Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Medical Procedures

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Top Medical Procedures Quotes

Medical Procedures Quotes By Ben Carson

Over the years my mother's steadfast faith in God has inspired me, particularly when I had to perform extremely difficult surgical procedures or when I found myself faced with my own medical scare. — Ben Carson

Medical Procedures Quotes By Uell S. Andersen

A patient suffering with cancer of the throat was informed of a new X-ray machine that would cure his condition. This man could neither read nor write, nor was he informed about any of the instruments or procedures of medical practice. When he first sat down in the doctor's office and received into his mouth a thermometer with which the doctor sought to take his temperature, he believed he was undergoing X-ray treatment. The doctor, alert to the practices of psychology, recognized this, and after leaving the thermometer in the patient's mouth for ten minutes, excused him and told him to return in two days. Three weeks of treatment with a thermometer cured this patient's cancerous condition! Obviously, it wasn't the thermometer that did it. It was Faith! — Uell S. Andersen

Medical Procedures Quotes By Rebecca Skloot

In 1999 the RAND Corporation published a report (the first and, so far, last of its kind) with a "conservative estimate" that more than 307 million tissue samples from more than 178 million people were stored in the United States alone. This number, the report said, was increasing by more than 20 million samples each year. The samples come from routine medical procedures, tests, operations, clinical trials, and research donations. They sit in lab freezers, on shelves, or in industrial vats of liquid nitrogen. They're stored at military facilities, the FBI, and the National Institutes of Health. — Rebecca Skloot

Medical Procedures Quotes By H. Henrietta Stockel

Imagine looking back from a vantage point of one thousand years in the future, retrospectively evaluating our current, "sophisticated" medical and scientific procedures. One might see today's physician waving laser beams over a patient's body as a primitive, archaic, and incomprehensible healing technique, just as from some perspectives a medicine woman waving eagle feathers, or a curandera holding a crucifix over a patient, is viewed by some as archaic. The similarities are striking and compelling. Future generations may lose touch with the major assumptions underpinning contemporary western medicine, just as many of us have now lost touch with the assumptions integral to older cultures that continue to practice the ancient healing ways. Forgetting the assumptions on which a procedure is based may make the procedure incomprehensible, but it does not make it invalid. — H. Henrietta Stockel

Medical Procedures Quotes By Gelsey Kirkland

I embarked on a risky course of plastic surgery and silicone injections, major dental realignments and gruesome medical procedures. I pray that young dancers, those who imitate me at their peril, will avoid this blind alley. It is more than a dead end; it is a dead beginning. — Gelsey Kirkland

Medical Procedures Quotes By Richard P. Kluft

The summary of Lambert and Lillenfelt's "Bloodstains" in Scientific American Mind in the October 12, 2007 The Informed Reader passes along many of these authors' strong opinions on complex and controversial topics without informing the readership that the authors' perspective is extreme, polarized, and vulnerable to challenge at many crucial points.
It is clear that false memories can be implanted in about 25% of subjects, when those memories concern issues in the normal and expectable range of experience. However, about 75% of subjects resist such efforts, and efforts to implant memories of abuse or offensive medical procedures are almost universally rejected. Therefore a wholesale attack against therapies that explore patients' memories is unwarranted. "Recovered Memory Therapy" is not a school of treatment. It is a slur used to mischaracterize approaches offensive to the authors' perspectives, designed to evoke an emotional bias against those to whom the slur is applied. — Richard P. Kluft

Medical Procedures Quotes By Jeanice Barcelo

NICUs are like the bowels of the technological underworld. They are places where infants are literally held captive for weeks and months and subjected to all manner of painful and torturous medical procedures, most of the time without being given any form of pain relief whatsoever. — Jeanice Barcelo

Medical Procedures Quotes By Dennis Goodman

He recognizes the necessity of life-saving medical procedures, but embodies the belief that one of the first responsibilities of the medical community is to help patients establish lifestyles that give them an opportunity to avoid needing those procedures. One important way to do that is to truly examine our diets, physical activity, and stress levels. At — Dennis Goodman

