Famous Quotes & Sayings

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes & Sayings

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Top Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Matt Tomerlin

A man never spoke ill of his captain, pirate or no, unless he was prepared to back his words with the might of the crew. — Matt Tomerlin

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Modern Family

There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers, and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not, the opposite is true.
See, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun.
And the realists?
Well, without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground. — Modern Family

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Krista Tippett

I'm helped by a gentle notion from Buddhist psychology, that there are "near enemies" to every great virtue - reactions that come from a place of care in us, and which feel right and good, but which subtly take us down an ineffectual path. Sorrow is a near enemy to compassion and to love. It is borne of sensitivity and feels like empathy. But it can paralyze and turn us back inside with a sense that we can't possibly make a difference. The wise Buddhist anthropologist and teacher Roshi Joan Halifax calls this a "pathological empathy" of our age. In the face of magnitudes of pain in the world that come to us in pictures immediate and raw, many of us care too much and see no evident place for our care to go. But compassion goes about finding the work that can be done. Love can't help but stay present — Krista Tippett

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By M.J. Haag

I... thank you for your offer," I said slowly, "but I've taken so much from the estate already."
"You scorn my offer?"
The roar of his rage momentarily deafened me and startled nearby birds from their roosts. Rubbing my ears, I hastily tried to assure him. — M.J. Haag

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Ellen DeGeneres

You know that song that asks, "Why do fools fall in love?"? I think the obvious answer is because they're fools. — Ellen DeGeneres

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Bayard Taylor

Those who would attain to any marked degree of excellence in a chosen pursuit must work, and work hard for it, prince or peasant. — Bayard Taylor

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Seneca.

Let us cherish and love old age; for it is full of pleasure if one knows how to use it. Fruits are most welcome when almost over; youth is most charming at its close; the last drink delights the toper, the glass which souses him and puts the finishing touch on his drunkenness. Each pleasure reserves to the end the greatest delights which it contains. Life is most delightful when it is on the downward slope, but has not yet reached the abrupt decline. — Seneca.

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Joe Kutner

The explanation may be that gene activity in our muscles changes when the muscles don't contract for long periods of time. In one experiment, researchers at the University of Massachusetts asked a group of healthy young men to walk around using crutches such that the muscles in their left legs never contracted. After only two days of inactivity, the scientists biopsied muscles in both legs. In the left leg, the DNA repair mechanism had been disrupted, insulin response was dropping, oxidative stress was rising, and metabolic activity within individual muscle cells was slowing. — Joe Kutner

Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Qwana M. BabyGirl Reynolds-Frasier


Michael Muircheartaigh Quotes By Ransom Riggs

I'm not trying to hide anything, you know. It's just that those musty stories make me feel ten years old again, and unwanted.That never goes away, no matter how many magical summer days have come between. — Ransom Riggs