Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mccaffrey Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mccaffrey Quotes

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I think the Internet, particularly the availability of information, is great. I do a lot of correspondence on-line and have a chat line to talk to my fans as well. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Meg McCaffrey, a girl of few words and much belching. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Old family motto: "The best revenge is revenge. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

If he isn't clean now, I don't know what clean is! — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By J. Ryan Stradal

There were Lolo McCaffrey's thick braids and patchouli-oil smell, crouched down by the nutritional bars, her moon face staring at the label of a Clif Bar like someone who can't read. — J. Ryan Stradal

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Man is wise to fear: it sharpens the sense of self-preservation. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

But Ship Who Sang remains my favorite story. I really rocked folks with that and still cannot read it aloud myself without weeping at the end. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

A good story is a good story no matter who wrote it. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Living is struggling to do something impossible;
To succeed or die, knowing that you had tried. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

The blackest night must end in dawn, the light dispel the dreamer's fear. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Who wills, Can.
Who tries, Does.
Who loves, Lives. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

People don't change, love. React first, think later, regret at leisure. He — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Children's voices - even those who couldn't carry the tune - are always appealing. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

A man ought not be afraid to say he didn't know. Nor a woman. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Isn't this planet big enough for differences? — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I have written my own screen version of Pern, but had no buyers yet. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By James P. Gray

Since you (US "drug tsar" McCaffrey) control a federal budget that has just been increased from $17.8 billion last year to $19.2 billion this year, is asking people like you if we should continue with our nation's current drug policy like a person asking a barber if one needs a haircut? — James P. Gray

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I do outlines when I'm writing with someone, but they also need to have a certain amount of freedom. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

The tears I feel today
I'll wait to shed tomorrow.
Though I'll not sleep this night
Nor find surcease from sorrow.
My eyes must keep their sight:
I dare not be tear-blinded.
I must be free to talk
Not choked with grief, clear-minded.
My mouth cannot betray
The anguish that I know.
Yes, I'll keep my tears til later:
But my grief will never go. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Oh, Tongue, give sound to joy and sing
Of hope and promise on dragonwing — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

My eyes are green, my hair is silver and I freckly; the rest is subject to change without notice. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

There's nothing wrong in doubting. It sometimes leads to greater faith. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Meg looked at me with something resembling respect. "What did you do to them?"
"Nothing," I said. "Half the trick to being a god is knowing how to bluff. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Don't leave me alone!
A cry in the night,
OF anguish heart-stiking,
Of soul-killing fright.
Live for my living
Or else I must die
Don't leave me alone.
A world heard that cry. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

But I will say that living in Ireland has changed the cadence and fullness of speech, since the Irish love words and use as many of them in a sentence as possible. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Exchange information, learn to speak sensibly about any subject, learn to express your thoughts, accept new ones, examine them, analyze. Think objectively. Think toward the future. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

What has to be done can scarcely be termed heroic! Master — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By David McCaffrey

The condemned man's voice is laced with dark promise as he continues. "Remember Father, evil is simply 'live' spelt backwards."

Hellbound — David McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Jubal threw his sign down in disgust and stalked away from the group. Sosi ran after him, the clipboard with the soggy petition — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

You idiot! You misbegotten son of a jinn's meeting with a jackass, may the grave of your maternal grandmother be defiled by the dung of ten thousand syphilitic she-camels! — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

The United States and Mexico are trapped - economically, culturally, politically and because of drug crime - in the same continent. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Lessa was Ramoth's and Ramoth was hers, mind and heart, irrevocably attuned. Only death could dissolve that incredible bond. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Time, time, time. It's always the wrong time. When is now the time? — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

It is time to end a story that began in sorrow and ordeal and has ended in a deep and lasting happiness. May it be so for others. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Fire-lizard dance on wing
To the raucous song I sing.
Fire-lizrad wheel and turn,
Show me how the dragons learn. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Kristy McCaffrey

Emma finally understood. Life was magic, a gift from the heavens, and each person harbored an immense potential within themselves.
It was all very simple, really.
"We're all blessed," she whispered. — Kristy McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

There wasn't a man alive in Pern who hadn't secretly cherished the notion that he might be able to Impress a dragon. That he could be linked for life to the love and sustaining admiration of these gentle great beasts. That he could transverse Pern in a twinkling, astride his dragon. That he would never suffer the loneliness that was the condition of most men - a dragonrider always had his dragon. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I didn't raise Todd to be a writer, but he happened to be one anyway. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I would recommend the short story form, which is a lot harder to write since you have to be so careful with words, until there is plenty of time to doodle through a novel. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

