Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Missional Church

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Top Missional Church Quotes

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

The mission that God has given us is a highly relational mission. Jesus said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" John 20:21. Jesus came into this world, lived in obscurity for 30 years and then spent three years relationally investing in twelve men, whose charge was to do the same thing by relationally investing in others. This strategy has worked for 2000 years each of us has been touched by someone reaching out to and investing in us relationally, thus advancing the gospel and the mission of God. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

If we're going to impact our world in the name of Jesus, it will be because people like you and me took action in the power of the Spirit. Ever since the mission and ministry of Jesus, God has never stopped calling for a movement of "Little Jesuses" to follow him into the world and unleash the remarkable redemptive genius that lies in the very message we carry. Given the situation of the Church in the West, much will now depend on whether we are willing to break out of a stifling herd instinct and find God again in the context of the advancing kingdom of God. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

If a church is good at making disciples it will be good at making leaders because in the end, a good spiritual formation plan will lead to an accelerated spiritual multiplication. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

It is important to note that the missional church combines the concern for community development normally characterized by the liberal churches and the desire for personal and community transformation normally characterized by the evangelical movement. This blurring of the old lines of demarcation between theologies, doctrine, and ideology within the church makes the way open for much more integrated mission to occur. It's like saying that we want to prepare like an evangelical; preach like a Pentecostal; pray like a mystic; do the spiritual disciplines like a Desert Father, art like a Catholic, and social justice like a liberal. — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Missional leaders not only feel the burden of God's mission but they also act on the burden and act upon it sacrificially. Leading a missional church is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and to lead the church beyond it personal limits. Brokenness, inner turmoil and sacrifice will always be part of the missional leader's life. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Tim Chester

Before they are preachers, leaders or church planters, the disciples are to be lovers! This is the test of whether or not they have known Jesus. This remains the case today: this cross-love is the primary, dynamic test of whether or not we have understood the gospel word and experienced its power ... It is our cross-love for each other that proclaims the truth of the gospel to a watching and skeptical world. Our love for one another, to the extent that it imitates and conforms to the cross-love of Jesus for us, is evangelistic.
pp. 56-7 — Tim Chester

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Father, help me focus on my strengths and trust others to fill the gaps of my weaknesses"

Every leader knows the skills in which they excel. They also are aware of those tasks that they maintain a certain level of competence along with those duties they struggle in accomplishing. In my experience there are "want to's" and the "have to's" of leadership. The "want to's" energize a leader and the "have to's" zap the leader's creativity and time. The quicker a leader can find those around them that will fill the gaps of their weaknesses, the more effective they will be in achieving God's mission. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

Being more missional might actually mean doing fewer things. There is a Latin American proverb that says, "If you don't know where you're coming from, and if you don't know where you're going, then any bus will do." Some congregations are clearly riding too many busesl What they need is not more flurry, but more focus. Becoming disciplined about being a missional church can provide such a focus.[16 — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

The worst mistake has been that Christians have tried to make their church programs or worship services their third place place other than their home or workplace where they can relax and be in good company on a regular basis . The key is that third places need to be in public zones."- What if more Christians spent their regular "church" time in places where they could meet others and begin relationships with them What might happen — Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

Missional Church Quotes By Stanley Hauerwas

We would like a church that again asserts that God, not nations, rules the world, that the boundaries of God's kingdom transcend those of Caesar, and that the main political task of the church is the formation of people who see clearly the cost of discipleship and are willing to pay the price. — Stanley Hauerwas

Missional Church Quotes By Darrin Patrick

A good preacher, for example, must be able to exegete not only the text but also the culture of the hearers in order to be a faithful and fruitful missionary. We are to bring the gospel through the church to the world and avoid allowing the world to influence the church and corrupt the gospel. This definition also hints at the thoroughness required in contextualization. It must be comprehensive. This involves examining every aspect of the text being preached and the truth being explained through the eyes of those who are listening to that truth.17 This is why a missional pastor should always preach as if there are unbelievers in the crowd. He should never assume that his audience is comprised only of those already convinced of the truth and power of the gospel. We must literally consider everything we do through the lens of the unbeliever, always asking the question, "How does this come across to unbelievers?"18 — Darrin Patrick

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

In missional churches, the baby birds have been pushed out of the nest and are learning to fly for themselves. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

On an individual and corporate level the church is learning to love and accept people where they are at on their journey along with providing opportunities and experiences for them to engage relationally with other Christians along with exploring the implications of Christ's teachings. I am a big proponent of the concept that Christianity is more "caught that taught" and that a person's meaningful involvement in the process is critical to them experiencing the power of the gospel in their lives. This meaningful involvement takes time and persevering love. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

As the church get older and older it becomes harder to keep evangelism on the front burner because of all the competing issues that keeps pushing it back. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

