Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mf Doom Rap Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mf Doom Rap Quotes

Mf Doom Rap Quotes By Milton Friedman

Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government. — Milton Friedman

Mf Doom Rap Quotes By Tim Kaine

If you want a senator who'll partner with the president to do what's best for the nation, I'm your guy. — Tim Kaine

Mf Doom Rap Quotes By Nora Roberts

Make your days count. Don't invest all your efforts in the future. You miss too much of the now. — Nora Roberts

Mf Doom Rap Quotes By Philip Reeve

Boo-Boo Pennyroyal did not like her male and female slaves to mingle. In the operas that she adored, young people brought together in tragic circumstances were forever falling in love with each other and then throwing themselves off things (cliffs, mostly, but sometimes battlements, or rooftops, or the brinks of volcanoes). Boo-Boo was fond of her slaves, and it pained her to think of them plummeting in pairs off the edges of Cloud 9, so she nipped all tragic love affairs firmly in the bud by forbidding the girls and boys to speak to one another. Of course, young people being what they were, girls sometimes fell in love with other girls, or boys with boys, but that never happened in the operas, so Boo-Boo didn't notice. — Philip Reeve

Mf Doom Rap Quotes By Laurie Graham

I have a magpie mind, by which I mean I see and hear little things - photos, fragments of conversation - and store them away for future use. — Laurie Graham