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Quotes & Sayings About Manufacturing Jobs

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Top Manufacturing Jobs Quotes

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jeff Sessions

I concluded that the trade agreements weren't working as promised, and was depreciating the wages and the manufacturing base, and the jobs of Americans, and that both needed to change, and Donald Trump was out there. So I went to his rally. — Jeff Sessions

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Ron Paul

Astonishingly, American taxpayers now will be forced to finance a multi-billion dollar jobs program in Iraq. Suddenly the war is about jobs. We export our manufacturing jobs to Asia, and now we plan to export our welfare jobs to Iraq, all at the expense of the poor and the middle class here at home. — Ron Paul

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jay Inslee

Renewable energy also creates more jobs than other sources of energy - most of these will be created in the struggling manufacturing sector, which will pioneer the new energy future by investment that allows manufacturers to retool and adopt new technologies and methods. — Jay Inslee

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Thom Hartmann

In the 1992 presidential debate, third-party candidate Ross Perot famously warned about a 'giant sucking sound' of American jobs going south of the border to low-wage nations once trade protections were dropped.

Perot was right, but no one in our government listened to him.

Tariffs were ditched, and then Bill Clinton moved into the White House...He continued Reagan's trade policies and committed the United States to so-called free-trade agreements such as GATT, NAFTA, and the WTO, thus removing all the protections that had kept our domestic manufacturing industries safe from foreign corporate predators for two centuries. — Thom Hartmann

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Keith Ellison

Environmental spending creates jobs in engineering, manufacturing, construction, materials, operations and maintenance. — Keith Ellison

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jeremy Rifkin

The very notion that millions of workers displaced by the re-engineering and automation of the agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors can be retrained to be scientists, engineers, technicians, executives, consultants, teachers, lawyers and the like, and then somehow find the appropriate number of job openings in the very narrow high-tech sector, seems at best a pipe dream, and at worst a delusion. — Jeremy Rifkin

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Stephanie Cutter

Let me tell you the story about Massachusetts under Governor Romney. It did fall to 47th out of 50 in jobs creation. Wages went down when they were going up in the rest of the country. He left his successor with debt and a deficit, and manufacturing jobs left that state at twice the rate as the rest of the country. — Stephanie Cutter

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By John Boozman

Now listen, the one thing about agriculture is we've lost our manufacturing, we've lost a great deal of jobs overseas, lots of our industry. The last thing in the world we need to do is lose the ability to produce our food. — John Boozman

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Hillary Clinton

I want to get the economy going again. It's not just enough about what we're against, as important as that is. I have a plan to create new jobs, manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy jobs that will make us the 21st century clean energy super power. I also want to make sure small businesses can start and grow again. — Hillary Clinton

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Joe Baca

Products made in China are cheap through the exploitation of the workforce. Every time we shop, we are driving the nail further into the coffin of American manufacturing jobs. — Joe Baca

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Peter Welch

Home Star is a common sense idea that would create jobs and provide a boost to local economies, while helping families afford their energy bills. By encouraging homeowners to invest in energy efficiency retrofits, Home Star would create 170,000 manufacturing and construction jobs that could not be outsourced to China. — Peter Welch

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Richard M. Daley

There has been loss of steel manufacturing. Those people need jobs. Where you have to build the third airport is where people are. So you're right; if his site isn't playable, then our site is right next to it. — Richard M. Daley

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By James P. Hoffa

Unfair trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement eviscerated good-paying manufacturing jobs, putting more than 3 million U.S. workers out of work. — James P. Hoffa

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jay Inslee

With millions of family wage manufacturing jobs lost since 2001, we need an energy bill that takes bold action to tap into American ingenuity in order to lead the world in new clean energy technology, rather than playing catch-up to the Japanese, Danish, and Germans. — Jay Inslee

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Mitt Romney

We will achieve North America energy independence by 2020, by taking full advantage of our oil, our gas, our coal, our renewables and our nuclear power. Abundant, inexpensive, domestic energy will not only create energy jobs, it will bring back manufacturing jobs. — Mitt Romney

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Virginia Foxx

China is crippling our manufacturing economy and eliminating our jobs by illegally flooding our markets. — Virginia Foxx

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Mitt Romney

I think we can get there, in 10 or 15 years. That will bring back manufacturing of certain high-energy intensive industries. It'll bring back jobs. It'll create a surprising economic revitalization of this country. — Mitt Romney

