Life Is Tremendous Quotes & Sayings
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Top Life Is Tremendous Quotes
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Yossi Ghinsberg Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Yossi Ghinsberg](
Feeling at home anywhere on earth, and a foreigner even in the country where I was born, I consider myself an earthling, a citizen of the world.
I love nature dearly and all creatures that contribute to make it what it is. I see the beauty in all expressions of life, and I see how blind so many of us still are. Our planet is remarkably abundant and there's more than enough for us all.
It is greed and shortsightedness that create the illusion of scarcity. I have lived through tremendous adventures and survived only because other people risked their lives for me. Realising how interconnected and interdependent we all are, I am neither shy or embarrassed when it is time for me lean on another to ask for help. And when I have the opportunity to help another, I view it as my duty and privilege. — Yossi Ghinsberg
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richard Benjamin Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richard Benjamin](
There is tremendous long-term harm when Americans accept ethnic and class balkanization as a de facto fixture of American life. I think that impoverishes our understanding of each other. — Richard Benjamin
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Michael Hersch Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Michael Hersch](
The work of Liszt I most admire is the music he wrote toward the end of his life. This is often music of tremendous inventiveness. The music seems to be seeking something. It tends to be restless, unpredictable, often very sad. — Michael Hersch
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Steve Maraboli Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Steve Maraboli](
Boredom is a symptom of a conditioned and closed mind. If you are bored, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice. Open your mind, break-free from your conditioned routine, and reignite the flames of excitement and discovery. — Steve Maraboli
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Elyne Mitchell Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Elyne Mitchell](
Spring comes to the Australian Alps like an invisible spirit. There is not the tremendous surge of upthrust life that there is in the lowland valleys, and no wild flowers bloom in the snow mountains till the early summer, but there is an immense stirring of excitement. A bright red and blue lowrie flits through the trees; snow thaws, and the streams become full of foaming water; the grey, flattened grass grows upwards again and becomes greener; wild horses start to lose their winter coats and find new energy; wombats sit, round and fat, blinking in the evening sunshine; at night there is the cry of a dingo to its mate. — Elyne Mitchell
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David L. Conroy Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David L. Conroy](
Both the suicidal and non-suicidal are often angry with others. One way to discharge this anger is to fantasize about violent revenge. The insults of daily life often cause fantasies of revenge to flare up and quickly subside. The people with these fantasies usually do not act on them; they are not motives or goals. They are involuntary responses to perceived insult - ways of coping with rage. The suicidal, whether or not they attempt, suffer tremendous and persistent pain and anger. That this pain should find its way into their fantasies and dreams is no surprise. This ideation is not a motive for action; it is an alternative to action. Fantasizing about suicide is an effort to delay or avoid suicide, not the activity of formulating a motive, goal, or intention. Fantasies doubtlessly succeed in preventing many attempts. — David L. Conroy
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jack London Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jack London](
Nature has many tricks wherewith she convinces man of his finity, - the ceaseless flow of the tides, the fury of storm, the shock of the earthquake, the long roll of heavens artillery, - but the most tremendous, the most stupefying of all, is the passive phase of the White Silence. All movement ceases, the sky clears, the heavens are as brass; the slightest whisper seems sacrilege, and man becomes timid, affrighted at the sound of his own voice. Sole speck of life journeying across the ghostly wastes of a dead world, he trembles at his audacity, realizes that his is a maggots life, nothing more. Strange thoughts arise unsummoned, and the mystery of all things strives for utterance. And the fear od death, of God, of the universe, comes over him, - the hope of the Resurrection and the life, the yearning for immortality, the vain striving of the imprisoned essence, - it is then, if ever, man walks alone with God.
