Famous Quotes & Sayings

Make A Wish Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Make A Wish Movie Quotes

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Spike Jonze

It's fun when you start a movie, because it's kind of like you get to go Christmas shopping ... you get to make your wish list and you start thinking about what each character needs. — Spike Jonze

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Phil Volatile

I can remember when
delusions of grandeur
entailed wanting to
be a rock star, movie star,
a millionaire; to make it
as a writer
now it seems that it's
to want to earn a
decent living — Phil Volatile

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Dilip Kumar

thought about it and concluded that I would go ahead with the venture since Shapoorji was confident about the movie's success. The more I worked on the basic conflict in the script between the brother who has to uphold the law of the country and the brother who flees from the law, which favours the rich and the powerful and unjustly incriminates the poor and the defenceless, the more I felt it was time for me to make a picture that raised some critical issues about the people of rural India who had gained little from the country's independence from foreign rule. The oppressed farmers and tillers — Dilip Kumar

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Logan Lerman

I just want to make sure I'm contributing good films to movie history rather than being famous just to be famous. — Logan Lerman

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Susanne Bier

As a filmmaker, I always try not to concern myself with the outcome of things. I make the movie, and I do that as honestly and good as I can. I don't want to pollute my thoughts with what is going to happen with it afterwards, because I have to work inside-out. — Susanne Bier

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Shawn Levy

I just think that sports movies have such a built-in visceral, rooting interest, an epic win or lose redemptive quality. When they get it right, it can make for a really rousing movie experience. — Shawn Levy

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Robert Altman

I've never had a big hit movie. "MASH" was probably the biggest. I don't make those kind of films, and I never have. I wish each one of them would just do billions of dollars worth of ticket sales, but they never do and they never will. — Robert Altman

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Alden Ehrenreich

I would say that it's mainly about the director. It's a hard quality to find, but I always know whether I want to do something or not. The character is important to me, as is getting to work with people that I feel like I can learn from and make a great movie with. — Alden Ehrenreich

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Diane Meier

But for a long time, and probably far too long, I had a secret wish: the adolescently romantic idea that there was someone out there for me; someone I hadn't met yet who would ask me on a date and make sense of my life. I harbored the hope, I'm now embarrassed to admit, that like a girl in a Lifetime movie, I would look into someone's eyes and find a reflection of my inner life. But sometime between my teenage years and the first years in New York, that idea had pretty well evaporated. I'd grown up. — Diane Meier

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Benjamin Millepied

When I see the attention movie stars get, it doesn't make me want to be in that position at all. — Benjamin Millepied

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Chris Weitz

All I can say is that with 'The Golden Compass,' I didn't get to make the movie I had planned to make. When I look at the film, at the casting and certain scenes, I'm very happy. As for the final product, I can't vouch for that. — Chris Weitz

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Dario Argento

'Macbeth' is one of the best operas ever, and doing it was a great experience. I added some things to the opera based from my experience on the movie - such as some of the special effects and bits of film - to make it new and interesting. It was a very good work and a very good experience. — Dario Argento

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Keanu Reeves

I want to make a good, solid kung fu movie. — Keanu Reeves

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Justina Chen

The look he gave me ... My stomach quivered in that exact same way when I watched Before Sunset, yearning for a guy to know me so deeply and truly, we were only really complete when we were together. That I could talk, go on wild tangents, make obtuse references, and he would divine my meaning before I knew what I was trying to say myself. Erik had fallen asleep next to me on the couch, complaining later that the movie was "just people talking." He had no idea that this movie could have been a love letter written for me. — Justina Chen

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Jennifer Lopez

My philosophy on life is that we're here to love and to learn. And I've learned a lot, so I can't say "I wish this didn't happen or I didn't make that movie." And I take responsibility for being open [about relationships] in the past. I have to, and now I'm doing what I can to make it different. — Jennifer Lopez

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Andy Warhol

I think it would be great to make a $2 million or $3 million art movie where nobody would really have to go to it. I thought that would be a good project to work on ... do something really artistic. — Andy Warhol

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Steve Carell

You never saw Peter Sellers the actor trying to make you laugh. All he was doing was the character. What I'm saying is that I don't think you should know you're in a movie. I don't like it when actors are winking at the audience and saying, 'Right, isn't this funny? Are you with me?' — Steve Carell

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Padgett Powell

My mother will emerge with a towel on her head, Nefertiti fashion, and a good terry-cloth robe, and make herself a tall gin-and-tonic and look like a movie star for an hour. Being around her is like being on safari; there is an elusive something we are after, in difficult conditions, and we will look good in the getting there. — Padgett Powell

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Victor L. Machin

Regardless of the nature of the conflict, one basic rule translates into most Conflict Zone "Theatres" that doesn't make it into Movie Theaters is that the food runs out faster than the bullets. — Victor L. Machin

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Judd Apatow

I hear Amy Schumer on Howard Stern, and I think, "I wish there was a movie that starred her, because she's so interesting," and then at some point I go, "I guess I have to get involved, because it's not happening right now. Maybe I should help try to make that happen." — Judd Apatow

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Don Hertzfeldt

So much of the writing is not conscious, in the sense that it's not calculated. I remember in film school we had so many studies with big fancy words where you could dissect a movie and make charts of all of the characters' complicated inner relations and themes and what does this mean? And it's overwhelming as a student. It's great for a student, but as a writer, it's paralyzing. — Don Hertzfeldt

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By William Monahan

I don't think you need $35 million bucks to make a movie. I think what people should do is make a lot more movies for a lot less money. You can really do it. — William Monahan

