Famous Quotes & Sayings

Luis Rodriguez Quotes & Sayings

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Top Luis Rodriguez Quotes

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

We need more leaders among our gente - more teachers, politicians, businesspeople, organizers, and such. Turn the energy that many young people are putting into "war" and "death" and put it into life and true justice. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Friendship is greater than the colonial and dominating race ideologies of hundreds of years." -"Some of My Best Friends — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

With a Socialist government, there will not be a national surplus whilst there continues to be inequality. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

No Spanish government has given into terror and no government will do that. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Gender equality is more successful than armed force — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I moved into the garage at my mom's house, she wouldn't let me into the house, and the garage didn't have any running water. It did have electricity though, but it didn't have any running water, no bathroom. But, you know, it was great for me because I had my books there. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The photo is the most important thing. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Cry, child, for those without tears have a grief which never ends. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Please receive in the name of the Spanish government and the people of Spain our warmest congratulations for your election as Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and my best wishes for the Papacy which you begin today. [to Pope Benedict XVI] — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Discouraging smoking and drinking is a left ideal. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Drawing a comparison to football, it could be said that the Spanish economy has, during this legislature, into the Champions League of the world economy, however bad that may seem to some. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Wars such as those which have occurred in Iraq only allow hatred, violence and terror to proliferate. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I'm not really anti-gang - I was a gang member and so was my son. I'm pro-youth, pro-community, pro-family, pro-arts, and pro-peace. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Art is the heart's explosion on the world. Music. Dance. Poetry. Art on cars, on walls, on our skins. There is probably no more powerful force for change in this uncertain and crisis-ridden world than young people and their art. It is the consciousness of the world breaking away from the strangle grip of an archaic social order. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

go ahead and kill us,we're already dead... — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Piece by Piece Piece by piece They tear at you: Peeling away layers of being, Lying about who you are, Speaking for your dreams. In the squalor of their eyes You are an outlaw. Dressing you in a jacket of lies - tailor-made in steel - You fit their perfect picture. Take it off! Make your own mantle. Question the interrogators. Eyeball the death in their gaze. Say you won't succumb. Say you won't believe them When they rename you. Say you won't accept their codes, Their colors, their putrid morals. Here you have a way. Here you can sing victory. Here you are not a conquered race Perpetual victim - the sullen face in a thunderstorm. Hands/minds, they are carving out A sanctuary. Use these weapons Against them. Use your given gifts - they are not stone. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

The judge gave me a break. He was like: wow, we've never heard of this. So he gave me time served in the county jail, I didn't even get a felony. I have yet to get a felony, which is so crazy. I think Lindsey Lohan has more felonies than me. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Although the recession is strong and although hard times await us in the next 2 or 3 months, Spain will continue to grow in the second quarter of 2009. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

There isn't any wall, however high, however wide or however big, whatever it is made from, that can bar you from achieving a better life. There isn't any wall or pit that is in front of you to stop you from achieving a future of wellbeing. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The more equality women have, the fairer, more civilized and tolerant society will be. Sexual equality is a lot more effective against terrorism than military strength. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Peace needs and takes time, it needs and takes caution, it needs and takes patience after 30 years of terrorism and violence. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Any peace process after so many years of horror and terror will be long and difficult. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

It never stopped, this running. We were constant prey, and the hunters soon became big blurs: the police, the gangs, the junkies, the dudes on Gaarvey Boulevard who took our money, all smudged into one. Sometimes they were teachers who jumped on us Mexicans as if we were born with a hiduous stain. we were always afraid. Always Running. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

If young people had love, hope, true education, the arts, full and meaningful lives they won't join gangs. My life since leaving the gang and drugs has been directed to making positive what it means to be Chicano, human, man, woman, and on how to draw out the imagination and creativity that all people have. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

It's true that the war in Iraq opened a distance in relations between part of Europe and the U.S. government, but our basic ties are stronger than that. We share democracy, free markets and a commitment to Western security. We differ on how to guarantee that security. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Spaniards have always shown great maturity and great common sense when it comes to voting. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The Spain of today looks at the Second Republic with great appreciation and above all with satisfaction and pride for what we have been able to do in this constitutional age. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Eventually I went back to high school. I went to a coaching center in my neighborhood. I had to leave the homeless situation because it was so bad and I knew that I was falling deeper and deeper. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

You can be completely opposed to an ideological position, and I'm certainly not close to Aznar's ideas, however he was elected by the Spanish people and I demand that respect. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

I will listen to Mr Bush but my position is very clear and very firm. The occupation is a fiasco. There have been almost more deaths after the war than during the war. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Gangs have always existed - they are primarily a community a young men trying to find intensity, meaning, a path to the outer world (outside of home) that most tribal groupings addressed with rituals, rites of passage, initiation ceremonies. We've lost this knowledge as a culture. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Europe is and will be a Union of States. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

You dont have solo rights to anything anymore,not even your crazy life — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Less smoking and more reading. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I'm not against knowing the history of white people in the U.S. - that's not the point. The point is that there's so much greater history. We don't know about Native Americans. Very basically, we don't know that much about African American history, except that they were enslaved. You only get bits and pieces. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

My commitment is my commitment. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