- The White Silence — Jack London
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sara Sheridan Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sara Sheridan](
Historical fiction of course is particularly research-heavy. The details of everyday life are there to trip you up. Things that we take for granted, indeed, hardly think about, can lead to tremendous mistakes. — Sara Sheridan
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Oswald Chambers Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
The test of a man's religious life and character is not what he does in the exceptional moments of life, but what he does in the ordinary times, when there is nothing tremendous or exciting on. The worth of a man is revealed in his attitude to ordinary things when he is not before the footlights. — Oswald Chambers
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Anthony Doerr Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Anthony Doerr](
She is in charge of everything, but no one knows. It is a tremendous burden, she says, to be responsible for every little thing, every infant born, every leaf falling from every tree, every wave that breaks onto the beach, every ant on its journey. — Anthony Doerr
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John L. Casti Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John L. Casti](
The World is currently facing a confluence of mounting shortages in three commodities essential to the continuance of human life on this planet: water, energy, and food. Those three elements combine into something much greater than the sum of its parts, a looming global disaster by 2030. By 2030 the demand for water will increase by 30 percent, while demands for both energy and food will shoot up 50 percent. All this will be driven by a global population increase to about 8 billion people, placing tremendous stress on our highly industrialized global food system. — John L. Casti
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa](
So the real experience, beyond the dream world, is the
beauty and color and excitement of the real experience of
now in everyday life. When we face things as they are, we
give up the hope of something better. There will be no magic,
because we cannot tell ourselves to get out of our depression.
Depression and ignorance, the emotions, whatever we experi-
ence, are all real and contain tremendous truth. If we really
want to learn and see the experience of truth, we have to be
where we are. The whole thing is just a matter of being a grain
of sand. — Chogyam Trungpa
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Thubten Yeshe Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Thubten Yeshe](
It is precisely because our present life is so inseparably linked with desire that we must make use of desire's tremendous energy if we wish to transform our life into something transcendental. — Thubten Yeshe
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho](
Gandhi said, "I'm going to throw all the arms into the ocean and send all the armies to work in the fields and in the gardens." And Louis Fischer asked, "But have you forgotten? Somebody can invade your country." Gandhi said, "We will welcome them. If somebody invades us, we will accept him as a guest and tell him, 'You can also live here, just the way we are living. There is no need to fight.'" But he completely forgot all his philosophy - that's how revolutions fail. It is very beautiful to talk about these things, but when power comes into your hands . . . First, Mahatma Gandhi did not accept any post in the government. It was out of fear, because how was he going to answer the whole world if they asked about throwing the weapons into the ocean? What about sending the armies to work in the fields? He escaped from the responsibility for which he had been fighting his whole life, seeing that it was going to create tremendous trouble for him. If — Osho
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Lynn Johnston Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Lynn Johnston](
I've had some tremendous adventures, good and bad. It's part of the novel, and a novel isn't interesting if it doesn't have some good and bad. And you don't know what good is if bad hasn't been a part of your life. — Lynn Johnston
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John Shindler Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John Shindler](
Creating the Weather in the Classroom As Haim Ginott suggests, teachers "create the weather" in the classroom: I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture, or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate, or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child is humanized or dehumanized [p. x]. — John Shindler
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Eli Broad Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Eli Broad](
To me, money is a means to do good. I reached a point in my life where I had enjoyed tremendous business success that afforded my family everything we could possibly want. My wife and I then decided that we could use our wealth to make a difference. So we created the Broad Foundations to do four things: to improve urban public education, to support innovative scientific and medical research, to foster art appreciation for audiences worldwide and to support civic initiatives in Los Angeles. — Eli Broad
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Tom Wolfe Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Tom Wolfe](
Philip Roth is a fabulous writer, but he pretty much stays within his own life. He's so good - I mean, practically anything I've ever read of his I've really enjoyed. He just has tremendous talent. But I think he should have given himself a break and gone deeper into the society. — Tom Wolfe
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Suzanne Cory Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Suzanne Cory](
I think what drives scientists is this tremendous intellectual adventure - pushing the boundaries of knowledge, walking down a track that nobody has walked down before, not knowing what's around the corner and then seeing a landscape that is so extraordinarily beautiful and complex, being part of the community that is driving the boundaries of knowledge and giving us insight into the amazing process of life. — Suzanne Cory
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Barbara Rose Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Barbara Rose](
Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn. — Barbara Rose
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Nancy Sinatra Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Nancy Sinatra](
