Famous Quotes & Sayings

Memmott Obituary Quotes & Sayings

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Top Memmott Obituary Quotes

Memmott Obituary Quotes By Rajneesh

As meditation goes deep you will feel less and less desires, more and more contentment with whatsoever you have. There will be less and less desire for that which you don't have, and more and more contentment with whatsoever you have. As meditation goes deeper, a very contented consciousness evolves. Ultimately there is no desire, only contentment. — Rajneesh

Memmott Obituary Quotes By Kevin Ashton

Having ideas is not the same thing as being creative. Creation is execution, not inspiration. — Kevin Ashton

Memmott Obituary Quotes By Henry Miller

For the moment I can think of nothing - except that I am a sentient being stabbed by the miracle of these waters that reflect a forgotten world. — Henry Miller

Memmott Obituary Quotes By George Carlin

Medical researchers have discovered a new disease that has no symptoms. It is impossible to detect, and there is no known cure. Fortunately, no cases have been reported thus far. — George Carlin

Memmott Obituary Quotes By Sharon Hughson

Persevere with a positive attitude - Michael Jordan — Sharon Hughson