Famous Quotes & Sayings

Morningstar Quotes & Sayings

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Top Morningstar Quotes

Morningstar Quotes By Joe Mansueto

I spent the bulk of my career on building my company, and Morningstar is where the passion is. — Joe Mansueto

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

Mad, in exasperation, cried out to the unseen force, "Why did you summon us? There must be a reason. Tell us." She heard a dreamlike voice.
"You are Stargirls." The voice paused, letting the fog and confusion of their nightmare to lift.
Lyn found her voice, "But why us?"
"You are the chosen ones by prophecy; you have proven your worthiness. A time warp brought you here. The one you opened was no accident. It was left a hundred thousand years ago just for you. Your Star training as children has prepared you well. You are ready for the next stage in your evolution. — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Adrian Phoenix

It's a good thing I love you, because you officially just scared the shit out of me."
"A good thing yea," Dante agreed, squeezing her hand before releasing it.
"She's not alone in those sentiments," the Morningstar said, "Except for the love. I make no clamis there yet, little creaw-Dante — Adrian Phoenix

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

Remember Ping-fa, Sun Tzu,' Art of War - read between the lines: kick ass and take names later."

Stargirl — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Sarah A. Kenney

He was a demon who dreamed of a Star..
She was a Star who dreamed of Falling.. — Sarah A. Kenney

Morningstar Quotes By Shawn Amos

Social media is social. We're looking to touch one heart at a time. With one great story at a time. — Shawn Amos

Morningstar Quotes By Jane Wilson-Howarth

A dementia sufferer effuses delight and notices very different things when taken out in her wheelchair. Such people can teach us to see again the little things that make a big difference. They can show us how to enjoy familiar environments with fresh new eyes. — Jane Wilson-Howarth

Morningstar Quotes By Santonu Kumar Dhar

A marriage is a way of accepting love and commitment of a man and woman in front of God, before moving to a new life. — Santonu Kumar Dhar

Morningstar Quotes By Neil Gaiman

You say I have no power? Perhaps you speak truly ... But - you say that dreams have no power here? Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar ... Ask yourselves, all of you ... What power would hell have if those imprisoned were not able to dream of heaven? — Neil Gaiman

Morningstar Quotes By Joe Mansueto

I'm trying to set a good example. I don't need to take a high salary, which would impede the success of Morningstar. — Joe Mansueto

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

I know if I died tonight, I would die a happy man at peace with myself knowing Gloria's story would finally be told - a mysterious and astonishing story that defies the timeworn precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry - where insanity, genius, the metaphysical, and the mystery of life come together to beguile and confound our contemporary understanding of the mind and its limitless powers to heal.
Dr. Adam Jaxon — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Gillian Flynn

Back when people read things on paper, — Gillian Flynn

Morningstar Quotes By Herman Wouk

The films of The Caine Mutiny and Marjorie Morningstar always seemed to me mere thin skims of the story lines, and I never did see a meager Hollywood caper called Youngblood Hawke, vaguely based on my 800-page novel. So it was that I opted for television, with its much broader time limits, for The Winds of War. — Herman Wouk

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

Lyn, this was the "Aha!" moment when Desta found another astonishing skeleton. Remarkably, it appeared utterly human but existed before humans walked the Earth. Clutched in its hand a small sphere attached to an elaborate gold necklace. The sphere was not like any material on Earth. Remember when I told you our origins might lie in the stars? Well, I think we found the answer in the Afar desert
Max — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Warren G. Bennis

Trust resides squarely between faith and doubt. — Warren G. Bennis

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others."

The Guardian — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Sarah Dessen

But this, too, wasn't true. Leaving was easy. It was everything else that was so dammed hard. — Sarah Dessen

Morningstar Quotes By Todd Alcott

Different narrative forms naturally lend themselves to different aspects of existence. The novel is ideal for presenting the inner lives of its characters, the play is ideal for showing people in a room talking and movies are ideal for showing large metal objects hurtling through the air. — Todd Alcott

Morningstar Quotes By George R R Martin

If I took it away, no doubt I'd find a morningstar hidden under your pillow within a fortnight. Try not to stab your sister, whatever the provocation. — George R R Martin

Morningstar Quotes By Antwone Quenton Fisher

What's meant to be...
will always find it's way! — Antwone Quenton Fisher

Morningstar Quotes By Bill James

One of those largish US women writers on the metaphysics of shagging had declared, as if it were a revelation - and a terrible one - that the sex act inevitably entailed violence on the female. Well, of course it did, you well-meaning, trite, benighted duck. — Bill James