The one hit song that I have tremendous gratitude for is Boots, because it has a life of its own. It's like being identified with a brand name. — Nancy Sinatra
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David Deida Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David Deida](
Men are terrified of a woman's depth of love and the energy that moves as a woman's sexuality and emotions. And, at the same time, men want nothing more in this life than to merge completely with a woman's devotional love and wild energy. Only as a man outgrows his fear can he handle a woman's tremendous love-energy without running. And only such a man is worthy of your devotional offering in a committed intimacy. — David Deida
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Dennis Hastert Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Dennis Hastert](
The sport of wrestling is a tremendous builder of the values and characteristics which are needed to succeed in any walk of life. Much of what I have managed to achieve in life I owe directly to the years I spent in the wrestling room, as an athlete and a coach. Wrestling is a great educational tool. — Dennis Hastert
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Noam Chomsky Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Noam Chomsky](
Sometimes when I'm having a boring interview on the telephone, and I'm trying to think about something else because the questions are too boring, and I start looking around the room where I work, you know, full of books piled up to the sky, all different kinds of topics. I start calculating how many centuries would I have to live reading twenty-four hours a day every day of the week to make a dent in what I'd like to learn about things, it's pretty depressing.[ ... ] You know, we have little bits of understanding, glimpses, a little bit of light here and there, but there's a tremendous amount of darkness, which is a challenge. I think life would be pretty boring if we understood everything. It's better if we don't understand anything ... and know that we don't, that's the important part. — Noam Chomsky
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By W.N.P. Barbellion Life Is Tremendous Quotes By W.N.P. Barbellion](
An egotism like an eggshell is a thing from which to escape; the art of life is that escape. The fundamental art of life is to recover the sense of that great self-forgetful continuous life from which we have individually budded off. Many people have done this through religion, which begins with a tremendous clamour to some saviour god or other to recognise us and ends in our recognition of him; — W.N.P. Barbellion
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rudolf Flesch Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rudolf Flesch](
What are we after when we open one of those books? What is it that makes a classic a classic? ... in old-fashioned terms, the answer is that it wll elevate your spirit. And that's why I can't take much stock in the idea of going through a list of books or 'covering' a fixed number of selections, or anyway striving for the blessed state of having read this, or the other. Having read a book means nothing. Reading a book may be the most tremendous experience of your life; having read it is an item in your memory, part of your receding past ... Why we have that odd faith in the magic of having read a book, I don't know. We don't apply the same principle elsewhere: We don't believe in having heard Mendelssohn's violin concerto ...
I say, don't read the classics
try to discover your own classics; every life has its own. — Rudolf Flesch
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Haim G. Ginott Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Haim G. Ginott](
I've come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized. — Haim G. Ginott
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi](
It is nature's kindness that we do not remember past births. Life would be a burden if we carried such a tremendous load of memories. — Mahatma Gandhi
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Edward Bernays Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Edward Bernays](
Just as women supplement men in private life, so they will supplement men in public life by concentrating their organized efforts on those objects which men are likely to ignore. There is a tremendous field for women as active protagonists of new ideas and new methods of political and social housekeeping. When organized and conscious of their power to influence their surroundings, women can use their newly acquired freedom in a great many ways to mold the world into a better place to live in. — Edward Bernays
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Julia Quinn Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Julia Quinn](
In every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and clear that one feels as if one's been hit in the chest, all the breath knocked out, and one knows, absolutely knows without the merest hint of a shadow of a doubt that one's life will never be the same. — Julia Quinn
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jonathan Gould Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jonathan Gould](
It is the sound of the crowd that can be heard in the second, crescendoing rush of the orchestra that follows the final verse, rising from a hum to a gasp to a shout... fusing at last to a shriek (its similarity to the sound of the crowds at Beatle concerts is surely no accident). The onrushing sound of the orchestra at the end of "A Day in the Life" has transcended more than the conventions of Sgt. Pepper's Band. It is the nightmare resolution of the Beatles' show within a show. It is the sound in the eras of the high-wire artist as the ground rushes up from below. There is a blinding flash of silence, then the stunning impact of a tremendous E major piano chord that hangs in the air for a small eternity, slowly fading away, a forty-second meditation on finality that leaves each member if the audience listening with a new kind of attention and awareness to the sound of nothing at all. — Jonathan Gould
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By U.G. Krishnamurti Life Is Tremendous Quotes By U.G. Krishnamurti](
This question haunted me all my life and suddenly it hit me: 'There is no self to realize. What the hell have I been doing all this time?' You see, that hits you like lightning. Once that hits you, the whole mechanism of the body that is controlled by this thought is shattered. What is left is the tremendous living organism with an intelligence of its own. What you are left with is the pulse, the beat and the throb of life. — U.G. Krishnamurti
