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Like Crazy The Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Like Crazy The Movie Quotes

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ginnifer Goodwin

It's like, if you can't focus on a movie for 90 minutes without looking at your phone, then don't go to the movies! You've got some issues, so you should probably stay home and work on those issues, and not distract everyone with lights, and sounds, oh my gosh, the tapping on the screens, it makes me crazy! — Ginnifer Goodwin

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Eva Longoria

On a television show, you basically make a movie a week. Movies take three months - it's crazy. They're so slow, it's like vacation to me. — Eva Longoria

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Hulk Hogan

Right before Pamela Anderson met Tommy Lee I got this crazy script to do this incredible movie with her where I play this cop with a young partner like Brad Pitt who is in love with Pamela Anderson and he gets killed in the line of duty and she falls in love with me and it gets really crazy. I turned that down. — Hulk Hogan

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Anthony Hopkins

I don't have people following me around, like bodyguards. I don't know how people live like that. Maybe the young movie stars have to live like that, I don't know. But it seems a little crazy to me. I don't think you need all that stuff. — Anthony Hopkins

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Emma Stone

I like to look like a person. It drives me crazy when you see women in movies playing teachers, and they have biceps. It totally takes me out of the movie. I start thinking, Wow, that actress playing this part really looks great! — Emma Stone

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ingrid Bergman

In Paris, when the picture came out [Casablanca] they weren't too pleased with it. They didn't like the political point of view. The picture was taken off immediately and was never sold to television. A while ago it was brought in and opened in five theatres in Paris, as a new movie. They had a big gala opening where I appeared and people were absolutely crazy about it. — Ingrid Bergman

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Jon Lovitz

Movie acting is harder than doing a play. You have to be entertaining but completely natural, like Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. They weren't doing anything. Do you have any idea how hard that is? That's how good they were. It's crazy hard to be convincing and real. It's the most subtle, hardest thing there is. — Jon Lovitz

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Nicholas Stoller

We have tons of live performances that we're putting on there. We have music videos. There's a music video for the song called I Am Jesus what is one of the funniest music videos, like we just could not find a place for it in the movie, but it's like crazy funny. And we have the whole video. — Nicholas Stoller

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Paula Fox

I've done a Russian movie," Claire said. "Thank God they're still stuck in realism, Zola-crazy. Subtitling their films is like captioning a child's picture book. — Paula Fox

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Michelle Trachtenberg

I will not be doing any FHM or crazy Maxim magazines. I will leave that to the other actresses in Hollywood who want to shed their clothes because they think that's beneficial to them. I would much rather chose a creative way - like in a movie. — Michelle Trachtenberg

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Christopher Frayling

At this point, [Tuco and Pablo] start scrapping like children, while Blondie looks secretly on. 'Please forgive me, brother', says the thoroughly ashamed Padre Ramirez. Tuco walks out, without turning back, then boastfully tells Blondie: 'My brother, he's crazy about me... even a tramp like me. No matter what happens, there'll always be a bowl of soup'. Blondie replies: 'Well, after a meal, there's nothing like a good cigar'. Tuco wipes away his tears and proceeds to eat the cigar, a broad grin returning to his face. — Christopher Frayling

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Penny Reid

You're a movie star. A celebrity with millions of fans."
"And you're a wildlife ranger who traps giant, dangerous black bears for a living and acts like it's no big deal. Tell me that doesn't sound like a heaping helping of crazy, with bizarre gravy, and a slice of mashed loco for Cocoa Puffs. — Penny Reid

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By James Bay

To drive though the streets of Manhattan to sign a record deal was like a movie. It was crazy - pretty hard to put into words. — James Bay

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Evangeline Lilly

My introduction into Marvel world was Comic-Con 2014 where I really had to take a step back and go, 'What have I walked into? What is this place? It's wild, and there's all these crazy rockstars walking around - who are all older than me, which was really weird. I was like, 'I feel too old to be in a superhero movie,' and they're like 10 years older than me. — Evangeline Lilly

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By John Robinson

It was just crazy opportunity to see that whole world and the competitions that we had in the film, like Long Beach, it was just crazy and so much fun. I felt like I lived all those moments in the movie. — John Robinson

