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Mayhew Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mayhew Quotes

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

When you've got eight or nine or ten cables running around with someone trying to operate them, it's too much. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

Mint-street and Kent-street--those old plague-spots that disgrace and disfigure the fair face of the Borough of Southwark--teem with blackguardism and vice; but here, too, you find that the birds who here flock are strictly of a feather. Cow-cross, — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mothers, I believe, intoxicate us. We idolize them and take them for granted. We hate them and blame them and exalt them more thoroughly than anyone else in our lives. We sift through the evidence of their love, reassure ourselves of their affection and its biological genesis. We can steal and lie and leave and they will love us. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Common tyrants, and public oppressors, are not intitled to obedience from their subjects, by virtue of any thing here laid down by the inspired apostle. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Let us all learn to be free, and to be loyal. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

All civil rulers, as such, are the ordinance and ministers of God; and they are all, by the nature of their office, and in their respective spheres and stations, bound to consult the public welfare. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

I was conducted in the evening to a tavern where several of the weavers who advocate the principles of the People's Charter were in the habit of assembling. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

The city of London, within the walls, occupies a space of only 370 acres, and is but the hundred and fortieth part of the extent covered by the whole metropolis. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

For which reason I would exhort you to pay all due Regard to the government over us; to the KING and all in authority; and to lead a quiet and peaceable life. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

According to this way of arguing, there will be no true principles in the world; for there are none but what may be wrested and perverted to serve bad purposes, either through the weakness or wickedness of men. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

There are men who strike at liberty under the term licentiousness. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Would there be water shortages? Yes. More starving babies? Unfortunately. Would our quality of life soon be diminished by global warming? Probably. But who, I wondered, but the strongest among us could hold those ideas in their heads and find happiness? Get out of bed in the morning? — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Hold fast," he called. "Tell me your names, and your stations."
"I am the Lady Door," said Door. "I am Portico's daughter, of the House of the Arch."
"I am Hunter. I am her bodyguard."
"Richard Mayhew," said Richard. "Wet. — Neil Gaiman

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

Ballet-girls have a bad reputation, which is in most cases well deserved. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

They asked if I was interested in a role as a large alien in a movie. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

But let us remember, at the same time, government is sacred, and not to be trifled with. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

The only reason of the institution of civil government; and the only rational ground of submission to it, is the common safety and utility. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By David Nicholls

It's like everyone has a central dilemma in their life, and mine was can you be in a committed, mature, loving adult relationship and still get invited to threesomes? - Dexter MayhewDavid Nicholls

Mayhew Quotes By Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

Did life add to or take away from who we are at sixteen? The — Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

It is our happiness to live under the government of a PRINCE who is satisfied with ruling according to law; as every other good prince will - We enjoy under his administration all the liberty that is proper and expedient for us. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

The deductive method is the mode of using knowledge, and the inductive method the mode of acquiring it. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I don't want him to know that people like Louis's mom exist, that people fall into land mines of pain and can't crawl back out. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Let us prize our freedom; but not use our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

The essential quality of an animal is that it seeks its own living, whereas a vegetable has its living brought to it. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

A fact must be assimilated with, or discriminated fromm, some other fact or facts, in order to be raised to the dignity of a truth, and made to convey the least knowledge to the mind. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

There are others who aim at popularity under the disguise of patriotism. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Sometimes you didn't know what you were after, I thought. Maybe there was a speck on the horizon and you followed it, hoping for the best. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Terry Pratchett

[ ... ]sometimes it seemed to him that although the man was the master, which was of course only right and proper, if you watched and listened, you would see that their marriage was like a barge on the river, with the wife being the wind that told the captain which way the barge would sail. Mrs. Mayhew, if not being the wind, certainly knew when to apply the right puff. — Terry Pratchett

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

In No. 1 of this street the cholera first appeared seventeen years ago, and spread up it with fearful virulence; but this year it appeared at the opposite end, and ran down it with like severity. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

