Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lord Shiva In English Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lord Shiva In English Quotes

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Jet Mykles

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone."
"There is when your only reason is the being, not the someone. — Jet Mykles

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Giuliana Rancic

To me, natural, healthy looking skin is really beautiful. With a little concealer, eyeshadow, liner, gloss and bronzer, I love my lighter makeup look. I've saved so much money on facials! — Giuliana Rancic

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Jean Liedloff

As a child I was attracted to Tarzan and everything that had to do with jungles. It seemed to me
and this is in retrospect
that there was something primal, something right about it. Tarzan represented a pure being, somehow before the fall. — Jean Liedloff

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Erich Fromm

We should free ourselves from the narrowness of being related only to those familiar to us, either by the fact that they are blood relations or, in a larger sense, that we eat the same food, speak the same language, and have the same " common sense." Knowing men in the sense of compassionate and empathetic knowledge requires that we get rid of the narrowing ties of a given society, race or culture and penetrate to the depth of that human reality in which we are all nothing but human. True compassion and knowledge of man has been largely underrated as a revolutionary factor in the development of man, just as art has been. It is a noteworthy phenomenon that in the development of capitalism and its ethics, compassion (or mercy) ceases to be a virtue. — Erich Fromm

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Alice Hoffman

Holding a tear back makes them drain upward, higher and higher, until one day your head just explodes and you're left with a stub of a neck and nothing more. — Alice Hoffman

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Jo Nesbo

Life was becoming shorter and the thought that he would never stop smoking filled him with a strange satisfaction. Ignoring the warning on the cigarette packet might not be the most flamboyant act of rebellion a man could allow himself, but at least it was one he could afford. — Jo Nesbo

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Erin Keane

Knowing the truth about what you believe and longing for the time before you knew it are not mutually exclusive states of being. — Erin Keane

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Yes, it sucked getting dumped. But wasn't it better to just be brutally honest? To admit that your feeling for someone is never going to be powerful enough to justify taking up any more of their time? I was doing him a favor, really. Freeing him up for a better opportunity. In fact, I was a practically a saint, if you really thought about it. Exactly. — Sarah Dessen

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Stephen Cosgrove

(A) friend doesn't belong to anyone. Friendship is not something you own. Friendship is something you share. To have a friend, you must be a friend. There is no other way. — Stephen Cosgrove

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Tom Hodgkinson

I like the idea of becoming [fairly] good at lots of things rather than very good at just one thing. So it would be nice to be okay at the guitar or at the piano, a reasonable cook, perhaps able to fix your car or do some basic carpentry, and be able to write the odd article. Rather than being super good at one tiny thing, to be kind of average at lots of things. It might mean that you have a more kind of enjoyable, complete life. — Tom Hodgkinson

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Lisa McMann

Cabel gives her a quizzical look. I am totally not getting enough attention here. — Lisa McMann

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Leonid Andreyev

Man dies. Come from darkness, into darkness he returns, and is reabsorbed, without a trace left, into the illimitable void of time. — Leonid Andreyev

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Mary Roach

There are naturally large individual differences in the chemical makeup of people's saliva. — Mary Roach

Lord Shiva In English Quotes By Paul Bowles

I have the feeling you are primarily two people,one of which should be killed. — Paul Bowles