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Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes & Sayings

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Top Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Robert Breault

In this, the late afternoon of my life, I wonder: am I casting a longer shadow or is my shadow casting a shorter me? — Robert Breault

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Rene Guenon

The same trend is noticeable in the scientific realm: research here is for its own sake far more than for the partial and fragmentary results it achieves; here we see an ever more rapid succession of unfounded theories and hypotheses, no sooner set up than crumbling to give way to others that will have an even shorter life - a veritable chaos amid which one would search in vain for anything definitive, unless it be a monstrous accumulation of facts and details incapable of proving or signifying anything. We refer here of course to speculative science, insofar as this still exists; in applied science there are on the contrary undeniable results, and this is easily understandable since these results bear directly on the domain of matter. — Rene Guenon

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Rene Descartes

The majority of men is composed of two classes, for neither of which would this be at all a befitting resolution: in the first place, of those who with more than a due confidence in their own powers, are precipitate in their judgments and want the patience requisite for orderly and circumspect thinking; whence it happens, that if men of this class once take the liberty to doubt of their accustomed opinions, and quit the beaten highway, they will never be able to thread the byway that would lead them by a shorter course, and will lose themselves and continue to wander for life; in the second place, of those who, possessed of sufficient sense or modesty to determine that there are others who excel them in the power of discriminating between truth and error, and by whom they may be instructed, ought rather to content themselves with the opinions of such than trust for more correct to their own reason. — Rene Descartes

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By A. J. Jacobs

Did you hear about the middle Eastern potentate?" he asked me. "This potentate called a meeting of the wise men in the kingdom, and said, "I want you to gather all the world's knowledge together in one place so that my sons can read it and learn."The wise men went off, and after year, they came back with twenty-five volumes of knowledge. This potentate looked at it and he said, "No. It's too long. Make it shorter." So the wise men went off for another year. When they came back, they gave the potentate a piece of paper with one sentence on it. A single sentence. You know what the sentence was?"
Bob looked at me. I shook my head.
"The sentence was: "This too shall pass."
Bob paused, let it sink in: "I heard that when I was very young and it has always stuck with me. — A. J. Jacobs

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Moffat Machingura

Crying makes problems seem longer, and laughing makes problems seem shorter. Therefore in life if you cannot find a way out of your problems just take a short cut through them: that shortcut is
laughter. — Moffat Machingura

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

He limps in his life like the lame man in the Proverbs, whose legs were not equal, for his praying is shorter than his preaching. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Abraham Cahan

Life is much shorter than I imagined it to be. — Abraham Cahan

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Garry Shandling

I feel that everything I do in my life I can do in a shorter time than most men can. It's the quality, not the quantity. — Garry Shandling

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Leonardo Sciascia

The only institution in the Sicilian conscience that really counts is the family; counts, that is to say, more as a dramatic juridical contract or bond than as a natural association based on affection. The family is the Sicilians' State. The State, as it is for us, is extraneous to them, merely a de facto entity based on force; an entity imposing taxes, military service, war, police. Within the family institution the Sicilian can cross the frontier of his own natural tragic solitude and fit into a communal life where relationships are governed by hair-splitting contractual ties. To ask him to cross the frontier between family and State would be too much. In imagination he may be carried away by the idea of the State and may even rise to being Prime Minister; but the precise and definite code of his rights and duties will remain within the family, whence the step towards victorious solitude is shorter. — Leonardo Sciascia

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Walt Whitman

All space, all time, The stars, the terrible perturbations of the suns, Swelling, collapsing, ending, serving their longer, shorter use, Fill'd with eidolons only. The noiseless myriads, The infinite oceans where the rivers empty, The separate countless free identities, like eyesight, The true realities, eidolons. Not this the world, Nor these the universes, they the universes, Purport and end, ever the permanent life of life, Eidolons, eidolons ... — Walt Whitman

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Jancee Dunn

If your subject is an actor, he or she will also be shorter in person than they appear onscreen. This, also, you must keep to yourself. Even if you think you are giving their lack of height a positive spin, you aren't. 'You always seem larger than life in photos, but it's nice to see that in person you're just like us' might seem like a compliment, but what a star hears is 'You're stumpy, and you will lose jobs to taller people. — Jancee Dunn

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

The happiest lot on earth is to be born a Scotchman. You must pay for it in many ways, as for all other advantages on earth. You have to learn the paraphrases and the shorter catechism; you generally take to drink; your youth is a time of louder war against society, of more outcry and tears and turmoil, than if you had been born, for instance, in England. But somehow life is warmer and closer; the hearth burns more redly; the lights of home shine softer on the rainy street; the very names, endeared in verse and music, cling nearer round our hearts. — Robert Louis Stevenson

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

Life is fleeting;
your joys make it seem even shorter,
but your sorrows make it seem too long. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Victor Hugo

Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time. — Victor Hugo

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Elif Shafak

I have always clung, or maybe I wanted to cling, to bits and pieces of existence here and there, with no coherence, no center, no continuity in my life. There is a shorter way of saying this: I am a mess. — Elif Shafak

Life Is Shorter Than You Think Quotes By Maria V. Snyder

Everyone grieves in different ways. For some, it could take longer or shorter. I do know it never disappears. An ember still smolders inside me. Most days, I don't notice it, but, out of the blue, it'll flare to life. — Maria V. Snyder