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Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes & Sayings

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Top Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Sarah Noffke

People will tell you that money doesn't buy happiness. They're bloody right. It buys experiences and power and influence and that's a whole lot better than stupid happiness. — Sarah Noffke

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By J.T. Geissinger

The myth of true love is one of the greatest self-deceptions ever embraced by the female sex. It's right up there with the ridiculous notion that money can't buy happiness and size doesn't matter. — J.T. Geissinger

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Ross Perot

Guys, just remember, if you get lucky, if you make a lot of money, if you get out and buy a lot of stuff
it's gonna break. You got your biggest, fanciest mansion in the world. It has air conditioning. It's got a pool. Just think of all the pumps that are going to go out. Or go to a yacht basin any place in the world. Nobody is smiling, and I'll tell you why. Something broke that morning. The generator's out; the microwave oven doesn't work ... Things just don't mean happiness. — Ross Perot

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Denzel Washington

Money doesn't buy happiness. Some people say it's a heck of a down payment, though. — Denzel Washington

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Victoria Osteen

I think money helps us. It helps us. It's our - it's our exchange system. But it does not buy you happiness. It doesn't buy you health. — Victoria Osteen

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Burt Reynolds

Money doesn't buy happiness. It buys great hookers - but not happiness. — Burt Reynolds

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Chelsea Handler

The saying that money doesn't buy you happiness is true. But it sure as fuck helps. — Chelsea Handler

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By John Caudwell

I would be the first to say that while a lack of money can cause misery, money doesn't buy you happiness. — John Caudwell

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Johnny Depp

[on buying a private island] Money doesn't buy you happiness, but it buys you a big enough yacht to sail right up to it. — Johnny Depp

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Melissa Febos

I used to think that happiness, like God, was an idea weaker people were sold on, to manage the grief of a world with so much suffering. It is just easier, I thought, to decide that you are doing something wrong and you just need to buy the right thing, read the right book, find the right guru, or pray more to be happy than to accept that life is a great long heartbreak. Happiness is not what I imagined that mirage to be: an unending ecstasy or state of perpetual excitement. Not a high or a mirage, it is just being okay. My happiness is the absence of fear that there won't be enough
enough money, enough power, enough security, enough of a cushion of these things to protect me from the everyday heartbreaks of being human. Heartbreak doesn't kill you. It changes you. — Melissa Febos

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Jean Seberg

Money doesn't buy happiness. But happiness isn't everything. — Jean Seberg

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Anonymous

Remember that while money doesn't buy happiness, the lack of it certainly breeds misery. — Anonymous

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Daniel Tosh

They say money doesn't buy happiness. That phrase should end with 'just kidding'. — Daniel Tosh

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Lapo Elkann

Just because you're born in a privileged family and have money doesn't mean you're happy. Happiness you can't buy. Happiness is something you need to work for. — Lapo Elkann

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Bill Dedman

Though the platitude - money can't buy happiness - may be comforting to those who are less than well heeled, great wealth doesn't ensure sadness either. — Bill Dedman

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Sacha Guitry

One says that money doesn't buy happiness. Without a doubt, one was speaking of the money of others. — Sacha Guitry

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Alexander Payne

Joe E. Lewis said, 'Money doesn't buy happiness but it calms the nerves.' And that is how I feel about a film being well-received. — Alexander Payne

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Suzanne Young

Haven't you heard? Money doesn't buy happiness. Just really nice cars. — Suzanne Young

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Teresa Mummert

Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys power, and that is even better. — Teresa Mummert

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Sergey Brin

You always hear the phrase, money doesn't buy you happiness. But I always in the back of my mind figured a lot of money will buy you a little bit of happiness. But it's not really true. I got a new car because the old one's lease expired. — Sergey Brin

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Money doesn't buy happiness, Gytha."
"I only wanted to rent it for a few weeks! — Terry Pratchett

Money Doesn't Buy You Happiness Quotes By Daniel Kahneman

It's nonsense to say money doesn't buy happiness, but people exaggerate the extent to which more money can buy more happiness. — Daniel Kahneman