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ralph Ellison

Leaving him and going out into the paint-fuming air I had the feeling that I had been talking beyond myself, had used words and expressed attitudes not my own, that I was in the grip of some alien personality lodged deep within me. Like the servant about whom I'd read in psychology class who, during a trance, had recited pages of Greek philosophy which she had overheard one day while she worked. It was as though I were acting out a scene from some crazy movie. Or perhaps I was catching up with myself and had put into words feelings which I had hitherto suppressed. Or was it, I thought, starting up the walk, that I was no longer afraid? I stopped, looking at the buildings down the bright street slanting with sun and shade. I was no longer afraid. Not of important men, not of trustees and such; for knowing now that there was nothing which I could expect from them, there was no reason to be afraid. Was that it? I felt light-headed, my ears were ringing. I went on. — Ralph Ellison

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ben Affleck

I learned that as a director, you're around all these talented people, so you have this window that all these really good ideas can come in to help your movie, so you're crazy to close them. You need to be inspiring people, engaging people. There are lots of people who are really good at their jobs but might not know or feel like they want to come up to people and get them to participate and want to do their best. — Ben Affleck

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By King Bach

I knew since third grade I wanted to be Jim Carrey. His freedom, his goofiness, his crazy, loud, sudden energy. I told my family I was going to be a pediatrician, but in the back of my mind, I was like, 'Nope, I'm going to be the biggest movie star ever.' — King Bach

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Stephen Chbosky

Following is a rant by a confused crazy kid (the protagonist), where he references some movie scene but by the end there is some deep philosophy ( in the last paragraph)
There was this one part where the main character, who is this architect, is sitting on a boat with his best friend, who is a newspaper tycoon. And the newspaper tycoon says that the architect is a very cold man. The architect replies that if the boat were sinking, and there was only room in the lifeboat for one person, he would gladly give up his life for the newspaper tycoon. And then he says something like this ...
"I would die for you. But I won't live for you."
Something like that. I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people. Maybe that is what makes people "participate." I'm not really certain. — Stephen Chbosky

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Leven Rambin

I did some pretty crazy stuff that I never thought I would do, for the sake of a movie, like surfing in eight-foot waves in pitch-black darkness, where I can't see anything. That still haunts me, kind of, in my nightmares, but it was worth it, it was fun. — Leven Rambin

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Jeffrey Donovan

Believe it or not, I don't own a TV. Crazy huh? I'm not a big movie-goer either. I just feel like I'm watching work. I am always outside and couldn't care less about what's on TV these days. — Jeffrey Donovan

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Book Of Eli Movie

Eli: They say the war tore a hole in the sky,you've probably heard the stories.
Solara: Yeah.
Eli: The war tore a hole in the sky, the sun came down, burnt everything, everyone, I wandered, I didn't really know what I should do or where I was going. I was just moving from place to place,trying to stay alive.And then one day I heard this voice.I don't know how to explain it, it's like it was coming from inside me. But I could hear it clear as day. Clear as I can hear you talking to me now. It told me to carry the book west, it told me that a path would be laid out before me, that I'd be led to a place where the book would be safe it told me I'd be protected,against anyone or anything that tried to stand in my way. If only I would have faith. That was thirty years ago and I've been walking ever since
Solara: And you did all this because a voice told you to?
Eli: I know what I hear, I know what I heard, I know I'm not crazy, I didn't imagine it — Book Of Eli Movie

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Jonah Hill

Stanley Kubrick made Shelly Duvall go crazy during 'The Shining.' It's like one of the best performances ever. Maybe he shouldn't have gone that far, but I love that movie. — Jonah Hill

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Chris Tucker

It's crazy because people expect you to be funny all the time and every day is not a funny day. I go to funerals and people are like 'tell a joke' and 'say one of your lines in a movie.' It's a funeral, man! — Chris Tucker

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Elvis Mitchell

I think if some people know anything about African cinema it's something like the The Gods Must Be Crazy, which is such an awful, condescending movie that debases African participation, and anything I can do to shift that and draw attention to rich and widely varied films that come from there- because there's all kinds of filmmakers from Senegal, you have Mambety, and Haroun with Grigris. — Elvis Mitchell

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Billy Bob Thornton

You know, what's popular? Okay, vampires are very popular. Let me make my vampire movie. I'm not saying you can't make a vampire movie. But if you're going to do one do something crazy. I mean don't just get a bunch of, like I said, models and make them into vampires so you'll get an audience. You know maybe get some ugly vampires for a change. — Billy Bob Thornton

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Katie Heaney

Why would I want to go out to dinner and a movie with someone I'm not completely crazy about ... getting someone else involved means I have to put on a nicer outfit and stress out about the way I look chewing my food. If I'm going to have to consider my chewing face, I only want to do it for someone I think I might be able to really like. — Katie Heaney