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Megory Anderson Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Megory Anderson](
There is such a tremendous need for spiritual guidance for those who are facing death, as a patient or with a loved one. Emotions and grief flood everyone involved. There are so many unknown factors. Many times doctors can predict what may happen physically, but no one can truthfully answer the big questions for us, questions like, What is dying like? Will it hurt? What is going to happen to me after I die? Is God going to be there waiting for me? Is God going to be angry at how I lived my life? These questions and fears clearly need to be addressed spiritually and not brushed aside. — Megory Anderson
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Deborah L. Parker Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Deborah L. Parker](
Our stories are timeless and tested. They are about us, a people of tremendous strength.Our songs are full of love and life - and the ups and downs of both. They are soulful with the rhythms of a heart that is in sync with nature and wonderment. Our struggles are real and rugged. They beckon our memory to the highest callings of the spirit, to help us rejoice and to overcome. — Deborah L. Parker
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Max Weber Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Max Weber](
For when asceticism was carried out of monastic cells into everyday life, and began to dominate worldly morality, it did its part in building the tremendous cosmos of the modern economic order. This order is now bound to the technical and economic conditions of machine production which to-day determine the lives of all the individuals who are born into this mechanism, not only those directly concerned with economic acquisition, with irresistible force. Perhaps it will so determine them until the last ton of fossilized coal is burnt. — Max Weber
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Joni Mitchell Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Joni Mitchell](
The thing that gave me the most pain in life, psychologically, and it gave me tremendous pain psychologically, is man's disrespect for nature. — Joni Mitchell
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Tara Smith Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Tara Smith](
Ethics is not a bitter wind in one's face, stinging a person with injunctions to act against his interest, but a breeze at one's back, aiding a person toward the achievement of life-enhancing values. Morality is not a burden to be resented or scrimped on, complied with only grudgingly. If Rand's theory of the nature of morality is correct, cutting moral corners amounts to cutting one's own throat. Far from being a necessary evil, ethics is a necessary ally, an indispensable tool for living. To the extent that a moral code accurately identifies a life-promoting course, morality is a tremendous benefactor. — Tara Smith
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jennifer Damiano Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jennifer Damiano](
Somewhere during the 'Next to Normal' Broadway run, I found myself learning more about myself onstage than in real life, and I truly realized the beautiful, tremendous, extraordinary gift that is performing. — Jennifer Damiano
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Haim Ginott Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Haim Ginott](
I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a student's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a student humanized or de-humanized. — Haim Ginott
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mira Kirshenbaum Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mira Kirshenbaum](
But when you personalize your life, when you make your life a place where you can be yourself, when you do things the way you want to do them, your life feels like your home. And that is a tremendous source of emotional energy. — Mira Kirshenbaum
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ann Bridge Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ann Bridge](
America ... holds up its way of life as the ideal for every nation, and seeks to impose its own standards of living - which many people think ridiculously and unwholesomely high - on others, partly of course in the search for markets. If it were openly stated that it was just a search for markets, that would be one thing, but it is not; by a tremendous propaganda campaign this materialistic conception is held up as an ideal, as somehow part of liberty, and above all, as a form of happiness. — Ann Bridge
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Thomas Mann Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Thomas Mann](
There were profound reasons for his attachment to the sea: he loved it because as a hardworking artist he needed rest, needed to escape from the demanding complexity of phenomena and lie hidden on the bosom of the simple and tremendous; because of a forbidden longing deep within him that ran quite contrary to his life's task and was for that very reason seductive, a longing for the unarticulated and immeasurable, for eternity, for nothingness. To rest in the arms of perfection is the desire of any man intent upon creating excellence; and is not nothingness a form of perfection? — Thomas Mann
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mary Alice Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Mary Alice](
Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we're closest to can betray us, and total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned. — Mary Alice
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Henri Nouwen Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Henri Nouwen](
I've had a tremendous problem with depression in my life. I'd rather not talk about it, because it's over. But depression is real. — Henri Nouwen
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sadhguru Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sadhguru](
Your psychological structure is a stone wall. If you are willing, every moment of your life can be a fantastic experience. Just the act of inhaling and exhaling can be a tremendous love affair. — Sadhguru
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Gyorgy Kepes Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Gyorgy Kepes](
The really great visual experience today is to fly over a huge city and look down into the night. It's like a tremendous jubilant Christmas tree. You just feel life is worth living when you come down you may have some doubts. — Gyorgy Kepes