Morningstar Quotes By Courtney Allison Moulton

It's over."
"I am not the only lord in Hell. Others will rise to take my place. The Morningstar will crave revenge."
"Let them come. — Courtney Allison Moulton

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

A writer's work is never done until death closes the book. — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Chip Kidd

Twenty-six letters: Marjorie Morningstar or Ulysses.
The man-made world means exactly that. There isn't an inch of it that doesn't have to be dealt with, figured out, executed. And it's waiting for you to decide what it's going to look like. — Chip Kidd

Morningstar Quotes By Idina Menzel

As a mom, I don't have much time for beauty. — Idina Menzel

Morningstar Quotes By George R R Martin

Ser Rodrik shouted "Winterfell!" and rode to meet him, with Bronn and Chiggen beside him, screaming some wordless battle cry. Ser Willis Wode followed, swinging a spiked morningstar around his head. "Harrenhal! Harrenhal!" he sang. Tyrion felt a sudden urge to leap up, brandish his axe, and boom out, "Casterly Rock!" but the insanity passed quickly and he crouched down lower. — George R R Martin

Morningstar Quotes By Norman Mailer

I don't read other writers because I'm writing all the time. It's too disturbing to read a writer with a good style when you're in the middle of putting your work together. — Norman Mailer

Morningstar Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Have - have you got an appointment?' he said.
'I don't know,' said Carrot. 'Have we got an appointment?'
'I've got an iron ball with spikes on,' Nobby volunteered.
'That's a morningstar, Nobby.'
'Is it?'
'Yes,' said Carrot. 'An appointment is an engagement to see someone, while a morningstar is a large lump of metal used for viciously crushing skulls. It is important not to confuse the two, isn't it, Mr-?' He raised his eyebrows.
'Boffo, sir. But-'
'So if you could perhaps run along and tell Dr Whiteface we're here with an iron ball with spi- What am I saying? I mean, without an appointment to see him? Please? Thank you. — Terry Pratchett

Morningstar Quotes By Linden Morningstar

I believe I have said this before, but it's worth repeating. The patient's resources stop where the therapist's beliefs stop. It is critical that the therapist have an open mind and complete faith in the patient's deeper resources. The most formidable and potent resources must be approached with respect, taken seriously and accepted on faith. Understand the information and knowledge shared with the therapist is entirely dependent on his or her level of development, their ability to properly use what is communicated for the patient's or therapist's benefit and welfare, and the level of trust and belief the resource has in the therapist. The success of their bond and their mission is founded on mutual trust, respect, and faith in each others abilities and potentials. Remember this!"

The Guardian — Linden Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By Joan Bauer

I reached into my bag and pulled out a pumpkin spice muffin with walnuts that was as moist as anything. "It can be plain for breakfast or I can top it with cream cheese frosting. I like a muffin that can go from day to evening."
I gave it to her. She sniffed it, nodded, and held it up.
"How do I know you're not trying to poison me?"
I wasn't expecting that question. "Ms. Morningstar, I swear, if I was going to poison you, I wouldn't ruin a perfectly fine muffin to do it. — Joan Bauer

Morningstar Quotes By Aya Morningstar

was it. You want — Aya Morningstar

Morningstar Quotes By George R R Martin

One of your northmen hit me with a morningstar during the battle on the Green Fork. I escaped him by falling off my horse. (Tyrion) — George R R Martin

Morningstar Quotes By Dustin Diamond

It pisses me off, people are idiots, but what are you going to do? The world is full of idiots. That's why we'll never have flying cars. People don't know how to drive — Dustin Diamond

Morningstar Quotes By Win Butler

I think filmmakers all secretly wanna be musicians and all musicians secretly wanna be filmmakers. — Win Butler

Morningstar Quotes By J. Aleksandr Wootton

A fear conquered is a fear harnessed.
-Wysteria MorningstarJ. Aleksandr Wootton

Morningstar Quotes By Ken Scott

Good fiction is trawling back into the past and digging up the real characters who've influenced your entire being. — Ken Scott

Morningstar Quotes By Kelly Osbourne

I think I take my style from all walks of life, and all generations and decades of life as well. I love mixing '50s with '80s and classic with punk. — Kelly Osbourne