Doing the Muppet Show you forget about conventional filming. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Karin Slaughter

Yeah, I can imagine with the funeral and all, this is the last thing you want to be dealing with right now. Like I said, my condolences." Mayhew took his own deep breath, his far more raspy. "We've got a nutshell, but we're still filling in some blanks. You're not the first person in the county to have this kind of thing happen. We suspect it's a gang of young males who read the obituaries, find out when the funerals are, then Google Earth the house and figure out whether it's worth robbing. — Karin Slaughter

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

A whole new generation is looking at the videos, and going to the video shop and buying the re-release of the complete trilogy, which you can buy at a reasonable price. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Imagine: you could say nothing, do nothing, eat nothing, touch nothing, love nothing without the other knowing. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

We may either proceed from principles to facts, or recede from facts to principles. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Shannon Mayhew

The world's a stage and I'm on it. Better make a good impression out there! — Shannon Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

But, apart from that, there was very little on underneath the suit. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

We are, I think, eager to show mettle we don't yet have. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I knew I was waiting for someone I didn't understand. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

It is easy enough to be moral after a good dinner beside a snug coal fire, and with our hearts well warmed with fine old port. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I want him to know nothing but gentle landings. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

To say that subjects in general are not proper judges (of the law) when their governors oppress them and play the tyrant, and when they defend their rights ... is as great a treason as ever a man uttered. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I want to mother the world, I thought. I have so much love.
Then - I have no business being a mother. I am a selfish woman.
Then - I can do this. Millions of women have been mothers.
Then - I feel very alone. I do not know what I'm capable of. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I wanted, then, to become what I most admired, what now seemed most real to me. I wanted to be that exalted, complicated presence in someone's life, the familiar body, the source of another's existence. But I knew what I wanted was not always what I needed. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Nothing has topped the way men shake her hand and look her in the eye, what it's like to call a man chickenshit to his face and get away with it, to mean it, to feel free and dominant and in control of your life. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I remember thinking that moms were not allowed to be sad, that surely women grew out of sadness by the time they had children. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

It would be stupid tameness, and unaccountable folly, for whole nations to suffer one unreasonable, ambitious and cruel man, to wanton and riot in their misery. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Edward Mayhew

What is the use of this fuss about morality when the issue only involves a horse? The first and most difficult teaching of civilisation concerns man's behaviour to his inferiors. Make humanity gentle or reasonable toward animals, and strife or injustice between human beings would speedily terminate. — Edward Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Extremes are dangerous. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

The costermongers' boys will, I am informed, cheat their employers, but they do not steal from them. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

With my mask, I controlled all of the mouth movements with my own mouth. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

Advice to persons about to marry - don't. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

When you consider that you're a character that doesn't speak, but you've still got to react to the other actors, you've got to make a noise of some kind. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By David Nicholls

She sometimes wondered what her twenty-two-year-old self would think of today's Emma Mayhew. Would she consider her self-centered? Compromised? A bourgeois sell-out, with her appetite for home ownership and foreign travel, clothes from Paris and expensive haircuts? Would she find her conventional, with her new surname and hopes for a family life? Maybe, but then the twenty-two-year-old Emma Morley wasn't such a paragon either: pretentious, petulant, lazy, speechifying, judgmental. Self-pitying, self-righteous, self-important, all of the selfs except self-confident, the quality that she always needed most. — David Nicholls

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Not to discontinue our allegiance, in this case, would be to join with the sovereign in promoting the slavery and misery of that society, the welfare of which, we ourselves, as well as our sovereign, are indispensably obliged to secure and promote, as far as in us lies. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Anna Jean Mayhew

Putting God in the pledge and on money - that's like a sign in the sky saying 'air.' — Anna Jean Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I can go out in public without being recognized. If I want to be recognized in public, it will happen. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

There is a tone of morality throughout the rural districts of England, which is unhappily wanting in the large towns and the centres of particular manufactures. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Power is a funny thing. Sometimes you can just take it. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Neil Gaiman

