Famous Quotes & Sayings

Medal Honor Quotes & Sayings

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Top Medal Honor Quotes

Medal Honor Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

It's a symbol, Helvar. If your god is so delicate, maybe you should get a new one. Let's get out of here. — Leigh Bardugo

Medal Honor Quotes By Abhijit Naskar

Upon entering into the divine domain of transcendence, all these religious founders truly felt that they had accessed the true meaning of the universe, while in reality, what they had access to, in that state of mind, was their inner self. — Abhijit Naskar

Medal Honor Quotes By Jay Crownover

I leered at him and lifted my eyebrows up as I looked pointedly at his belt buckle. "It wasn't anything to write home about. I've seen bigger and better." His deserved more than a letter home, it deserved a whole novel of descriptive words and flowery admiration. I would even go so far as to say it deserved a medal and an award of honor. — Jay Crownover

Medal Honor Quotes By Louis Bacon

It is a wonderful honor to receive the Audubon Medal from the National Audubon Society, which for more than a century has fought tirelessly to protect and preserve our natural resources and environment for future generations. — Louis Bacon

Medal Honor Quotes By Noam Chomsky

WikiLeaks is a service to the population. Assange should get an award for - presidential medal of honor. — Noam Chomsky

Medal Honor Quotes By Leo Ryan

As his colleagues have noted in their tribute to him, it was typical of Leo Ryan's concern for his constituents that he would investigate personally the rumors of mistreatment in Jonestown that reportedly affected so many from his district. Leo Ryan is the 88th recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and only the 4th Member of Congress to receive this high honor from his colleagues. — Leo Ryan

Medal Honor Quotes By Roy P. Benavidez

Medal of Honor One Man's Journey from Poverty and Prejudice — Roy P. Benavidez

Medal Honor Quotes By Karl Marlantes

Mellas knew that Hawke was letting him squirm. Then, without looking up, Hawke said, 'Look, Mellas, in the Navy or Air Force they give you a medal for what the Marines call just doing their job. In the Marines you only get a medal for being braver than just doing your job. Then he looked at Mellas. 'You get in fixes where medals are handed out because you were unlucky and had to fix things, or because you were stupid and had to fix things. Be carful what you're wishing for. — Karl Marlantes

Medal Honor Quotes By Tim Hetherington

It's an amazing thing to hear they're finally giving out a Medal of Honor to a soldier from the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. — Tim Hetherington

Medal Honor Quotes By Mehcad Brooks

I love 'Call of Duty;' I'm a huge fan, but I started off with 'Medal of Honor' and I stuck with what I knew. I never got into the online play with people, across the world, across the country. — Mehcad Brooks

Medal Honor Quotes By Malala Yousafzai

It's an honor to be awarded the Liberty Medal. — Malala Yousafzai

Medal Honor Quotes By Jeff Fenech

An Olympic medal is the greatest achievement and honor that can be received by an athlete. I would swap any World Title to have won gold at the Olympics. — Jeff Fenech

Medal Honor Quotes By Scott Niedermayer

Representing Canada as a hockey player is always a tremendous honor, which also comes with a lot of responsibility. Being able to compete and win a gold medal on our home soil made it a once in a lifetime experience. Capping off the best ever performance by not only the Canadian athletes, but also Vancouver and all Canadians, made for an amazing Olympic experience. — Scott Niedermayer

Medal Honor Quotes By Daniel Defoe

Wait on the Lord, and be of good cheer, and he shall strengthen thy heart; wait, I say, on the Lord. — Daniel Defoe

Medal Honor Quotes By Blanche Lincoln

"America's Cold War veterans deserve every honor we can bestow upon them for their hard work and dedication to keeping our nation safe,". "The Cold War Service Medal would allow military service members, veterans, and their families to receive the recognition and honor they rightfully deserve. I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure our veterans receive the support and care they and their families need. It's the least we can do as a grateful nation." — Blanche Lincoln

Medal Honor Quotes By Russell S. Bonds

[General-in-Chief of the army, Lieutenant General Winfield] Scott not only believed that the idea [for a battlefield decoration, to wit, a Medal of Honor, or valor] smacked of Old World vanity, elitism, and snobbery, he also thought that such an award was entirely unnecessary. — Russell S. Bonds

