Famous Quotes & Sayings

Metallica Songs Quotes & Sayings

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Top Metallica Songs Quotes

Metallica Songs Quotes By Billy Joel

Maybe this won't last very long but you feel so right and I could be wrong. Maybe I've been hoping too hard. I've gone this far and it's more than I hope for. — Billy Joel

Metallica Songs Quotes By Frances Hardinge

Neverfell shepherded her herd of frightened, woolly suspicions. — Frances Hardinge

Metallica Songs Quotes By Walter Raleigh

Historians desiring to write the actions of men, ought to set down the simple truth, and not say anything for love or hatred; also to choose such an opportunity for writing as it may be lawful to think what they will, and write what they think, which is a rare happiness of the time. — Walter Raleigh

Metallica Songs Quotes By Mike Gabbard

If Jack, Frank and Mary are in a loving relationship and were all for marriage equality, then why aren't the three of them covered in SB1? Why can't they get married? — Mike Gabbard

Metallica Songs Quotes By Colin Baker

The standard of writing that I'm getting now from 'Big Finish' compares very favourably with some of the stuff I was doing on screen in the '80s. — Colin Baker

Metallica Songs Quotes By Gregory A. Boyd

Our call is to trust that the foolishness of self-sacrificial love will overcome evil in the end. Our call is to manifest the beauty of a Savior who loves indiscriminately while revolting against all hatred and violence. This is the humble mustard seed revolution that will in the end transform the world. — Gregory A. Boyd

Metallica Songs Quotes By J. Budziszewski

Besides, morality is not about whether the human race survives, but about what kind of survival it gets. We marry; guppies don't. We don't eat our young; they do. Yet neither species is in danger of extinction. — J. Budziszewski

Metallica Songs Quotes By Chris Kuzneski

Some people see the glass as half-empty, while others see it as half-full. But Jones stares at it and tries to figure out who drank the damn water. — Chris Kuzneski

Metallica Songs Quotes By Dave Eggers

This had happened to him before - in an effort to disappear, he had made himself more conspicuous. — Dave Eggers

Metallica Songs Quotes By Tom Robbins

The underworld persists because society needs it, insists upon it, supports it (at the same time that it denies and persecutes it, of course). — Tom Robbins

Metallica Songs Quotes By Vandana Shiva

For example, the idea that objects have properties out there in fixed ways is an incorrect idea about the world. Properties are created through relationships and processes. They are not inherent in electrons or photons or quanta any more than they are inherent in soil or trees or people. So my critique of reductionistic science is a critique that I have inherited from my scientific training. But it has been deepened by my experiences as an ecologist, in seeing the ecological destruction taking place today. — Vandana Shiva

Metallica Songs Quotes By Socrates

...[W]e must not let it enter our minds that there may be no validity in argument. On the contrary we should recognize that we ourselves are still intellectual invalids; but that we must brace ourselves and do our best to become healthy... No greater misfortune could happen to anyone than that of developing a dislike for argument. — Socrates

Metallica Songs Quotes By Diana Peterfreund

Kai held firm to her with one hand, and pointed up with the other. 'I can see them, Elliot. I can see them all. In the night, in the day, through clouds and storms and the setting sun.'
She stared at him in wonder. This was his miracle, and he was sharing it with her. 'Thank you,' she said, 'for coming back for me.'
'Elliot.' He bent his head close to hers, and looked deep into her eyes. His gaze was no longer strange to her. He was just her Kai, the man he'd been born to become. 'No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star.'
And he was hers. — Diana Peterfreund

Metallica Songs Quotes By Ira Glass

I was a semiotics major at Brown, and there's this idea that stories are better, books are better, and movies are better if they cocked you off your axis and you were completely disoriented and you'd really have to rethink everything. Nobody has that experience, actually. — Ira Glass

Metallica Songs Quotes By Al Yankovic

I have very mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm concerned that the rampant downloading of my copyright-protected material over the Internet is severely eating into my album sales and having a decidedly adverse effect on my career. On the other hand, I can get all the Metallica songs I want for FREE! WOW! — Al Yankovic

Metallica Songs Quotes By Chris Chocola

Legislation passed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 enhanced our intelligence capabilities and strengthened our national defense, but until now our nation's immigration policies have not adapted to the needs of a post-September 11th world. — Chris Chocola

Metallica Songs Quotes By William Fitzsimmons

I'm not Metallica, you can tell that I'm really not that angry in most of my songs. — William Fitzsimmons