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Rysa Walker

We're about five steps down when he says, "I feel like we've walked into a horror movie. Two teens sneak down to the basement, where the psycho killer lurks in the dark."
"If you're trying to lighten the mood, it's not working."
"Don't worry. The psycho killer always targets teens who are sneaking to the basement in order to make out. But I do wish we had a flashlight. — Rysa Walker

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Cheryl Strayed

The good things aren't a movie. There isn't enough to make a reel. The good things are a poem, barely longer than a haiku. There — Cheryl Strayed

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Richard O'Brien

The fact that someone came forward and offered $1.25 million to make a movie was astonishing. We were also allowed to keep many of the original stage cast. — Richard O'Brien

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Thomas Ligotti

The world dotes on its lunatics, whether saintly or sadistic, and commemorates their careers. Psychopaths make terrific material for news agencies and movie studios; their exploits always draw a crowd. But the moment a discouraging word is spoken, some depressing knowledge, that crowd either disperses or goes on the attack. It is depression not madness that cows us, demoralization not insanity that we dread, disillusionment of the mind not its derangement that imperils our culture of hope. — Thomas Ligotti

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By George Lucas

I made lots of movies while in school while everybody else was running around saying, "Oh, I wish I could make a movie. I wish they'd give me some film." — George Lucas

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Gerard Butler

It's always more interesting to make a movie about what is relevant in your society. What's the political global backdrop? What are our threats? What are we vulnerable to? Because that's what an audience vibes on - that is what people are interested in, universally. — Gerard Butler

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Kyrie Irving

'Grease' is an awesome movie. I wish they'd make a new one, more for our time. The graphics are terrible when you look back on it. — Kyrie Irving

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Bernie Brillstein

Consider this 're-make' business that is taking away opportunities for new ideas and new films to happen. If the movie was made right the first time, why make it again? The only reason this is happening is it has become a safer way for the Studios. — Bernie Brillstein

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By John Green

I never really understood that massive collaboration involving hundreds of people is what makes movies possible, and it's also why I would agree that curiosity is not the most important human trait; the urge to collaborate is. Heck ... only we have the ability to cooperate to make like online communities and space telescopes and imaginariums and movies. So the great thrill of this whole experience [my novel being made into a movie] for me was ..seeing humanity do what it's best at, which ultimately is not competing but cooperating. — John Green

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Nicole Holofcener

I'm willing to give up a little control but not a lot. So I say I want the money, but when push comes to shove, I'm not sure I'll be able to compromise in order to make the big studio movie. Maybe something in between would be okay, like a low-budget studio film. — Nicole Holofcener

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Robert Greene

Movie theaters barely make any money. A movie can make a couple of thousand dollars, or could get lucky and make ten or fifteen thousand dollars, but theatrical releases don't really sustain the work. For me, it's the best sort of advertisement for anything else you'd want to do. — Robert Greene

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Penn Jillette

But it's much more exciting to make Die Hard. One of the reasons that I think that movie is so successful is it deals with those very important blue-collar relationship themes. But it's more visually beautiful to show things blowing up. It just gives you more on the screen. — Penn Jillette

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By LeBron James

When I got back from the war in 1946 people didn't want the Mr. Smith kind of movie any more, and I refused to make war pictures. — LeBron James

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Nicolas Winding Refn

Financially, it was very successful. Which is the most important thing. That is the only way you get to make another movie. It's very simple. The market will value you. — Nicolas Winding Refn

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Franco Nero

If you're a big Hollywood star, you make one movie a year at the most. I can make five in Europe. — Franco Nero

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Stephen Kendrick

I'm not trying to force something but I do enjoy working behind the scenes and I do enjoy bringing all of the ingredients to the kitchen so that we can make the movie. — Stephen Kendrick

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Ansel Elgort

With 'Carrie,' I did, like, seven auditions. I'd never done a movie, so they wanted to make sure I wasn't going to ruin it. I don't blame them. — Ansel Elgort

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Christophe Beck

Careers are built on relationships. Even if it's a bad movie, even if I know it's a bad movie, even if it's a team of filmmakers that I know are going to be difficult, that I know are going to really make me work extra hard, it's fundamentally the same process. — Christophe Beck

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Ric Roman Waugh

For me, it [moviemaking] is about social relevance. I want to make a movie that has some type of relevance where as the audience can't help but relate it in some way, and to continue that conversation outside the theater. I want people saying "this happened to my father" or "this happened to me." That's what I want. — Ric Roman Waugh

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Chevy Chase

Every Vacation movie didn't just make the studio money. They each made the studio a lot of money. — Chevy Chase

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Charlyne Yi

I do a little improv in my shows. Kind of like our movie, I'll do beats and ideas of dialogue, but I think there's less pressure because it's a live show. If you mess up, the audience laughs because we don't really know what we're doing. But as far as shooting, that was very scary, trying to make a point and drive the film. It definitely helped improvising. — Charlyne Yi

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Joe Dante

When you make a 3-D movie you actually have to plan the way the visuals look because there's a parallax issue, and there's an issue of editing; you can't edit very quickly in 3-D because the eye won't adjust fast enough for it. — Joe Dante

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Joel Edgerton

I learned a great lesson early on, even before I was really an actor, from that movie 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' that John Hughes made: that you could make a movie that's really, really, really, really funny, and sometimes you can still achieve ... making the audience feel very deep emotions as well. — Joel Edgerton

Make A Wish Movie Quotes By Maya Forbes

When you make a movie, it's a movie, and things change based on who you put in the movie. And so it's, you know, obviously not exactly your life, but I feel that I did learn a lot about my parents. — Maya Forbes