As missional leaders we need to see God as:

Bigger than the problems we endure.
Bigger than the pressures we experience.
Bigger than the people who criticize us.
Bigger than the pain we suffer.
Bigger than the praise we receive.
Bigger than the pride in our hearts. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Remember all missional advancement always engages missional resistance. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Andy Stanley

As a leader it is your job to protect the missional integrity of the Jesus gathering to which you have been called. It is your responsibility to see to it that the church under your care continues as a gathering of people in process; a place where the curious,the unconvinced, the sceptical, the used-to-believe and the broken, as well as the committed, informed and sold-out come together around Peter's declaration that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. — Andy Stanley

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

The missional church will take context seriously, but will also work on recovering the biblical narrative with its richness and potency for today's world. When story and context are equally embraced, we are beginning to think and act missionally. — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

The mission that Jesus invites us to participate in is primarily a relational one in nature. Our ability to sustain our relationship in a meaningful way will have a direct impact on our missional fruitfulness. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Tim Chester

The challenge for us is to make the gospel the center of our lives not just on Sunday mornings but on Monday mornings. This means ending distinctions between "full-timers," "part-timers," and people with secular employment in our team and leadership structures. We need non-full-time leaders who can model whole-life, gospel-centered, missional living. It means thinking of our workplaces, homes, and neighborhoods as the location of mission. We need to plan and pray for gospel relationships. This means creating church cultures in which we see normal, celebrating day-to-day gospel living in the secular world and discussions of how we can use our daily routines for the gospel. — Tim Chester

Missional Church Quotes By James MacDonald

The problem in the church today is that we treat God's glory as a by-product and the missional activities of the church as the primary thing when the opposite is what Scripture demands. We don't proclaim the gospel and feed the poor and shepherd the flock in hopes that God's glory will be the by-product of those activities. We seek the revealing of the glory of God through the methods He prescribes so that His glory is revealed in the church. When that happens, the lost are converted, the poor are fed, the saints live in unity, and much more, all as by-products of God's manifest presence in the church. — James MacDonald

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

Because we believe that somewhere in the nest of paradigms contained in the phrase "missional church" lies nothing less that the future viability of Western Christianity. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

It will place a high value on communal life, more open leadership structures, and the contribution of all the people of God. It will be radical in its attempts to embrace biblical mandates for the life of locally based faith communities without feeling as though it has to reconstruct the first-century church in every detail. We believe the missional church will be adventurous, playful, and surprising. Leonard Sweet has borrowed the term "chaordic" to describe the missional church's inclination toward chaos and improvisation within the constraints of broadly held biblical values. It will gather for sensual-experiential-participatory worship and be deeply concerned for matters of justice-seeking and mercy-bringing. It will strive for a type of unity-in-diversity as it celebrates individual differences and values uniqueness, while also placing a high premium on community. — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

The safety-obsessed church lacks the inner dynamic to foster profound missional impact in our time. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Leading a missional church is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and to lead the church beyond it personal limits. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

a missional church is simply any church that organizes itself around the mission of God in this world. — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

The missional church is not a new trend or the latest new technique for reaching postmodern people. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Every church has a marketing plan! The only difference is that some are better than others! When I think of marketing I think of building a relationship with those within reach of your ministry who know nothing about your church or are disconnected from your people. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

God makes his gospel attractive through his people. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Missional leaders understand the power of connecting relationally in their community through personal networking. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

The Missional church always thinks of the long haul rather than the quick fix — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Michael Frost

important to note that the missional church combines the concern for community development normally characterized by the liberal churches and the desire for personal and community transformation normally characterized by the evangelical movement. — Michael Frost

Missional Church Quotes By Mike Breen

The problem is that we don't have a "missional" problem or a leadership problem in the Western church. We have a discipleship problem. — Mike Breen

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Missional leaders know that their church will only grow as large as its capacity to provide ongoing care through a network of small groups and ministry teams. — Gary Rohrmayer

Missional Church Quotes By Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

As I speak for many in the budding new missional church world I have to share that I no longer judge the faithful fervent work of so many pastors who have pastored well but who struggle to find their place in this new world. They deserve to be honored instead of belittled. Without their legacy we would have nothing to build upon. — Hugh Halter & Matt Smay

Missional Church Quotes By Alan Hirsch

A missional church is a church that must live the dialectic. It must stay in the journey. — Alan Hirsch

Missional Church Quotes By Gary Rohrmayer

Keep at it! Remember marketing is building a relationship! If you use marketing for a year and stop, you cut off your relationship with the larger community. Then you will have to re-start the relationship all over again. The old adage "it takes six to stick" is proven true over and over again. I realized this in year three of our church plant. I think of the hundreds of people that came to our services that had no connection with me or our people because we were willing to build a sustained relationship with them through marketing. — Gary Rohrmayer