The next morning he boarded the train for the six-hour journey south that would bring him to the strange gothic spires and arches of St. Pancras Station. His mother gave him a small walnut cake that she had made for the journey and a thermos filled with tea; and Richard Mayhew went to London feeling like hell. — Neil Gaiman

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

It was amazing that during rehearsals, without any of the costume on, the character was there complete. It just happened. Half the time, I didn't know I was doing it. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I think that Star Wars revolutionized not only sci-fi movies, but also the entire industry in the way that things are done. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

It becomes us, therefore, to be contented, and dutiful subjects. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Ralph Mayhew

To lead anonymously is to forfeit the limelight in exchange for a deep sense of joy that God is at work in the midst of your influence. While you might plant a seed, God makes it grow and bear much fruit. — Ralph Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

That's the spirit! Forward momentum."
Mayhew snorted. "Your forward momentum is going to lead all your followers over a cliff someday." He paused, beginning to grin. "On the way down, you'll convince 'em all they can fly." He stuck his fists in his armpits, and waggled his elbows. "Lead on, my lord. I'm flapping as hard as I can. — Lois McMaster Bujold

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

But the branches of industry are so multifarious, the divisions of labour so minutes and manifold, that it seems at first almost impossible to reduce them to any system. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Rick Mayhew

He bolted right through the wooden cross arm at the parking garage exit and power-slid into traffic. A torrent of car horns and skids enveloped his vehicle, but the tears in Danny's eyes created the inability to differentiate one vehicle from another. The colors of the automobiles bled into each other like melting rainbow sherbet. — Rick Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

I now add, farther, that the apostle's argument is so far from proving it to be the duty of people to obey, and submit to, such rulers as act in contradiction to the public good, and so to the design of their office, that it proves the direct contrary. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I pictured the mother whale, exhausted from labor, pushing her calf up to the skin of the water. The miracle of breath in the face of predation, life in the wake of whaling ships. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

There were no promises, no obligations between living things, she thought. Not even humans. Just raw need hidden by a game of make-believe. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Erika Johansen

Tell me, Mrs. Mayhew, have you ever dreamed of a better world?" "Who hasn't?" "Anyone who profits by keeping the world as it is. — Erika Johansen

Mayhew Quotes By Steve Krug

Demonstrate ROI. In this approach, you gather and analyze data to prove that a usability change you've made resulted in cost savings or additional revenue ("Changing the label on this button increased sales by 0.25%"). There's an excellent book about it: Cost-justifying Usability: An Update for the Internet Age, edited by Randolph Bias and Deborah Mayhew. — Steve Krug

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Worrying about parents is a waste of time. It's your life. Let's have a martini. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Sometimes it helps to lie. You tell yourself a story, even if you don't know the ending. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I think the main thing was that the character couldn't speak in regular language, so he had to be mimed. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I think the things I wanted answered have been answered by people in the know that we can't talk about, so I'm perfectly happy with how Chewie came to be where he is and what is going on in Episode III. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

It was a character-building week, a week that thinned my hair, put circles underneath my eyes. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I think by that time I knew where Chewie was going, and he left me to do what was called for, because the character had been well established. You know, it was like putting on a second skin by that time. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

He barely managed not to choke it into free fall, atomized. Thick, green, herbal, sweet as syrup - he nearly gagged on the sweetness - perhaps sixty percent pure ethanol. But what was the rest of it? It burned down his esophagus, making him feel suddenly like an animated display of the digestive system, with all the different parts picked out in colored lights. Respectfully, he wiped the mouthpiece on his sleeve and handed the bottle to its owner, who tucked it back under his arm. "Thanks," Miles gasped. Mayhew nodded. "So how," Miles aspirated, then cleared his throat to a more normal tone, "what are you planning to do next? What are you demanding? — Lois McMaster Bujold

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

People are not usually deprived of their liberties all at once, but gradually, by one encroachment after another, as it is found they are disposed to bear them. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Lois McMaster Bujold

