Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Macbeth Character

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Top Macbeth Character Quotes

Macbeth Character Quotes By Laurence Olivier

When you're a young man, Macbeth is a character part. When you're older, it's a straight part. — Laurence Olivier

Macbeth Character Quotes By Annalee Newitz

'The Red' is the first book in a trilogy that gained a big following as a self-published e-book, and is now out in paper from Saga. It introduces us to reluctant hero Shelley, a former anti-war activist who chooses to join the military rather than serve jail time after being arrested at a protest. — Annalee Newitz

Macbeth Character Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

As history has shown, pure science research ultimately ends up applying to something. We just don't know it at the time. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Macbeth Character Quotes By Charles Dickens

Indeed the worthy housewife was of such a capricious nature, that she not only attained a higher pitch of genius than Macbeth, in respect of her ability to be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral in an instant, but would sometimes ring the changes backwards and forwards on all possible moods and flights in one short quarter of an hour; performing, as it were, a kind of triple bob major on the peal of instruments in the female belfry, with a skilfulness and rapidity of execution that astonished all who heard her. — Charles Dickens

Macbeth Character Quotes By Robert Frost

The question that he frames in all but words is what to make of a diminished thing. — Robert Frost

Macbeth Character Quotes By Simon Armitage

Where does the hand become the wrist?
where does the neck become the shoulder? The watershed
and then the weight, whatever turns up and tips us over that
razor's edge
between something and nothing, between
one and the other. — Simon Armitage

Macbeth Character Quotes By Brand Blanshard

Shakespeare without Othello, Lear, Macbeth and Hamlet would be all too much like Hamlet without the prince. — Brand Blanshard

Macbeth Character Quotes By William Shakespeare

The primary characteristics of the Shakespearean soul present themselves in Macbeth: the soul has free will, reason, conscience, and corporeality. The effect of these beliefs is holistic: they work together, whether a character be virtuous or sinful. More, no character stands alone morally, because Shakespeare assumes, theologically, that the bonds of family and society are sacred. With respect to the individual, however, there is one overarching principle at work. The fall of an individual's soul - the loss of his freedom, the ruin of his reason, the confusion of his conscience, the seduction of his flesh by lies and imagination - is a negation of his soul. — William Shakespeare

Macbeth Character Quotes By MC Hammer

Technology is important because it creates the future. We're able to be a part of the "next" and create things that don't exist. — MC Hammer