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh](
Just your laughter will be enough to prevent the war. Your celebration, your dance, will be enough to prevent the war. Your ecstasy, your meditation, will create a tremendous force which will be far higher because it is life-affirmative. — Rajneesh
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Arthur Desmond Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Arthur Desmond](
Tremendous indeed is the occult influence of sex-love upon the evolution of organic life. Love and glory, fidelity, emulation, resolution, beauty, strength, and courage are directly inspired by sex-passions. — Arthur Desmond
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho](
Seventy is the natural life span for human beings. And if things move in this natural course then one dies with tremendous joy, with great ecstasy, feeling immensely blessed that life has not been meaningless, that at least one has found his home. And because of this richness, this fulfillment, one is capable of blessing the whole of existence. Just to be near such a person at the time of death is a great opportunity. You will feel, as the person leaves the body, as if some invisible flowers are falling upon you. Although you cannot see them, you can feel them. It is sheer joy, so pure that even to have a little taste of it is enough to transform your whole life. — Osho
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh](
God has a tremendous sense of humor! Religion remains something dead without a sense of humor as a foundation to it. God would not have been able to create the world if he had no sense of humor. God is not serious at all. Seriousness is a state of disease; humor is health. Love, laughter, life, they are aspects of the same energy. — Rajneesh
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Debbie Ford Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Debbie Ford](
There is not one life that doesn't add tremendous value to the whole. Somewhere inside of us we know this to be true; we hear the call to head in the direction of this bigger life. — Debbie Ford
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By J. Michael Straczynski Life Is Tremendous Quotes By J. Michael Straczynski](
We are not powerless. We have tremendous potential for good or ill. How we choose to use that power is up to us; but first we must choose to use it. We're told every day, You can't change the world. But the world is changing every day. Only question is who's doing it? You or somebody else? — J. Michael Straczynski
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richard G. Scott Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richard G. Scott](
Life never was intended to be easy. Rather, it is a period of proving and growth. It is interwoven with difficulties, challenges, and burdens. We are immersed in a sea of persistent, worldly pressures that could destroy our happiness. Yet these very forces, if squarely faced, provide opportunity for tremendous personal growth and development. The conquering of adversity produces strength of character, forges self-confidence, engenders self-respect, and assures success in righteous endeavor. — Richard G. Scott
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jawaharlal Nehru Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jawaharlal Nehru](
The basic fact of today is the tremendous pace of change in human life. — Jawaharlal Nehru
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Candice Millard Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Candice Millard](
What has survived of Garfield, however, is far more powerful than a portrait, a statue, or even the fragment of his spine that tells the tragic story of his assassination. The horror and senselessness of his death, and the wasted promise of his life, brought tremendous change to the country he loved - change that, had it come earlier, almost certainly would have spared his life. — Candice Millard
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh](
For the Baul, life is not a serious thing. It is fun, it is laughter, it is joy. So you cannot find anything like the seriousness of a church-goer, or the long faces of so-called religious people in the world of the Bauls. They love laughter, they love fun. They enjoy small things with tremendous respect. Ordinarily, religions are very long-faced, very sombre, serious, because they have to be - they are against life. — Rajneesh
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John McNally Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John McNally](
The whole point of life is to maximize your emotional income. Getting that ball and going is a tremendous physical thrill, an ego thrill, a personal power satisfaction. — John McNally
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David G. McAfee Life Is Tremendous Quotes By David G. McAfee](
I don't claim to know an over-arching 'Meaning of Life,' but I do operate under the understanding that life should not be lived under the pretense that it is simply a test propagated by an invisible, intangible, Creator-God. And it should not be spent identifying with religious traditions and organized groups that, historically, have been at the root of a tremendous amount of oppression and violence. — David G. McAfee
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Maya Tiwari Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Maya Tiwari](
The guru is a tremendous tradition because is a guide, it's a guide to life, and we can guide energetically, we can guide in our thought, we can have a prayer that travels wonderful things. — Maya Tiwari
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John Ortberg Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John Ortberg](
For much of our lives, we live in the shallows. Then something happens - a crisis, a birth, a death - and we get this glimpse of tremendous depth. My soul becomes shallow when my interests and thoughts go no further than myself. A person should be deep because life itself is deep. — John Ortberg
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho](
Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it
and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together. — Osho
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Natalie Goldberg Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Natalie Goldberg](
Sometimes people say to me, "I want to write, but I have five kids, a full-time job, a wife who beats me, a tremendous debt to my parents," and so on.
