Famous Quotes & Sayings

Militate In A Sentence Quotes & Sayings

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Top Militate In A Sentence Quotes

Militate In A Sentence Quotes By David Talbot

Robert Kennedy was inspired to take on organized crime by watching the landmark movie On the Waterfront. — David Talbot

Militate In A Sentence Quotes By Anne Desclos

Men are foolish to expect us to revere them, when, in the end, they amount to almost nothing. — Anne Desclos

Militate In A Sentence Quotes By Manly P. Hall

Having become a citizen of two worlds, the individual must act accordingly. There can be no backsliding, because the individual must reach a state of certainty before this enlightenment is given that makes it utterly and completely impossible to backslide. He cannot 'get it' and then fail and turn from it. If he turns from it, it means he never had it. If he fails, he fails himself. He cannot fail the infinite. — Manly P. Hall

Militate In A Sentence Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

Behold then Septimus Dodge returning to Dodge-town victorious. Not crowned with laurel, it is true, but wreathed in lists of things he has seen and sucked dry. Seen and sucked dry, you know: Venus de Milo, the Rhine or the Coliseum: swallowed like so many clams, and left the shells. — D.H. Lawrence

Militate In A Sentence Quotes By Sarah Parcak

We've got to map all of our ancient history before it's gone because, let's face it, if we don't have a common heritage to share, something to get excited about, then what are we living for? — Sarah Parcak