It is the violent peotry of the times written in the blood of the youth — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Nobody supported me; my family thought I had gone crazy. They thought, you crazy gangster, you crazy drug addict, now you want to be a writer? That's it! They totally gave up on me after that. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

In my opinion, patriotism is liberty. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The economic, social and cultural progress of a nation depends on citizens counting for more and having more rights. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Gangs exist when there are lots of empties in a person, in family, in community. It points out how we need to do more to bring real art, passions, teachings, caring, and resources into the emptiness of young peoples' lives. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

In order to stay out of trouble I worked in industry. You can't even do that nowadays; there were all those factories. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Maybe John Kerry does not know - but I am happy to explain it to him - that my commitment to withdraw the troops goes back before the tragic, dramatic terrorist attack. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The risk of a terrorist victory is greater when in fighting terror, democracy betrays its own essence. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

When you win, we win; but when you go down, you go down alone. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Markets are very important but for the government the citizens are more so. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

We [people] all need each other. Gangs do try to fill that void - but they can't do what healthy, balanced, and coherent families and communities can do. Let's strengthen our core relationships from the start - and all the way through a young person's life. This is the best way to avoid the growth of deadly and crime-involved gangs. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Wich is the ultimate struggle, the one fight really worth fighting. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

To go against gangs or drugs is meaningless unless this is mostly done by filling in the empties, the vacuums, and stop the neglect and harm we do as detached, mean, irresponsible adults and communities. The answer is in our hands. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

We're aligning ourselves with Kerry. Our allegiance will be for peace, against war, no more deaths for oil, and for a dialogue between the government of Spain and the new Kerry administration. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

I said when I came into office that I don't want to be a great leader; I want to be a good democrat. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

One summer I was homeless in L.A., when I was about fifteen, and I used to go to the library to get books. I would have books in abandoned cars, in the seats, cubby holes on the L.A. River, just to have books wherever I could keep them, I just loved to have books. And that really helped me. I didn't realize it was going to be my destiny; I didn't know I was going to be a writer. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jon Stewart

Spain's new Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced he will soon call back Spain's 1300 troops from Iraq - meaning the coalition of the willing is fast turning into a duet of the stubborn. — Jon Stewart

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Oh,you'll get over it ... eventually-la payasa de lomas — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I was kind of a weird homie; I was a weird kid. Nobody in my family loved books. I'm the only one. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Men need to be strong, but not bullies. They need to know how to not get emotionally lost in situations, but not be cold and emotionless. They need to know the full variety of emotions as well as thinking and acting. Not just the most limited ways of doing things. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The corporations and the media don't need power; they already have it. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I worked in a steel mill, I worked in a foundry, I worked in a paper mill, I worked in a chemical refinery, construction, I did all that. It was great work, it was good. I learned welding, mechanic, carpentry, but it saved me from going back to prison because that's helpful. It's really sad because those jobs are gone. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

It is true that renewable energy is expensive and can't be done without public sector support, it is an important investment in the future. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

My task is to make you hear,to make you feel ,and ,above all,to make you see,that is all,and it is everything — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

In democracy, nobody is above anybody else apart from he who is elected by the people. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Castilian Spanish speaking Spain is big, but is bigger in addition with Catalonian speaking Spain, Galician speaking Spain and Basque speaking Spain. Democratic Spain, Constitutional Spain, can not be separated from diversity and the respect to the citizenship — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

They say of the poet and the madmn we all have a little — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I had to find meaning in it. So I go through this, I see all these homies die; I see all this terrible devastation, people sitting in prison. I've been saved from prison, from death, and from heroine addiction. What am I going to do with that? — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Democratic power is the only voice most citizens have. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

I want to increase our spending on research and development by 25%. That's something the U.S. does very well. That dynamism alongside a welfare state in the European community - that's the synthesis I want to achieve. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Given that a few days ago we had a terrible accident, a tragic terrorist attack in Barajas, in Madrid, I would like to propose to you that we show our complete condemnation, our most intense revulsion, and that we show profound solidarity with the victims. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Vive La Vida LOCA (Live the crazy life) — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

How can a governing party propose to its people a referendum that won't be binding? Is that a serious political programme? No it is not. It's the final option that will end up with upset, at a dead end, reflecting the last 4 years of the Ibarretxe Plan — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

I don't think this debate is negative, it is enriching — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I'm sorry young man but the classes you chose are filled up. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I was arrested and put in murder's row. They were trying to get me for some murders I didn't do. They had me in a cell next to Charles Manson; he was going to trial at the time. And it was all a row of black and brown guys and one white guy: Charles Manson. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

We are the envy of Europe and in a few years time we are going to be one of the top countries in the world. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The PP has spent 3 years thinking about the election (in 2008), but I think that one has to give them some advice: to prepare themselves to carry on thinking, but about the election in 2012. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

There are choices you have to make not just once, but everytime they come up. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

You can't bomb a people just in case. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

It doesn't work that way — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

Nobody had books at home. My dad was a very educated person, so he would have books at home. All Spanish books. That helped. Most of my homies had no books at home. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

You 'will never belive it. — Luis J. Rodriguez

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

The main priority of the Socialist Party is education. — Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Luis Rodriguez Quotes By Luis J. Rodriguez

I've always been prepared to write about the hard things. Only for healing, teaching, and enlightening purposes not to hurt or disparage anyone. — Luis J. Rodriguez