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Joseph McGinty Nichol

A lot of the content that goes directly to the internet, or is web-created content, is very hand-held video where you can watch this woman fall off the coffee table, or see a funny little gag, or is interview-style stuff, which is great. I love that. I consume it like crazy. But, this is designed to be reminiscent of what you would see during primetime, and reminiscent of what you would see in a movie theater, on any given weekend, and in that regard, it's brand new. — Joseph McGinty Nichol

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Mary Gaitskill

The place Joanne is building inside [herself] has rooms for all of this. Not just rooms. Beautiful ones. For Karl and Jerry and Karen and Nate in his cowboy hat and the hot-tub guy and movie directors and old-lady healers and people trying to love their asses and people who think they're stupid for it. In these rooms, each thing that looks crazy or stupid will be like a drawing you give your mother, regarded with complete acceptance and put on the wall. Not because it is good but because it is trying to understand something. In these rooms, there will be understanding. In these rooms, each madness and stupidity will be unfolded from its knot and smoothed with loving hands until the true thing inside lies revealed. — Mary Gaitskill

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Rob McClure

We are brunch hounds. We also like movie dates. There's a lot of diners, a lot of movies. We're 'simple pleasures' people. It doesn't have to be crazy. It could be a 'Law and Order' marathon on the couch, or it could be dinner or a show. We like to mix it up. — Rob McClure

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I want you to do me a favor. I want you to hit me as hard as you can."
I looked around and said, okay. Okay, I say, but outside in the parking lot.
So we went outside, and I asked if Tyler wanted it in the face or in the stomach.
Tyler said, "Surprise me."
I said I had never hit anybody.
Tyle said, "So go crazy, man."
I said, close your eye.
Tyler said, "No."
Like every guy on his first night at fight club, I breathed in and swung my fist in a roundhouse at Tyler's jaw like in every cowboy movie we'd ever seen, and me, my fist connected with the side of Tyler's neck. — Chuck Palahniuk

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Jen Naumann

Although I like a good scary movie, I've never actually believed anything paranormal or supernatural could be real ... until today. Magic genies, witch spells, and magic troll dolls with funky bright hair are other ideas that have crossed my mind. It also occurs to me that I may be going crazy, and will have to be committed before I finish high school. — Jen Naumann

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Daniel Tosh

Does everybody have their WWJD bracelets on? 'Cause I was wearing my bracelet recently, and I was in the movie theater, and this guy's cell phone went off - don't you just hate that? Then he picked it up, 'Hey, how's it going? I'm in a movie.' And I'm like, 'Hey! Get off the phone!' And he's like, 'Mind your own business.' And I almost went crazy, but then I looked at my bracelet: what would Jesus do? So I lit him on fire and sent him to Hell. — Daniel Tosh

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Britt Robertson

'Tomorrowland' is very much the dream role for me. I've always wanted to do a movie like this. Movies like this aren't made anymore, and it's so cool that I get to be a part of it. I get to do something new and crazy every day, and my character goes through so many different things. I get to do all of it. It's awesome. — Britt Robertson

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Arundhati Roy

I'm trained as an architect; writing is like architecture. In buildings, there are design motifs that occur again and again, that repeat
patterns, curves. These motifs help us feel comfortable in a physical space. And the same works in writing, I've found. For me, the way words, punctuation and paragraphs fall on the page is important as well
the graphic design of the language. That was why the words and thoughts of Estha and Rahel, the twins, were so playful on the page ... I was being creative with their design. Words were broken apart, and then sometimes fused together. "Later" became "Lay. Ter." "An owl" became "A Nowl." "Sour metal smell" became "sourmetal smell."
Repetition I love, and used because it made me feel safe. Repeated words and phrases have a rocking feeling, like a lullaby. They help take away the shock of the plot
death, lives destroyed or the horror of the settings
a crazy, chaotic, emotional house, the sinister movie theater. — Arundhati Roy

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ben Affleck

People ascribe a certain kind of silliness to the movie business. Everybody feels like, "In the movies, they do crazy stuff." — Ben Affleck

Like Crazy The Movie Quotes By Ming-Na Wen

I was hesitant to do 'Mulan II.' For me, I felt like the story that needed to be told, this legendary character of Mulan, was already encompassed in the first movie, and I was worried they would try to create this crazy cartoon character out of this legendary character of China. — Ming-Na Wen