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Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Barbara Delinsky

She's my mother. I'm not sure you get the same kind of unconditional love in your life from anyone but a mother. — Barbara Delinsky

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Miguel Ruiz

All your life you tried to be good enough for somebody else, and you left yourself last. You sacrificed your personal freedom to live according to somebody else's point of view. You tried to be good enough for your mother, your father, your teachers, your beloved, your children, your religion, and society. After trying for so many years, you try to be good enough for yourself, and you find out that you're not good enough for yourself. Why not put yourself first, maybe for the first time in your life? You can relearn how to love yourself by accepting yourself, unconditionally. And you can start by projecting unconditional love to the authentic you. — Miguel Ruiz

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Maya Banks

Simply holding on to that tangible link between mother and daughter. A bond like no other. Irreplaceable. Unwavering. Old as time itself. There truly was nothing like the love of a mother. Unconditional. Solid. Indefinable and limitless. Capable of surviving anything. Able to triumph over the impossible. — Maya Banks

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Chiara Barzini

Being a mother is the perfect experience for any writer. You learn how to not waste time. The writing hours become incredibly precious and concentrated because the rest of your day is completely packed with diapers, edible liquid foods that look like pooh, tiny bathtubs, and unconditional love. — Chiara Barzini

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Lionel Shriver

I realize it's commonplace for parents to say to their child sternly, 'I love you, but I don't always like you.' But what kind of love is that? It seems to me that comes down to, 'I'm not oblivious to you - that is, you can still hurt my feelings - but I can't stand having you around.' Who wants to be loved like that? Given a choice, I might skip the deep blood tie and settle for being liked. I wonder if wouldn't have been more moved if my own mother had taken me in her arms and said, 'I like you.' I wonder if just enjoying your kid's company isn't more important. — Lionel Shriver

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Mehmet Oz

My mother was all about unconditional love, and I don't think we give that to our patients a lot. At the end of the day, what they really need you to do is to look at them in the eye and say, 'I'm here for you. I'm going to make sure this works out.' — Mehmet Oz

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Matthew Quick

Your mother is risking a lot, because she believes in you. — Matthew Quick

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Melanie Gideon

What was unspoken between us, what need never be explained or said, was that nobody would ever love us again like our mothers did. Yes, we would be loved, by our fathers, our friends, our siblings, our aunts and uncles and grandparents and spouses
and our children if we chose to have them
but never would we experience that kind of unconditional, nothing-you-can-do-will-turn-me-away-from-you kind of mother love. — Melanie Gideon

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Pope Francis

To be a mother is a great treasure. Mothers, in their unconditional and sacrificial love for their children, are the antidote to individualism; they are the greatest enemies against war. — Pope Francis

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Lisa See

In our country we call this type of mother love teng ai. My son has told me that in men's writing it is composed of two characters. The first means pain; the second means love. That is a mother's love. — Lisa See

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Anna Jarzab

From early childhood, I had been told how smart I was, and throughout my life various people had tried so hard to teach me everything there was to know. But it occurred to me then how negligent they had been in teaching me how to love. I had two example of love in life - my mother's, absolute and over- burdened, the trial of love; and my father's, the cold and ambitious pursuit of meaning in love, the desire to turn it into a product with a worth that could be measured. Of the two options, I had skewed towards the former, disappointed with my father's method, and so I had bestowed a sort of unconditional love on Carly without really understanding what it meant. I wished that just one person had taught me a way to love her less. If I had loved her less, maybe I wouldn't have hated her so much. And maybe then I could have forgiven her. — Anna Jarzab

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Kristin Hannah

When you grow up as I have, a lost girl without any real past, you latch on to the people who seem to love you. At least that's what I did. It started early, my holding on too tightly and needing too much. I always craved love. The unconditional, even unearned kind. I needed someone to say it to me. Not to sound poor me, but my mother never said it. — Kristin Hannah

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Kim Wayans

A mother's love is supposed to be unconditional. That you could give your child up, over their sexuality, is unthinkable. — Kim Wayans

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Revathi Sankaran

A mother's love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever. — Revathi Sankaran