I say to them, "There is no excuse. If you want to write, write. This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don't wait. Make the time now, even if it is ten minutes once a week. — Natalie Goldberg
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jim Lampley Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jim Lampley](
I mean, you know, I get a tremendous positive charge every day just from knowing these kids and who they are. I mean, Larry, my 12-year-old son is my hero in life. Could there be a greater privilege than that? I mean, I can't imagine anything that would be more exciting. — Jim Lampley
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sharon Salzberg Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sharon Salzberg](
Looking at people and communicating that they can be loved, and that they can love in return, is giving them a tremendous gift. It is also a gift to ourselves. We see that we are one with the fabric of life. This is the power of metta: to teach ourselves and our world this inherent loveliness. — Sharon Salzberg
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By C. G. Jung Life Is Tremendous Quotes By C. G. Jung](
The difference between the "natural" individuation process, which runs its course unconsciously, and the one which is consciously realized, is tremendous. In the first case consciousness nowhere intervenes; the end remains as dark as the beginning. In the second case so much darkness comes to light that the personality is permeated with light, and consciousness necessarily gains in scope and insight. The encounter between conscious and unconscious has to ensure that the light which shines in the darkness is not only comprehended by the darkness, but comprehends it. The filius solis et lunae (the son of the Sun and Moon) is the possible result as well as the symbol of this union of opposites. It is the alpha and omega of the process, the mediator and intermedius. "It has a thousand names," say the alchemists, meaning that the source from which the individuation process rises and the goal toward which it aims is nameless, ineffable. — C. G. Jung
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Art Linkletter Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Art Linkletter](
Just smiling goes a long way toward making you feel better about life. And when you feel better about life, your life is better. With an optimistic, positive attitude toward life, the possibilities for your second prime are tremendous. — Art Linkletter
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Gamal Abdel Nasser Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Gamal Abdel Nasser](
Within the Arab circle there is a role wandering aimlessly in search of a hero. For some reason it seems to me that this role is beckoning to us-to move, to take up its lines, put on its costumes and give it life. Indeed, we are the only ones who can play it. The role is to spark the tremendous latent strengths in the region surrounding us to create a great power, which will then rise up to a level of dignity and undertake a positive part in building the future of mankind. — Gamal Abdel Nasser
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Oswald Chambers Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Oswald Chambers](
Jesus Christ's life was an absolute failure from every standpoint but God's. But what seemed failure from man's standpoint was a tremendous triumph from God's, because God's purpose is never man's purpose. — Oswald Chambers
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sri Chinmoy Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Sri Chinmoy](
Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life- in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes. — Sri Chinmoy
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Debasish Mridha Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Debasish Mridha](
You may not be rich with money, Socrates was not, your life still has tremendous value. — Debasish Mridha
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti](
Why are you afraid of death? Is it perhaps because you do not know how to live? If you knew how to live fully, would you be afraid of death? If you loved the trees, the sunset, the birds, the falling leaf; if you were aware of men and women in tears, of poor people, and really felt love in your heart, would you be afraid of death? Would you? Don't be persuaded by me. Let us think about it together. You do not live with joy, you are not happy, you are not vitally sensitive to things; and is that why you ask what is going to happen when you die? Life for you is sorrow, and so you are much more interested in death. You feel that perhaps there will be happiness after death. But that is a tremendous problem, and I do not know if you want to go into it. After all, fear is at the bottom of all this - fear of dying, fear of living, fear of suffering. If you cannot understand what it is that causes fear and be free of it, then it does not matter very much whether yo u are living or dead. — Jiddu Krishnamurti
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Eugene Jarecki Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Eugene Jarecki](
Reaganism as a political movement has enormous resources behind it and it seeks - through stagecraft and through a tremendous level of effort toward propaganda - to present an image of Reagan that is so much larger-than-life that it sort of blinds us all, and keeps us all in a warm, happy, nostalgic state, thinking of a man who can do no wrong. — Eugene Jarecki
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Marie-Louise Von Franz Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Marie-Louise Von Franz](
Depressions and melancholy are often a cover for tremendous greed.
