, frustration, anger and energy and channel it into becoming the best possible student.

I am going to become a learning machine...

Go ahead, go to all your parties. Go ahead and go home to your families and friends every weekend. You are probably smarter than me. But it doesn't matter. While you are goofing around, I'm gonna be studying, and I'm gonna catch you. — Peter Rogers

Motivation At School Quotes By Avinash Advani

Sometimes i feel that i am unlucky due to couldn't enroll in the Harvard Business School but at least by this encouragement that i enrolled in MBA in Human resource management program whereas i grown as a leader and build the team in the field of HRM through motivation. — Avinash Advani

Motivation At School Quotes By Ivan Illich

Creative, exploratory learning requires peers currently puzzled about the same terms or problems. Large universities make the futile attempt to match them by multiplying their courses, and they generally fail since they are bound to curriculum, course structure, and bureaucratic administration. In schools, including universities, most resources are spent to purchase the time and motivation of a limited number of people to take up predetermined problems in a ritually defined setting. The most radical alternative to school would be a network or service which gave each man the same opportunity to share his current concern with others motivated by the same concern. — Ivan Illich

Motivation At School Quotes By Mohlalefi J Motsima

Hate school but love school and threat it right so you can be where you love to be all right? — Mohlalefi J Motsima

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

With diligent practice, you will be an expert. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Beta Metani'Marashi

You can gain knowledge from school but you can't get motivation, knowledge & education can't get you anywhere without motivation. — Beta Metani'Marashi

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Every child ought to be educated. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Nonito Donaire

I wanted to bring that old school mentality of "Fight Me!, Fight me!" — Nonito Donaire

Motivation At School Quotes By William C. Menninger

A fellow must know where he wants to go, if he is going to get anywhere. It is so easy just to drift along. Some people go through school as if they thought they were doing their families a favor. On a job, they work along in a humdrum way, interested only in their salary check. They don't have a goal. When anyone crosses them up, they take their marbles and walk out. The people who go places and do things make the most of every situation. They are ready for the next thing that comes along on the road to their goal. They know what they want and are willing to go an extra mile. — William C. Menninger

Motivation At School Quotes By Leonard Sax

Quoting an experienced school counselor: "You can't change a bully into a flower child, but you can change him into a knight. — Leonard Sax

Motivation At School Quotes By Amartya Sen

He wrote extensively on how schools should be made more attractive to boys and girls and thus more productive. His own co-educational school at Santiniketan had many progressive features. The emphasis here was on self-motivation rather than on discipline, and on fostering intellectual curiosity rather than competitive excellence. — Amartya Sen

Motivation At School Quotes By Mehek Bassi

On this thanksgiving, I would like to thank that one girl, who never lost hope despite all odds were against her, who always worked, and moved on, despite losing all friends just after leaving school, a time when you need friends the most! Who had immense strength and will-power and so much inspiration inside her that she ended up being happy, satisfied, and successful, all alone.
That one girl who always smiles in the mirror, and says, 'Bitch, you have a long way to go, and you gotta travel all alone, depending upon anyone will make you weak, so buck up, there's a lot you gotta do!' On this thanksgiving, I thank myself, my soul for being so majestically robust!
I would have thanked other people, but sadly, nobody ever helped me, more than I helped myself ... — Mehek Bassi

Motivation At School Quotes By School Library Journal

If there's one overarching theme in "Guys Read", it's the simple but important message: "read what you like, when you like, whatever that happens to be. — School Library Journal

Motivation At School Quotes By Madeline Levine

Until they enter elementary school most youngsters are motivated by the challenge itself, not by stars or grades or rewards. This is called mastery motivation and is the form of learning most likely to lead to both engagement and persistence, and ultimately to expertise. — Madeline Levine

Motivation At School Quotes By Richard P. Feynman

I learned a lot of different things from different schools. MIT is a very good place ... . It has developed for itself a spirit, so that every member of the whole place thinks that it's the most wonderful place in the world - it's the center, somehow, of scientific and technological development in the United States, if not the world ... and while you don't get a good sense of proportion there, you do get an excellent sense of being with it and in it, and having motivation and desire to keep on — Richard P. Feynman

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Read to find life treasures — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Every child should be taught how to read, write and think. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Mitch Kapor

Today, in the Internet gold rush, so many people go into dot-com jobs right from school or even before finishing. Their motivation is understandable, but sometimes they just lack experience. — Mitch Kapor

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

May you have strength to complete studies. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Mike Piazza

Nobody wanted me. Scouts told me to go to school, to forget baseball. Coaches said, 'You're never going to make it.' I appreciated their honesty, because I think when someone tells you something you may not like, you have to use that as fuel for motivation. — Mike Piazza

