Famous Quotes & Sayings

Month Themes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Month Themes Quotes

Month Themes Quotes By Deepak Chopra

The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself. — Deepak Chopra

Month Themes Quotes By Grace Cavalieri

I get a huge energy transfusion from listening to poets read their works. — Grace Cavalieri

Month Themes Quotes By Jill Paton Walsh

It's the Queen's English now,' observed Peter mildly.

'Is there a difference?' asked Oundle rhetorically. 'I fervently hope not.'

'There will be in time,' said Peter.

'That will be deplorable,' replied Oudle. 'I shall not myself deviate by a syllable from correct usage.'

'My language is foul, and yours is Fowler?' said Peter, and added one of his sudden quirky smiles, 'or know your Onions.'

This quip crossed the barrier of the table, because the man sitting nearly opposite Peter laughed.

'Onions?' said Oudle.

'C.T. Onions, I imagine,' said the man opposite. 'Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary.'

'Oh, I see,' said Oudle. 'Very droll. — Jill Paton Walsh

Month Themes Quotes By Claudia Gray

Not even you can save the whole galaxy before breakfast. — Claudia Gray

Month Themes Quotes By C.D. Bell

She ran as the first maples started to change color, then the oak.
She jumped over roots, she sidestepped brambles, her footfalls echoing off plank bridges traversing streams.
She was the first person at practice. The last to go home.
She ran for speed. She ran for distance. She stretched carefully first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. — C.D. Bell

Month Themes Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

It is merely this world that is chaotic, bringing changes to us all that nobody could have anticipated. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Month Themes Quotes By Sun Myung Moon

Any politician who wants to run for president will come to me in a few years. — Sun Myung Moon

Month Themes Quotes By Alison Goldfrapp

I honestly find it easier to dance about in heels than I do to walk down the street in them. — Alison Goldfrapp

Month Themes Quotes By Isla Fisher

I love religions and find them fascinating, and I find Judaism very beautiful. It's enriched my life enormously. — Isla Fisher

Month Themes Quotes By Jerry Lawler

Michael Cole, what did you get for Christmas? Except drunk. — Jerry Lawler

Month Themes Quotes By Noelle Adams

You're my hope for the future and my call to be a better man and I do hope one day you'll be my wife. — Noelle Adams