At the beginning of an analysis there is often a depressed state of resignation-life has no meaning, there is no feeling of being in life. An exaggerated state can develop into complete lameness. Quite young people give the impression of having the resignation of a bitter old man or woman. When you dig into such a black mood you find that behind it there is overwhelming greed-for being loved, for being very rich, for having the right partner, for being the top dog, etc.
Behind such a melancholic resignation you will often discover in the darkness a recurring theme which makes things very difficult, namely if you give such people one bit of hope, the lion opens its mouth and you have to withdraw, and then they put the lid on again, and so it goes on, back and forth. — Marie-Louise Von Franz
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Suzanne Finnamore Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Suzanne Finnamore](
Reuben nails my fantasies everytime, with iron rods of reality. He asserts that I am going to die, but probably not for a while, and that maybe I should try getting married and having a life first. He is 70 and knows things, which is why I go to him. But it's sad to leave my romantic illusions at the door of this passage. Although false and destructive and useless, they've been tremendous company. — Suzanne Finnamore
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Douglas W. Smith Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Douglas W. Smith](
Getting a handle on why wolves do what they do has never been an easy proposition. Not only are there tremendous differences in both individual and pack personalities, but each displays a surprising range of behaviors depending on what's going on around them at any given time. No sooner will a young researcher thing, 'That's it, I've finally got a handle on how wolves respond in a particular situation,' than they'll do something to prove him at least partially wrong. Those of us who've been in this business for very long have come to accept a professional life full of wrong turns and surprises. Clearly, this is an animal less likely to offer scientists irrefutable facts than to lure us on a long and crooked journey of constant learning. — Douglas W. Smith
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John W. Gray III Life Is Tremendous Quotes By John W. Gray III](
What I learned was that the more you commit to the process and the more you trust God for increase in every area of your life, the more God allows the scales to tip in your favor until one day the momentum is so tremendous that there is no going back to the life you knew. You — John W. Gray III
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Daniel Mason Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Daniel Mason](
But being able to talk to so many patients from so many walks of life gives a tremendous window into people's lives. This is not to say I want to write about individual patients, but I think that after listening to the concerns of people who are so different from me, I can more realistically portray characters who are so different from me. — Daniel Mason
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Toni Morrison Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Toni Morrison](
But the important thing is that I don't do anything else. I avoid social life normally associated with publishing. I don't go to the cocktail parties, I don't give or go to dinner parties. I need that time in the evening because I can do a tremendous amount of work then. And I can concentrate. When I sit down to write I never brood. I have so many other things to do, with my children and teaching, that I can't afford it ... — Toni Morrison
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jeff Brown Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Jeff Brown](
There can be tremendous loneliness in the crossover to a soul-centered life. Walking through uncharted territory often means walking alone. This is particularly true in the transition stages before we find a conscious soulpod. It can be like primary school all over again - who will be my first real friends? — Jeff Brown
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda](
Every successful man must have behind him somewhere tremendous integrity, tremendous sincerity, and that is the cause of his signal success in life. He may not have been perfectly unselfish; yet he was tending towards it. If he had been perfectly unselfish, his would have been as great a success as that of the Buddha or of the Christ. The degree of unselfishness marks the degree of success everywhere. — Swami Vivekananda
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ashanti Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ashanti](
I have a tremendous amount of respect for military families. To have to worry about your loved ones and still try and live a normal life is extremely hard. — Ashanti
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh](
And that is the trouble with all lovers: they want more love, because they don't understand that the real desire is not for more love, but for something more than love. Their language ends with love; they don't know any way that is higher than love, and love does not satisfy. On the contrary, the more you love the more thirsty you become. At the fourth center of love, one feels a tremendous satisfaction only when energy starts moving to the fifth center. — Rajneesh
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Nithyananda Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Nithyananda](
Integrating the mind is the essence of life. Decide you will always say and do only what you feel is right. Then, you will come to tremendous clarity and conviction in the inner and outer worlds. — Swami Nithyananda
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Walter Payton Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Walter Payton](
Children have always brought a tremendous amount of joy to me and I feel that if you can catch them at a young age you can really change a life. There are a lot of studies that show that one act of kindness to these children has a 40% chance of making that child have a completely different outcome in their life. What you hope is that you can get a kid to believe in something and to believe in themselves. — Walter Payton
