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Quotes & Sayings About Life In Great Expectations

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Top Life In Great Expectations Quotes

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Mikhail Gorbachev

A period of transition to a new quality in all spheres of society's life is accompanied by painful phenomena. When we were initiating perestroika we failed to properly assess and foresee everything. Our society turned out to be hard to move off the ground, not ready for major changes which affect people's vital interests and make them leave behind everything to which they had become accustomed over many years. In the beginning we imprudently generated great expectations, without taking into account the fact that it takes time for people to realize that all have to live and work differently, to stop expecting that new life would be given from above. — Mikhail Gorbachev

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Carlos Ruiz Zafon

We all give up great expectations along the way. — Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Daniel Woodrell

The great name of the Dollys was Milton, and ... if you named a son Milton it was a decision that attempted to chart the life he'd live before he even stepped into it, for among Dollys the name carried expectations and history ... Jessops, Arthurs, Haslams and Miltons were born to walk only the beaten Dolly path to the shadowed place, live and die in keeping with those blood-line customs fiercest held.
Ree and Mom both had shouted and shouted and shouted against Harold becomeing a Milton, since Sonny was already a Jessop ... Ree'd a thousand times wished she'd fought longer for sonny, Shouted him into an Adam or Leotis or Eugene, shouted until he was named to expect choices. — Daniel Woodrell

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Roy Blount Jr.

An author is a person who can never take innocent pleasure in visiting a bookstore again. Say you go in and discover that there are no copies of your book on the shelves. You resent all the other books - I don't care if they are Great Expectations, Life on the Mississippi and the King James Bible that are on the shelves. — Roy Blount Jr.

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Stefan Molyneux

Being loved means; are disagreements welcome in my relationships? If you cant disagree with someone then you live in a tyranny and if you live in a tyranny then you are only loved to the degree that you erase yourself and conform to the irrational expectations of bullies. That isn't love obviously.
Now if somebody in you life demands that you not disagree with them and gets angry, "offended", or outraged should you disagree with them then, that person is not a good person. It's pretty narcissistic. It's somebody who does not have the maturity, wisdom, and ego strength to handle, and in fact welcome disagreements.
When people disagree with me as a whole I think it's a great opportunity for learning. People don't want to expose topics that might cause disagreement because, if the disagreement is punished then the illusion of being loved by good people is shattered. — Stefan Molyneux

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Set great expectations for yourself. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By David Nicholls

That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it and think how different its course would have been. Pause, you who read this, and think for a long moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on that memorable day.' Charles Dickens, Great Expectations — David Nicholls

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Because a child is bound to grow, society is intent upon cultivating the child's mind to mature into a very specific type of responsible person. Children take great pleasure in small things that have no practical purpose in their dreamy world where they can be as wild as wind. Each year a part of the child dies, as it is burden with adult responsibilities. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Samuel Johnson

It is commonly supposed that the uniformity of a studious life affords no matter for narration: but the truth is, that of the most studious life a great part passes without study. An author partakes of the common condition of humanity; he is born and married like another man; he has hopes and fears, expectations and disappointments, griefs and joys, and friends and enemies, like a courtier or a statesman; nor can I conceive why his affairs shuld not excite curiosity as much as the whisper of a drawing-room, or the factions of a camp. — Samuel Johnson

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Dare for a greater life, you will get it. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

We rely only on God in the wilderness. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Erich Fromm

Most people are convinced that as long as they are not overtly forced to do something by an outside power, their decisions are theirs, and that if they want something, it is they who want it. But this is one of the great illusions we have about ourselves. A great number of our decisions are not really our own but are suggested to us from the outside; we have succeeded in persuading ourselves that it is we who have made the decision, whereas we have actually conformed with expectations of others, driven by the fear of isolation and by more direct threats to our life, freedom, and comfort. — Erich Fromm

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Embrace each new day with great expectations. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Various

What's something every teen should know?