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Bill Press

Today, the U.S. has lost one out of every four manufacturing jobs that existed before NAFTA - over 5 million, with 42,000 factories closed. A modest trade surplus with Mexico was replaced with a large, persistent deficit. . . . NAFTA's new investor protections dramatically increased the ability of corporations to outsource entire factories to Mexico" - resulting in the "giant sucking sound" presidential candidate Ross Perot warned us about. — Bill Press

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By William J. Clinton

Where are the jobs going to come from? Small business, manufacturing and clean energy. Where's the money to finance them? The banks and the corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right now. — William J. Clinton

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Antonio Villaraigosa

The Golden State has lost its luster. We've got to change our tax system and how we fund government. We're going to have to make it easier to create jobs in California, incentivize manufacturing, really put more in the way of investment in our public school system and our institutions of higher learning if we're going to stay the Golden State. — Antonio Villaraigosa

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Andy Stern

Manufacturing and other unskilled professions that were union jobs, that allowed people to live a middle-class life, are disappearing both because unions are disappearing and because of the global nature of the economy. — Andy Stern

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Dwight D. Eisenhower

More than any single action by the government since the end of the war, this one would change the face of America with straightaways, cloverleaf turns, bridges, and elongated parkways. Its impact on the American economy-the jobs it would produce in manufacturing and construction, the rural areas it would open up-was beyond calculation. — Dwight D. Eisenhower

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jim Sensenbrenner

I am a leader in the fight against the national energy tax proposal some Congressional leaders are advocating. I call this bad idea 'cap-and-tax' because of the damage it will do to jobs, manufacturing and our economy. — Jim Sensenbrenner

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Bill Dedman

As more workers lose manufacturing jobs as companies cut back, some are being forced into lower-paying retail jobs. But they still have union cards in their wallets. — Bill Dedman

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Ma Jun

Globalised manufacturing and procurement mean that a lot of high-polluting, heavy duty jobs are transferred to China. We will ask major companies, such as Wal-Mart, Microsoft and IBM to put pressure on their Chinese suppliers. — Ma Jun

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Bill Dedman

Although the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States has stagnated, dropping 12 percent from a high in the early 1980s, the number of retail jobs has risen 43 percent. — Bill Dedman

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Eli Broad

Being a Midwesterner, I know that many of the middle-class manufacturing jobs that had been at the heart of our economy are either gone or going, and they're not coming back. — Eli Broad

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Nick Xenophon

If you run for election with a particular agenda about saving jobs, about strengthening manufacturing and farming jobs, about tackling predatory gambling and making governments accountable, if there's an opportunity to achieve that agenda with either side of politics, particularly if you come from the political centre, then it's an opportunity you should take up. — Nick Xenophon

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Tommy Thompson

We've lost 3,000 jobs in Beaufort County. We've lost half of our manufacturing workforce. — Tommy Thompson

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Tom Wilber

As events developed, the debate about jobs and energy extraction in general became more divisive. Those at one extreme embraced the industry as an expression of old-fashioned free enterprise. It offered work that built character and brought deserving rewards for those with initiative, whether they be roughnecks working twelve-hour shifts, investors staking their capital, or researchers staking their reputation on the next big discovery. At the other end of the spectrum were those who saw the industry as a relic of grandfather clauses and cronyism that dated to a period of predatory exploitation, when fantastical deals were pitched by door-to-door peddlers, manufacturing waste was buried in lagoons on private property, and unions were nonexistent. The middle ground was occupied by an untold number of consumers used to cheap plentiful energy, and property owners, who had their worries but also were able to calculate how much a mineral rights lease might be worth. — Tom Wilber

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Nick Xenophon

I'm not against free trade but I'm against free trade deals that are negotiated badly, that actually compromise jobs, manufacturing jobs, compromise the national interest. — Nick Xenophon

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Graydon Carter

You lose manufacturing jobs, you rarely ever get them back again. — Graydon Carter

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By John Yudkin

Directors of a large food-manufacturing firm ( ... At one extreme (: one) said it was not his job to protect people from themselves; he was not forcing people to eat his products, and if they chose to do so at the risk of harming themselves, it was of their own free choice. — John Yudkin

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Steve Jobs

If you view computer designers as artists, they're really into more of an art form that can be mass-produced, like records, or like prints, than they are into fine arts. They want something where they can express themselves to a large number of people through their medium, and their medium is technology and manufacturing. — Steve Jobs

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Michael Moore

Those who had the remaining jobs would have to buy the cheapest stuff possible with their drastically reduced wages, and in order for the manufacturers to keep that stuff cheap, it would have to be made by fifteen-year-olds in China. — Michael Moore