Medal Honor Quotes By Katie McGarry

It had been so long since i'd let myself fall for anybody. — Katie McGarry

Medal Honor Quotes By Sara Coleridge

Fresh October brings the pheasant, The to gather nuts is pleasant. — Sara Coleridge

Medal Honor Quotes By Matthew Quick

I like the way Chee kept God magical, sorta like Santa Claus when you're a kid. More priests should take this approach, because there is a frickin' reason why Santa Claus is more popular than Jesus nowadays. — Matthew Quick

Medal Honor Quotes By Kevin Hearne

Exactly! Two years ago I thought I'd never escape Tatooine and I complained about everything." I grimaced at the memory of how I'd behaved. "I'd definitely have some things to tell that kid now. And then everything changed. I met a Jedi, joined the Rebellion, and almost instantly had this tremendous success. I saved a princess and blew up a superweapon, got a medal from the same princess, fireworks in my honor and everything. That could turn your head into a planet really fast. — Kevin Hearne

Medal Honor Quotes By Bill Maher

After September 11th, I never much liked the trend of everyone and his brother wearing the hats and jackets of the NYPD and FDNY. Only the people who do the job should get to wear the hat. Would you wear someone else's Medal of Honor?
Yes, it's a tribute, and sincere tribute is always appropriate for these brave people. But wearing their symbols is also rubbing off a piece of heroism that isn't yours. — Bill Maher

Medal Honor Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed. — Rush Limbaugh

Medal Honor Quotes By Robert Osborne

I think that no matter whether you're Quentin Tarantino or any other kind of a rebel, or whatever, everyone who makes movies still wants to win an Academy Award, because it's like the Pulitzer Prize or the Congressional Medal of Honor. — Robert Osborne

Medal Honor Quotes By Henry James

I know at least what I am,' he simply went on; 'the other side of the medal's clear enough. I've not been edifying
I believe I'm thought in a hundred quarters to have been barely decent. I've followed strange paths and worshipped strange gods; it must have come to you again and again
in fact you've admitted to me as much
that I was leading, at any time these thirty years, a selfish frivolous scandalous life. And you see what it has made of me. — Henry James

Medal Honor Quotes By Kevin Dillon

I'll spend time playing 'Call of Duty' and 'Medal of Honor.' — Kevin Dillon

Medal Honor Quotes By Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The apparent ease with which children learn is their ruin. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Medal Honor Quotes By Christina Stead

Life is nothing but rags and tags and filthy rags at that. Why was I ever born? — Christina Stead

Medal Honor Quotes By Ross Perot Jr.

For our teams that do great work, we have a tradition of giving Rolex watches. If you see all the key guys with their Rolexes, that's sort of our Medal of Honor if you do something big. — Ross Perot Jr.

Medal Honor Quotes By Ian McKellen

If you get criticized, good - I don't think people get criticized enough. People talk behind your back and they criticize you, but they don't often come up and say it to you. — Ian McKellen

Medal Honor Quotes By Brian Kilmeade

From Clara Barton's tireless work founding the American Red Cross to the first female Medal of Honor winner, Dr. Mary Walker, to our first female combat fighter pilot Lt. Kara Hultgreen, no list of American heroes is complete without the names of some of these extraordinary women. — Brian Kilmeade

Medal Honor Quotes By Patricia Briggs

Mercy is not a proper Indian name." ... "Rash Coyote Who Runs With Wolf. We could shorten it to Dinner Woman. — Patricia Briggs

Medal Honor Quotes By Darynda Jones

I thought you were mad at me." "I am." "Well, I make it a rule never to have sex with anyone who's mad at me." He arched a brow. "It's a wonder you've ever had sex at all. — Darynda Jones

Medal Honor Quotes By Barack Obama

For decades, this great leader, often at Dr. King's side, was denied his rightful place in history because he was openly gay. No medal can change that, but today, we honor Bayard Rustin's memory by taking our place in his march towards true equality, no matter who we are or who we love. — Barack Obama

Medal Honor Quotes By Taylor Mali

You want to know what I make? I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional Medal of Honor and an A-minus feel like a slap in the face. — Taylor Mali

Medal Honor Quotes By Paris Hilton

I'm the nicest, most loyal person in the world when it comes to my friends. — Paris Hilton