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda](
This life is a tremendous assertion of freedom — Swami Vivekananda
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Osho](
Being is not very far away. It is the deepest part of love, a love that is absolutely pure, unconditional. A love that is absolutely alert, aware, conscious, immediately turns into a tremendous revolution; it opens the doors of the innermost shrine of being. And to reach to your very center is to gain all that life can give to you: all the fragrance, all the beauty, all the joy, all the benedictions. — Osho
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Al Franken Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Al Franken](
The point is that there is tremendous hypocrisy among the Christian right. And I think that Christian voters should start looking at global warming and extreme poverty as a religious issue that speaks to the culture of life. — Al Franken
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ellen Hopkins Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Ellen Hopkins](
The easiest definition is this: an addiction is something we can't stop doing. Among its symptoms are lethargy, a lack of ability to focus, a tremendous desire to maintain routine in our daily life, the inability to complete cycles of action, a lack of new experiences and emotional responses, and the persistent feeling that one day is the same as the next and the next. — Ellen Hopkins
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich](
There are trials in life that feel as tremendous as a quest to slay dragons. These trials are daunting. They require hard work, determination, and courage. But when the dragon is finally slain, the relief is immense. — Richelle E. Goodrich
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Swami Vivekananda](
A tremendous stream is flowing toward the ocean, carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss. — Swami Vivekananda
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Joel Osteen Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Joel Osteen](
MAY 31 The Power of Your Words Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. PROVERBS 18:21 NASB OUR WORDS have tremendous power and are similar to seeds. By speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious minds, take root, grow, and produce fruit of the same kind. Whether we speak positive or negative words, we will reap exactly what we sow. That's why we need to be extremely careful what we think and say. The Bible compares the tongue to the small rudder of a huge ship, which controls the ship's direction (see James 3:4). Similarly, your tongue will control the direction of your life. You create an environment for either good or evil with your words, and if you're always murmuring, complaining, and talking about how bad life is treating you, you're going to live in a pretty miserable world. Use your words to change your negative situations and fill them with life. — Joel Osteen
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By E.B. White Life Is Tremendous Quotes By E.B. White](
You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that. — E.B. White
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Herbert Spencer Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Herbert Spencer](
Anyone who studies the state of things which preceded the French Revolution will see that the tremendous catastrophe came about from so excessive a regulation of men's actions in all their details, and such an enormous drafting away of the products of their actions to maintain the regulating organization, that life was fast becoming impracticable. And if we ask what then made, and now makes, this error possible, we find it to be the political superstition that governmental power is subject to no restraints. — Herbert Spencer
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By B. Alan Wallace Life Is Tremendous Quotes By B. Alan Wallace](
Life is a flash of lightning in the dark of night. It is a brief time of tremendous potential. — B. Alan Wallace
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rod Serling Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rod Serling](
The most important thing about the first sale is for the very first time in your life something written has value and proven value because somebody has given you money for the words that you've written, and that's terribly important, it's a tremendous boon to the ego, to your sense of self-reliance, to your feeling about your own talent. — Rod Serling
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Emily Ruskovich Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Emily Ruskovich](
Minutes pass, and between the minutes, June is slashing out the possibilities. She is narrowing her sister's life down to its essentials. The first to go is the vet's office where May might have worked, which is a loss, but the next to go is the mansion that May has been inside of in her dreams, a terrible, vast, cold place where the pictures are old and of other families. And so it is a relief to see it go, slashed out, burned to the ground with the hot friction of June's pencil. Then there is the loss of all possible sons, which is a tremendous relief, and then the crossing out of husbands, one by one, save one. — Emily Ruskovich
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Lester Levenson Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Lester Levenson](
Once you realize how effortless the highest way of life is, it takes tremendous effort to assume the opposite. — Lester Levenson
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Leslie Weatherhead Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Leslie Weatherhead](
I think death is a tremendous adventure- a gateway into a new life, in which you have further powers, deeper joys, and wonderful horizons. — Leslie Weatherhead
![Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh Life Is Tremendous Quotes By Rajneesh](
Awareness, beholding the mind, is the most essential method to have a breakthrough. And once you have gone just a step beyond the mind, you have entered the world of nirvana, you have entered the world of light and eternal life. You have attained to spiritual integrity, freedom, and tremendous ecstasy which the mind cannot even dream about. — Rajneesh