And so we must arm ourselves with tongues of flame. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Maybes never are. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Harper, your song has a sorrowful sound,
Though the tune was written as gay.
Your voice is sad and your hands are slow
And your eye meeting mine turns away. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Mostly I'm telling people that they don't have to be victims. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Rider to your mate be true
Follow heart in deed and do
All the best your strength can find
So you will rest in heart and mind — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rob McCaffrey

That was the perfect penalty - apart from he missed it. — Rob McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Yes, I would die to save Meg McCaffrey. - Apollo/Lester — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

Colombia is in a risky position. They've got a peace process that's going nowhere, and a drug production problem that's skyrocketing. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Step by step
Moment by moment
We live through
Another day — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

The solution to our drug problem is not in incarceration. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Dragon kind was no less cruel than mankind. The Dragon, at least, acted from bestial need rather than bestial greed."
~ A thought by Lessa ~ — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Carmel McCaffrey

Chemical properties in the peat stop anything from rotting, so bogs are the "bank vaults" of Irish history, protecting whatever is put in them. A bog-cutter recently described finding a slab of butter, still edible after more than a hundred years. — Carmel McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

The little queen all golden
Flew hissing at the sea.
To stop each wave
Her clutch to save
She ventured bravely.

As she attacked the sea in rage
A holderman came nigh
Along the sand
Fishnet in hand
And saw the queen midsky.

He stared at her in wonder
For often he'd been told
That such as she
Could never be
Who hovered there, bright gold.

He saw her plight and quickly
He looked up the cliff he faced
And saw a cave
Above the wave
In which her eggs he placed.

The little queen all golden
Upon his shoulder stood
Her eyes all blue
Glowed of her true
Undying gratitude. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

At the end of the day ... if your army won't fight, it's because they don't trust their incompetent, corrupt generals, they don't trust each other. This is an enduring civil war between the Shia, the Sunni, and the Kurds. So I don't think we've got any options and we'd be ill-advised to start bombing where we really can't sort out the combatants or understand where the civilian population is. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Kristy McCaffrey

Do not fear death, for it does not fear you. We are not weak because we are women. Instead, we are strong. — Kristy McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

To cry was to release all sorts of ugly little pressures and tensions. Like waking out of a long, dark dream to a sun-filled day. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Meg gagged. "I hate bugs."
That made sense for a daughter of the agriculture goddess, but to me the dead ant didn't seem any grosser than the piles of garbage in which we often swam. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Your music can be played easily and well by any half-stringed harper or fumble-fingered idiot. Not that I'm maligning your songs. It's just that they're an entirely different kettle of fish-to use a seamanly metaphor-to Domick's. Don't you judge your songs against his standard! More people have already listened to your melodies and liked them than will ever hear Domick's, much less like them. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

At age 77, I need the help of someone with more energy than I can now summon to finish a book. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

That's such a thrill - a story I wrote at the beginning of my career, and it's still packin' the house. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Harper to your word be true
Holder, crafter you also hew
To honesty, integrity, and respect
All others without regard to intellect — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

My nightly craft is winged in white, a dragon of night dark sea.
Swift born, dream bound and rudderless, her captain and crew are me.
We've sailed a hundred sleeping tides where no seaman's ever been
And only my white-winged craft and I know the wonders we have seen. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Chuckled, referring to the time Markel had used up sixty percent of the system's resources to simulate a series of space battles in real time for one of his war games. Markel flushed. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I'm 78, I'm on my pension in Ireland, and all that good stuff. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Writing has been so much a part of my life that I'm really quite annoyed that I can't do as much as I used to. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Kristy McCaffrey

For the right woman, we all strive to be a man worth his salt. — Kristy McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

all the time complaining at me that she could have had a career dancing topless at the Orbital Grill and Rendezvous Parlor. Her and her perky breasts. Yasmin, I told her, all the girls have perky breasts in zero-g, you were nothing special, you're lucky a good man took you away from all that. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Well," I said, "you obviously have some power. You chased off those hooligans with rotten fruit. Perhaps you have banana-kinesis? Or you can control garbage? I once knew a Roman goddess, Cloacina, who presided over the city's sewer system. Perhaps you're related ... ?"
Meg pouted. I got the impression I might have said something wrong, though I couldn't imagine what. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

We have 1.8 million Americans behind bars today at Local, State and Federal level. In the federal system, which has doubled in the last ten years, over 110,000 people behind bars in the Federal system, probably two-thirds are there for drug related reason. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Complacency and ignorance," Zebara suggested, pouring more brandy. "A very good way to keep a large population so tractable the society lacks rebellion." "But — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I wouldn't encourage new writers to start off publishing through electronic media ... it still isn't wide enough for the readership they would need to get a good start. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

If you want to fight a war on drugs, sit down at your own kitchen table and talk to your own children. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Pick on our clients, will you, you parasitical, piratical, putrefied parcels of puking pus-filled perverts. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Living was struggling to do something impossible - to succeed, or die, knowing you had tried! — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

Meg turned and gazed out the rear windshield, probably checking for any shiny blobs pursuing us. "At least we're not being - "

"Don't say it," Percy warned.