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Ruta Sepetys

Mother was comfort. Mother was home. A girl who lost her mother was suddenly a tiny boat on an angry ocean. Some boats eventually floated ashore. And some boats, like me, seemed to float farther and farther from land — Ruta Sepetys

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Jeremy Griffith

Mother's love created our awe-inspiring moral sense — Jeremy Griffith

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Elana K. Arnold

There is no such thing as unconditional love," my mother told me. "I could stop loving you at any time. — Elana K. Arnold

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Elissa Janine Hoole

I used to believe in so many things - elves and leprechauns, virgins riding unicorns. I trusted that the world was made up of people who were generally good, though they may have lost their way temporarily. The faith my mother gave me - the words she whispered when she said good night, the idea that gave me hope for the two of us even when we fought bitterly over trivial things, as mothers and daughters do, I guess - was her belief in love, a love so unconditional we could barely scratch at the edges of comprehending it. — Elissa Janine Hoole

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Anthony Browne

My dad never decided what he wanted to do; at times he fought in the army, was a teacher, a boxer, a light engineer, and a then a publican. My mum was a traditional housewife and mother. They showed my brother and I unconditional love. — Anthony Browne

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Janny Scott

As it was, she gave him the single most important gift a parent can give - "a sense of unconditional love that was big enough that, with all the surface disturbances of our lives, it sustained me, entirely." People wonder about his calm and even-keeled manner, the [P]resident observed. He credited the temperament he was born with and the fact that "from a very early age, I always felt I was loved and that my mother thought I was special. — Janny Scott

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Hope Edelman

There is an emptiness inside of me
a void that will never be filled. No one in your life will ever love you as your mother does. There is no love as pure, unconditional and strong as a mother's love. And I will never be loved that way again. — Hope Edelman

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Jeremy Griffith

We all intuitively know that a mother's love is crucial to the creation of a well-adjusted human and that we are all born with an instinctive expectation of receiving unconditionally selfless love from our mother. — Jeremy Griffith

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Ellen Barkin

When a 12-year-old, a 13-year-old, so desperately wants a baby what she's looking for is the kind of unconditional love a child gives a mother and a mother gives a child. — Ellen Barkin

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Terry A. O'Neal

I have always been their rock. A mother's unconditional love is fervent enough to battle against the gates of hell, rise up from her knees and stand gallant, in spite of her gaping war wounds. If only they knew the battle fought and the flood of tearshed without having to endure such agony. — Terry A. O'Neal

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Natasa Nuit Pantovic

His Consciousness

To Glorious Wisdom of Love
To the Profound Heart Sound
To Great Awareness of the enlightened few
To Limitless Space of Compassion
To Alertness of Bliss and Emptiness

To the Mind riding on the wind of Light
To Amitaba and Amideva
To Milarepa and Baba Ji
To you my Father and Mother
Whose Merge brought me here
To experience
The Diamond Being
Within the Primordial Consciousness
of One — Natasa Nuit Pantovic

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Halle Berry

You think you know what love is - until you have a child and discover that unconditional mother love. — Halle Berry

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Rajneesh

To be motherly is a totally different phenomenon. It is something absolutely human; it transcends animality. It has nothing to do with biology. It is love, pure love, unconditional love. When a mother loves unconditionally - and only a mother can love unconditionally - the child learns the joy of unconditional love. The child becomes capable of loving unconditionally. And to be able to love unconditionally is to be religious. And it is the easiest thing for a woman to do. It is easy for her because naturally she is ready for it. — Rajneesh

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Cindy Crawford

I am inspired by many people. First and foremost, I'm inspired by my mother. She definitely helped her children to feel unconditional love and I want to be that same kind of mother. — Cindy Crawford

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Lena Dunham

My mother and I are in the worst fight we've ever had, one that tests the concept of unconditional love, not to mention basic human decency. And the thing is, no one is right exactly. We both followed our hearts and had no choice but to hurt each other deeply. — Lena Dunham

Mother's Unconditional Love Quotes By Mitch Albom

When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth. — Mitch Albom