Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lil Phat Picture Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lil Phat Picture Quotes

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Ron Wyden

Oregonians aren't the only ones who recognize the extraordinary service and sacrifice of their state's National Guard. — Ron Wyden

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

The function of mindfulness is, first, to recognize the suffering and then to take care of the suffering. The work of mindfulness is first to recognize the suffering and second to embrace it. A mother taking care of a crying baby naturally will take the child into her arms without suppressing, judging it, or ignoring the crying. Mindfulness is like that mother, recognizing and embracing suffering without judgement.
So the practice is not to fight or suppress the feeling, but rather to cradle it with a lot of tenderness. When a mother embraces her child, that energy of tenderness begins to penetrate into the body of the child. Even if the mother doesn't understand at first why the child is suffering and she needs some time to find out what the difficulty is, just her acto f taking the child into her arms with tenderness can alreadby bring relief. If we can recognize and cradle the suffering while we breathe mindfully, there is relief already. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Lorde

Two things to remember in life: take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take are of your words when you are with people. — Lorde

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Rebecca Goldstein

To matter, to mind ... What we mind is in our power, but whether we matter may not be - and there's the tragedy ... Can anyone truthfully say, I don't matter and I don't mind? — Rebecca Goldstein

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Lauren DeStefano

He rubbed my arm, whispering words that sounded like moth bodies flying into glass windows. — Lauren DeStefano

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Ernest Cline

The apple had fallen right next to the crazy tree. — Ernest Cline

Lil Phat Picture Quotes By Mark Driscoll

Everything may not be OK but if God is with you, you will be OK. — Mark Driscoll