Meg huffed. "You don't know what I was going to - "

"You were going to say, 'At least we're not being followed,'" Percy said. "That'll jinx us. Immediately we'll notice that we are being followed. Then we'll end up in a big battle that totals my family car and probably destroys the whole freeway. Then we'll have to run all the way to camp."

Meg's eyes widened. "You can tell the future?"

"Don't need to." Percy changed lanes to one that was crawling slightly less slowly. "I've just done this a lot. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

I'm very fond of the Talent series, and also the Crystal Singer trio. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Make no judgments where you have no compassion. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

But she wouldn't have been a Cat Person if she had not. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Each egg hatched a different way, but a crack at the right time speeded things up. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Harper, treat your words with care
For they may cause joy or despair
Sing your songs of health and love
Of dragons flaming from above — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

be you and not someone else — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Necessity breeds solution. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

So at the end of the day, our number 1 goal, our top priority, is to motivate American youngsters to reject the abuse of illegal drugs, tobacco and alcohol. All three of them are illegal behaviors. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Of course, an exhausting day at sail lines and nets left little energy to expend on running or laughing. Perhaps that was why her parents couldn't appreciate her music-it wouldn't appear to be hard work to them. Menolly shook her hands, letting them flap from her wrists. They ached and trembled from the constricted movements and tension of an hour of intensive playing. No, her parents would never understand that playing musical instruments could be as hard work as sailing or fishing. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Tell a story! Don't try to impress your reader with style or vocabulary or neatly turned phrases. Tell the story first! — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Nadia McCaffrey

My son was killed in a war without honor for the sake of lies. — Nadia McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Rick Riordan

But Percy Jackson has always been reliable. You have nothing to fear. Besides, he likes me. I taught him everything he knows."
She frowned. "You did?"
I found her innocence somewhat charming. So many obvious things she did not know. "Of course. Now let's go up. — Rick Riordan

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

It isn't often one gets the chance to entertain one's great-great-great-grandmother. Sassinak. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

Extremely disappointed that corruption may have reached such a level in Mexico. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Todd J. McCaffrey

Every day is a test," Cisca replied soberly. "But we'll never learn new ways of doing things if we insist on telling everyone what they should be doing. — Todd J. McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Seed of a syphilitic she-camel, — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

People have freaked out when I tell them that my dragons are scientifically based ... what else can you call a genetically engineered life form? — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

The bronze rider of Mnementh, Lord F'lar, will require quarters for himself. I, F'nor, brown rider, prefer to be lodged with the wingmen. We are, in number, twelve. F'lar liked that touch of F'nor's, totting up the wing strength, as if Fax were incapable of counting. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

teeth. It was her offering which Aivas was rejecting. 'Of course,' and she brightened, 'we could keep some around to study and learn from, couldn't we?' She saw the horror and disgust of some of her colleagues. 'No, I guess we couldn't. Ah, well, back to microscope. My 98th batch of trials today. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Barry McCaffrey

Thank God we're going to try to continue and effectively defend our frontiers with the Border Patrol, with the Customs Department, with the Coast Guard, with the Armed Forces. — Barry McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Drummer, beat, and piper, blow
Harper, strike, and soldier, go
Free the flame and sear the grasses
Til the dawning Red Star passes — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

It must be an amazing mind-set, Afra thought, to consider one's self the only being of worth in the galaxy. There had been Humans who had had such delusions. They had generally died because of them — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Die happy-I will, F'nor cried, cutting more fruit. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

Ridicule was a better defense than truth. — Anne McCaffrey

Mccaffrey Quotes By Steven Levy

Epstein came up with an elaborate plan, including TV ads, and presented it to the board. The board rejected it.
"It really came down to this," McCaffrey later said. "We have a limited budget. Do we want to put that money into the technology, into the infrastructure, into hiring really great people? Or do we want to blow it on a marketing campaign that we can't measure?" Larry and Sergey told Epstein that his interim stint was over — Steven Levy

Mccaffrey Quotes By Anne McCaffrey

There were two bronzes, three browns, a blue and two greens. — Anne McCaffrey