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By William J. Clinton

I believe we can do much more to adapt to the structural changes in the global economy, get high-end manufacturing back here, set up clusters of economic activity where you have, among other things, continuous retraining of people well into their middle years so they never become irrelevant to the current job market. — William J. Clinton

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Hamdi Ulukaya

There are a lot of studies about small businesses and how they make a difference in their community and create a lot of jobs and values. So we need to focus on small businesses or entrepreneurs who want to start manufacturing or making things. — Hamdi Ulukaya

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Debbie Stabenow

For years, I have worked diligently to develop and implement a 21st century manufacturing strategy that will create jobs in the new clean energy economy. — Debbie Stabenow

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Doug Menuez

Since 2000, no important technology innovation in the United States has been scaled up to create millions of manufacturing, marketing, and engineering jobs here, as personal computers and related industries did. While selling online and social networking are clearly transformational movements that have created entrepreneurial opportunities, fewer than fifty thousand traditional jobs - those with full-time hours, benefits, and health insurance - have been created. — Doug Menuez

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Leila Janah

Samasource creates jobs in regions where more traditional forms of employment in low-income economies, such as manufacturing, are difficult to scale because of poor infrastructure. In a village in Rukka, India, for example, our small data entry partner employs over 60 people doing various types of Internet research for Samasource. — Leila Janah

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Steven Rattner

To be sure, India has achieved enviable success in business services, like the glistening call centers in Bangalore and elsewhere. But in the global jousting for manufacturing jobs, India does not get its share. — Steven Rattner

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Christina Romer

In the four decades after World War II, manufacturing jobs paid more than other jobs for given skills. But that is much less true today. Increased international competition has forced American manufacturers to reduce costs. As a result, the pay premium for low-skilled workers in manufacturing is smaller than it once was. — Christina Romer

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Van Jones

There are only two ways to have a middle class in your country: either you have highly skilled manufacturing jobs, or you have a highly skilled, well trained, knowledge-based workforce. In other words, college. — Van Jones

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Mike Rogers

Until the Chinese decide to compete fairly it will be up to us to do what we can to further protect our manufacturing base, and ensure we keep the good paying jobs we already have. — Mike Rogers

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Donald Trump

I've travelled to many states and seen the suffering in people's eyes I've visited communities in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Indiana and Ohio whose manufacturing jobs have literally disappeared. An embarrassment to our country and it's horrible. — Donald Trump

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Susan Hockfield

To recover from the current economic downturn, it has been estimated that we need to create on the order of 17 million to 20 million new jobs in the coming decade ... And it's very hard to imagine where those jobs are going to come from unless we seriously get busy reinventing manufacturing. — Susan Hockfield

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Thomas Perez

What I hear from employers day in and day out is, 'I need to make sure I have that skilled workforce to compete.' And so we've been able to help so many people punch their ticket to the middle class by transforming our workforce development system for advanced manufacturing jobs and other critical jobs that exist right now. — Thomas Perez

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Debbie Stabenow

At a time when we are losing manufacturing jobs in this country, we should be doing everything we can to help our manufacturers stay competitive. They are the backbone of our economy. — Debbie Stabenow

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jaron Lanier

Here's a current example of the challenge we face. At the height of its power, the photography company Kodak employed more than 140,000 people and was worth $28 billion. They even invented the first digital camera. But today Kodak is bankrupt, and the new face of digital photography has become Instagram. When Instagram was sold to Facebook for a billion dollars in 2012, it employed only thirteen people. Where did all those jobs disappear to? And what happened to the wealth that those middle-class jobs created? This book is built to answer questions like these, which will only become more common as digital networking hollows out every industry, from media to medicine to manufacturing. — Jaron Lanier

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jerry Costello

Since 2000, we have lost 2.7 million manufacturing jobs, of which 500,000 jobs were in high-tech industries such as telecommunications and electronics. — Jerry Costello

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Tyler Cowen

I think a lot of people will be liberated from a lot of oppressive manufacturing jobs, or a lot of service jobs, because they'll be done by computers. There'll be the world's best education available online and free. — Tyler Cowen

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Edward Glaeser

One classic paper compared the effects of right-to-work laws on factory jobs in neighboring counties, on either side of a right-to-work border. It found that manufacturing grew 23.1% faster between 1947 and 1992 on the anti-union side of the divide. — Edward Glaeser

Manufacturing Jobs Quotes By Jay Inslee

We have had a loss in manufacturing base and a loss of some of our productive capability that can be filled with the green-collar jobs of tomorrow. But it will only happen if we recognize the scale and scope of both the challenge and the opportunity. — Jay Inslee