Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mc Devvo Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mc Devvo Quotes

Mc Devvo Quotes By Jeff Buckley

I sacrificed my anonymity for my father, whereas he sacrificed me for his fame. — Jeff Buckley

Mc Devvo Quotes By Rebecca St. James

Don't worry about your life cause if you hold it too close you lose it. — Rebecca St. James

Mc Devvo Quotes By Ernesto Cardenal

Like a lover who spends all his time thinking of his distant love, God has been thinking of me since before I was born, for all eternity. — Ernesto Cardenal

Mc Devvo Quotes By Robert Herrick

T is the will that makes the action good or ill. — Robert Herrick

Mc Devvo Quotes By Dan Ariely

The most difficult thing is to recognize that sometimes we too are blinded by our own incentives. Because we don't see how our conflicts of interest work on us. — Dan Ariely

Mc Devvo Quotes By Meister Eckhart

But if God endures it for the sake of the benefit for you which he has foreseen in it, and if you are willing to suffer what he suffers and what passes through him to you, then it takes on the colour of God, and shame becomes honour, bitterness is sweetness and the deepest darkness becomes the clearest light. Then everything takes its flavour from God and becomes divine, for everything conforms itself to God, whatever befalls us, if we intend only him and nothing else is pleasing to us. Thus we shall grasp God in all bitterness as well as in the greatest sweetness. — Meister Eckhart

Mc Devvo Quotes By Aaron Lazar

On the PBS recording of 'The Light in the Piazza' backstage, you get to see me doing some sweet lunges down the hallway of the Vivian Beaumont. — Aaron Lazar

Mc Devvo Quotes By Susan Fanetti

Isaac had spent so much of the past year with his head down, focused on the filth around him, that he'd forgotten the beauty of his world. — Susan Fanetti

Mc Devvo Quotes By Peace Pilgrim

We people of the world need to find ways to get to know one another - for then we will recognize that our likenesses are so much greater than our differences, however great our differences may seem. Every cell, every human being, is of equal importance and has work to do in this world — Peace Pilgrim

Mc Devvo Quotes By Rob Brezsny

In the future, judges will send criminals to holy spots where reverence-provoking beauty will overwhelm their addiction to hatred. — Rob Brezsny

Mc Devvo Quotes By Leighton Meester

There's no sense in trying to be or look like anyone other than yourself. — Leighton Meester

Mc Devvo Quotes By Brenna Yovanoff

The Cutter leaned toward me, resting his forehead against mine. 'Fool me once,' he whispered, 'shame on you.' He pressed the bridge of his nose against mine, his breath burning the back of my throat. His voice was rough and furious. 'Fool me twice, and I will cut out your fucking throat. — Brenna Yovanoff

Mc Devvo Quotes By Louis Aragon

The vice named surrealism is the immoderate and impassioned use of the stupefacient image or rather of the uncontrolled provocation of the image for its own sake and for the element of unpredictable perturbation and of metamorphosis which it introduces into the domain of representation; for each image on each occasion forces you to revise the entire Universe. — Louis Aragon

Mc Devvo Quotes By Jess Walters

Everything is an accident. — Jess Walters

Mc Devvo Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

But who knows what she spoke to the darkness, alone, in the bitter watches of the night, when all her life seemed shrinking, and the walls of her bower closing in about her, a hutch to trammel some wild thing in? — J.R.R. Tolkien