Oh, was that liquor of yours a stimulant?" asked Elena. "I wondered why he didn't fall asleep."
"Couldn't you tell?" chuckled Mayhew.
"Not really."
Miles twisted his head to take in Elena's upside-down worried face, and smile in weak reassurance. Sparkly black and purple whirlpools clouded his vision. Mayhew's laughter faded. "My God," he said hollowly, "you mean he's like that all the time? — Lois McMaster Bujold

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

I'm hungry for you. Old you, new you. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

With Star Wars fans, there's so much enthusiasm, and it's a completely different generation now. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Rick Mayhew

The nation has been turned upside down and inside out. The country that was once discovered by people seeking religious freedom is now oppressing religious rights. It has been a slow train rumbling down the track of destruction since the 1960's. It started with the removal of the Bible from our public schools. Next the generation known as the 'love generation' opened the door for the approval of sex outside of marriage. For every ten years since then, it's been a slippery slope of materialism, I got mine, what can you do for me, and money is power.
We as a nation have stopped focusing on God and family and replaced them with money and success. Parents are teaching their children to do whatever it takes to get ahead ... just don't get caught. If you do, find someone to blame it on. — Rick Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

We then journeyed on to London Street, down which the tidal ditch continues its course. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Tyranny brings ignorance and brutality with it. It degrades men from their just rank into the class of brutes; it damps their spirits; it suppresses art; it extinguishes every spark of noble ardor and generosity in the breasts of those who are enslaved by it; it makes naturally strong and great minds feeble and little, and triumphs over the ruins of virtue and humanity. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Tara Hudson

On the morning of what should have been Amelia Ashley's birthday, the river valley that had once housed High Bridge changed for Joshua Mayhew. For the first time in many years, it seemed beautiful to him. For the first time in many years, it was beautiful. — Tara Hudson

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

Park women, properly so called, are those degraded creatures, utterly lost to all sense of shame, who wander about the paths most frequented after nightfall in the Parks, and consent to any species of humiliation for the sake of acquiring a few shillings. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

After my own for instance, my favourite is Princess Leia. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

The king is as much bound by his oath not to infringe the legal rights of the people, as the people are bound to yield subjection to him. From whence it follows that as soon as the prince sets himself above the law, he loses the king in the tyrant. He does, to all intents and purposes, un-king himself. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

After a while, the character sort of took over. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

Richard Marquand, on Jedi, was very much an actor's director. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

Never having played Chess before, it was most interesting to be playing the game with no pieces in front of me. But I still knew how to stroke my hair when I won. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

I really enjoyed the last scene at the Ewok celebration after the battle. — Peter Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Karin Slaughter

Mrs. Scott, do you mind my asking why the alarm wasn't on?" This was from Mayhew. He had taken out a notebook and pen. His shoulders were hunched, as if someone had asked him to mimic a character from a Raymond Chandler novel. — Karin Slaughter

Mayhew Quotes By Henry Mayhew

Facts, according to my ideas, are merely the elements of truths, and not the truths themselves; of all matters there are none so utterly useless by themselves as your mere matters of fact. — Henry Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

The apostle enters upon his subject thus - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers; for there is no power but of God: the powers that be, are ordained of God. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Dolly was the exclamation point in my life. She made me feel things: adoration, anger, frustration. She was always in love and it made her glow. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Megan Mayhew Bergman

Maybe the world had been bad to its great and unusual women. Maybe there wasn't a worthy place for the female hero to live out her golden years, to be celebrated as the men had been celebrated, to take from that celebration what she needed to survive. — Megan Mayhew Bergman

Mayhew Quotes By Jonathan Mayhew

Till people find themselves greatly abused and oppressed by their governors, they are not apt to complain; and whenever they do, in fact, find themselves thus abused and oppressed, they must be stupid not to complain. — Jonathan Mayhew

Mayhew Quotes By Peter Mayhew

George Lucas puts those types of characters in for the kids. Same with Jar Jar. — Peter Mayhew