Medical Procedures Quotes By Gary Null

The estimated total number of iatrogenic deaths-that is, deaths induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures in the US annually is 783,936 ... while 553,251 died of cancer. — Gary Null

Medical Procedures Quotes By David Souter

There can be no stronger claim to a physician's assistance than at the time when death is imminent, a moral judgment implied by the state's own recognition of the legitimacy of medical procedures necessarily hastening the moment of impending death. — David Souter

Medical Procedures Quotes By Paz De La Huerta

I unfortunately had a lot of medical procedures throughout my life, so I decided to paint all of my surgeries as a way to heal and as a way to grow. — Paz De La Huerta

Medical Procedures Quotes By C. G. Jung

The study of medicine consists on the one hand in storing up in the mind an enormous number of facts, which are simply memorized without any real knowledge of their foundations, and on the other hand in learning practical skills, which have to be acquired on the principle "Don't think, act!" Thus it is that, of all the professionals, the medical man has the least opportunity of developing the function of thinking. — C. G. Jung

Medical Procedures Quotes By David Mixner

Over the years, HIV/AIDS activists and their allies have been pioneers in creating new frontiers in the medical establishment. Through their efforts, the FDA drug approval procedures were reformed so promising new therapies could reach desperate patients quicker. — David Mixner

Medical Procedures Quotes By Abby Johnson

It represents a place women go and are left confused because they do not hear the truth about abortion and their choices. They are in a sense abused by the medical procedures that are performed without quality medical instructions/information. It's a tragic place. — Abby Johnson

Medical Procedures Quotes By Dave Barry

I become faint and nauseous during even very minor medical procedures, such as making an appointment by phone. — Dave Barry

Medical Procedures Quotes By Otto Schily

Procedures outside the stadiums and in the parking areas still need to be optimized, for example so that emergency medical services can leave the grounds on their way to the hospital faster. — Otto Schily

Medical Procedures Quotes By Charles Wheelan

So, to return to the title chapter, what is the point of learning statistics? To summarize huge quantities of data. To make better decisions. To answer important social questions. To recognize patterns that can refine how we do everything from selling diapers to catching criminals. To catch cheaters and prosecute criminals. To evaluate the effectiveness of policies, programs, drugs, medical procedures, and other innovations. And to spot the scoundrels who use these very same powerful tools for nefarious ends. — Charles Wheelan

Medical Procedures Quotes By Samuel Taylor

There is no such thing as a minor operation. Any opening, incision, cut, gash or puncture in the human body not put there by God is a blasphemy and a major disaster. — Samuel Taylor

Medical Procedures Quotes By Tom Waits

All medical procedures require two hands, so in a sense it's like when you play an instrument. That's what they call things that they use in their work: They call them instruments. A lot of people start out majoring in medicine and drop it and change their major to music. — Tom Waits

Medical Procedures Quotes By Charles W. Pickering

In states where no regulation exists, anyone is permitted to perform medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures, sometimes after just a few weeks of on-the-job training. — Charles W. Pickering

Medical Procedures Quotes By Potter Stewart

Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life. — Potter Stewart

Medical Procedures Quotes By Andrew Hennessey

you can't sue a tsunami ... [on zero alien Disclosure] — Andrew Hennessey

Medical Procedures Quotes By Robert Reich

Medical costs are soaring because our health-care system is totally screwed up. Doctors and hospitals have every incentive to spend on unnecessary tests, drugs, and procedures. — Robert Reich

Medical Procedures Quotes By Warren Hern

In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little attention and so underrated in its potential hazard as abortion. — Warren Hern

Medical Procedures Quotes By Daniel Sink

Saving a life wasn't always about performing complicated medical procedures. It was something more. It was about putting a smile on someone's face and hearing them sincerely thank me. — Daniel Sink