Famous Quotes & Sayings

Menacement Quotes & Sayings

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Top Menacement Quotes

Menacement Quotes By Doris Kearns Goodwin

If the problems created by the industrial age were left unattended, Roosevelt cautioned, America would eventually be "sundered by those dreadful lines of division" that set "the haves" and the "have-nots" against one another. — Doris Kearns Goodwin

Menacement Quotes By Robert Collier

It is your work to clear away the mass of encumbering material of thoughts, so that you may bring into plain view the precious thing at the center of the mass. — Robert Collier

Menacement Quotes By Gillian Flynn

It's not easy, pairing yourself off with someone forever. It's an admirable thing, and I'm glad you're both doing it, but, boy-oh-girl-oh, there will be days you wish you'd never done it. And those will be the good times, when it's only days of regret and not months. — Gillian Flynn

Menacement Quotes By Ray William Johnson

Sometimes, comedy and entertainment is not all about telling jokes; sometimes you just have to be you for a few moments. — Ray William Johnson

Menacement Quotes By J.C. Lillis

You can't stay fucked up forever, can you? You need to start putting yourself out there and getting humiliated like the rest of us. Only then will you be a Real Boy — J.C. Lillis

Menacement Quotes By Marc Maron

Why am I holding on to this stuff? Some of this junk is losing its punch. Pictures. Pieces of paper with writing on them - I can no longer connect with the thoughts or feelings that birthed them, that drove me in that panicky desperate moment to scribble in a barely legible scrawl as if on a cave wall. All say the same thing in some form or another: "I am here. This is me in this moment." Do I have some fantasy that this stuff will be important after I die? Do I think that scholars will be thrilled that I left such a disorganized treasure trove of creative evidence of me? Will the archives be fought over by college libraries? What will probably happen is my brother will come out with my mother and look in the boxes. My mother will hold up a VHS or a cassette and say to my brother, "Do I have a machine that plays these?" My brother will shake his head no and they will throw it all away. — Marc Maron

Menacement Quotes By Justine Larbalestier

He didn't mean to corner me, but when you're as tall and wide as he is and I'm as little as I am, merely standing beside me constitutes menacement. — Justine Larbalestier

Menacement Quotes By Leo Fender

I wonder if I could make an electric bass. — Leo Fender

Menacement Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I'm sorry, I can't hear you. My ears are still ringing from that big boom your head made when it hit the stairs. Is your brain okay? Because your skull sounded hollow. — Ilona Andrews