Motivation At School Quotes By James Toney

I represent boxing. I represent the old school. That's me. — James Toney

Motivation At School Quotes By Julia Suzuki

I told you it would be difficult! If I were you I would just not bother trying these tasks! They are great challenges, clearly too great for you." said Guya, but there was a certain sparkle in his eye as he said it.
"I shall complete your tasks, " said Yoshiko firmly.
"And I'll be back sooner than you think!"
With that he spread his wings to head for Fire School. "Oh and one more thing Guya" Yoshiko added. Perhaps when I return you will be so kind as to stop calling me a little dragon!"
As Yoshiko flew off Guya chuckled to himself. — Julia Suzuki

Motivation At School Quotes By John Holt

It is hard not to feel that there must be something very wrong with much of what we do in school, if we feel the need to worry so much about what many people call 'motivation'. A child has no stronger desire than to make sense of the world, to move freely in it, to do the things that he sees bigger people doing. — John Holt

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Graduate school introduces student to extensive knowledge search. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Izabel Goulart

Sports have always been a big part of my life. At school, I played a lot of different sports, and I was competing with other schools. I did everything: running, volleyball, basketball, soccer, Olympic-style gymnastics, and more! My history with sports gave me good concentration, focus, strength, and motivation to stay healthy. — Izabel Goulart

Motivation At School Quotes By Bill Watterson

At school, new ideas are thrust at you every day. Out in the world, you'll have to find your inner motivation to seek for new ideas on your own. — Bill Watterson

Motivation At School Quotes By Narendra Modi

Let the professionals like doctors & engineers teach in schools once a week. Let's make teaching a national movement necessary for Nation building. — Narendra Modi

Motivation At School Quotes By Robert Ballard

Everything I'm going to present to you was not in my textbooks when I went to school ... not even in my college textbooks. I'm a geophysicist, and [in] all my Earth science books when I was a student - I had to give the wrong answer to get an A. — Robert Ballard

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The more we read, the better we are informed. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By Cynthia Hand

It's just high school, man. Those guys are just high school guys, and in ten years they're going to be working for people like me. I know that. I just have to make it through two more years. — Cynthia Hand

Motivation At School Quotes By Pierce Brown

I was learning the craft; I didn't study writing in school. Rejection was my motivation, and failure is what taught me. — Pierce Brown

Motivation At School Quotes By Connor Franta

Forget about self-image and self-judgment. It's about self-love, and no one teaches you that at school. No one teaches you that if you accept and love yourself, nothing and no one can touch you.
This is the only face and body you're ever going to get, so be comfortable and happy in it. Own it. Own every aspect of who you are and present it to the world with the utmost pride. — Connor Franta

Motivation At School Quotes By Kevin Kelly DO The Pursuit Of Xceptional Execution

In 2007, Stanford Business School Advisory committee asserted that self awareness was the most important attribute a leader should develop. The challenge for the modern entrepreneur is to take that path. — Kevin Kelly DO The Pursuit Of Xceptional Execution

Motivation At School Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Education stimulates self-study. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Motivation At School Quotes By JohnA Passaro

We spend 8 hours a day, for 10 months a year, for nearly 17 years sending our kids to school to prepare them for life.
In all of that time there is never a course in overcoming adversity, goal setting, sacrifice, perseverance, teammates, or family.
I guess that's what wrestling is for. — JohnA Passaro

Motivation At School Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

As a former high school teacher and a student in a class of 60 urchins at St. Brigid's grammar school, I know that education is all about discipline and motivation. Disadvantaged students need extra attention, a stable school environment, and enough teacher creativity to stimulate their imaginations. Those things are not expensive. — Bill O'Reilly

Motivation At School Quotes By Peter M. Senge

Our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning. The forces of destruction begin with toddlers - a prize for the best Halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars - and on up through the university. On the job, people, teams, and divisions are ranked, reward for the top, punishment for the bottom. Management by Objectives, quotas, incentive pay, business plans, put together separately, division by division, cause further loss, unknown and unknowable. — Peter M. Senge

Motivation At School Quotes By Mehek Bassi

I adore the ocean and its vastness, as if it is trying to teach me something, as if it is trying to teach me to remain calm whatever the situation maybe. It holds such a huge amount of water but always remains content and at peace, while we people lose our calm even at smallest of tensions that we get in life. It teaches us to keep our secrets safe within. It has an entire habitat residing in its heart, but we haven't been able to explore it fully, same way, we must keep our secrets tightly bound within us. If we will share them, the world will lose the curiosity, just like we will lose curiosity if we will come to know fully about the aquatic life. It teaches us to provide without seeking. It houses innumerable species inside and never asks them for anything, we must also help the needy and provide if we have in abundance. The ocean teaches us lessons that books or school can't teach us. — Mehek Bassi