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Coleen Murtagh Paratore

Until then, have great expectations. Keep believing you dreams will come true. And remember, when life throws you a pit ... plant a cherry tree. — Coleen Murtagh Paratore

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Richard O'Connor

It seems like the value you attribute to something, more than its inherent value, influences your expectations, and your expectations, to a great extent, influence the life you live. — Richard O'Connor

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Fawn Weaver

Great marriages are made when husbands and wives don't allow cultural expectations to dictate their life decisions or their day-to-day interactions. A one-of-a-kind value system is forged, blended — Fawn Weaver

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By David Berlinski

For all the great dreams profitlessly invested in the digital computer, it is nonetheless true that not since the framers of the American Constitution took seriously the idea that all men are created equal has an idea so transformed the material conditions of life, the expectations of the race. — David Berlinski

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Seize every opportunity and make it great. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Pandora Poikilos

If there is one thing I can pass on from my humbling experiences in life, thus far, I will tell you this, the next time someone tells you the absence of expectations is the absence of disappointment, do not listen. Have expectations. Keep them great. It'll be a very bumpy ride. You'll even get bruised, sometimes very badly. Sometimes, you'll come to an abrupt halt or even fall off your ride. But you'll grow. And if you do not grow, you do not live. — Pandora Poikilos

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Jim Butcher

I snorted. "They still make you read Dickens in school? Great Expectations?" "Yeah." "You can stay at home and hide if you want - and wind up like Miss Havisham," I said. "Watching life through a window and obsessed with how things might have been." "Dear God," she said. "You've just made Dickens relevant to my life." "Weird, right?" I asked her, nodding. — Jim Butcher

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By H.G.Wells

I see knowledge increasing and human power increasing. I see ever-increasing possibilities before life, And I see no limits set to it at all, Existence impresses me as a perpetual dawn. Our lives, as I apprehend, are great in expectations. — H.G.Wells

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Victor Hugo

When people look back at their childhood or youth, their wistfulness comes from the memory, not of what their lives had been in those years, but of what life had then promised to be. The expectation of some indefinable splendor, of the unusual, the exciting, the great is an attribute of youth and the process of aging is the process of that expectations' gradual extinction. One does not have to let it happen. But that fire dies for lack of fuel, under the gray weight of disappointments. — Victor Hugo

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Jim Behrle

Now, you might think that because there are more poets than ever, there might be more opportunities for poets than ever. And you'd be correct. If your fondest wish is to become the next totally obscure minor poet on the block, well, you're probably already successful at that. This literary landscape has proven itself infinitely capable of absorbing countless interchangeable artists, all doing roughly the same thing in relative anonymity: just happily plucking away until death at the grindstone, making no great cultural headway, bouncing poems off their friends and an audience of about 40 people. A totally fine little life for an artist, to be sure. No grand expectations from the world to sit up and listen. One can live out one's days quite satisfied to create something enjoyed by a genial cult. But that's not why any of us are here tonight. We're here to conquer American Poetry and suck it dry of all glory and juice. — Jim Behrle

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Roopleen

It is not important for life to meet your great expectations. What is important is that you hold high expectations of yourself and meet them greatly. — Roopleen

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Darmie Orem

They must have thought I'm moon. Therefore they made known to me their hopes and expectations that is beyond flesh and blood. I'm only the symbol of creativity within the ancient spirits of my great ancestors. All life that never dies in all stormy season. I'm the oak tree in the breath of the warlike heros. — Darmie Orem

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Meena Sarine

Since I will never know what the future holds, I choose to live my life expecting great things — Meena Sarine

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Charles Dickens

On the Rampage, Pip, and off the Rampage, Pip - such is Life! — Charles Dickens

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By J.M. Darhower

Imagine every aspect of your life - your job, your spouse, your kids, even your friends - but don't imagine the future you think you're heading for. Instead, imagine the future you desire most. Forget all the expectations everyone else has for you and concentrate on what you truly want. Visualize the road that will take you there. That's your path. That's where you belong in life ... None of the truly great in this world became that way by doing what they felt they had to do. If Isaac Newton had become a farmer like his mother wanted him to, or if Elvis would've listened when he was told to stick to truck driving, we'd know neither man today. We know them, because they had the courage to follow the path they envisioned. — J.M. Darhower

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

I take pleasure in an excellent work done. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Sigmund Freud

Scientific knowledge has taught [humans] much since the days of the Deluge, and it will increase their power still further. And, as for the great necessities of Fate, against which there is no help, they will learn to endure them with resignation. Of what use to them is the mirage of wide acres in the moon, whose harvest no one has ever yet seen? As honest smallholders on this earth they will know how to cultivate their plot in such a way that it supports them. By withdrawing their expectations from the other world and concentrating all their liberated energies into their life on earth, they will probably succeed in achieving a state of things in which life will become tolerable for everyone and civilization no longer oppressive to anyone. Then, with one of our fellow-unbelievers, they will be able to say without regret: 'We leave Heaven to the angels and the sparrows. — Sigmund Freud

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lexi Blake

I think it's weird how vanilla people just jump into a bed and fuck and don't ever relish the moment, don't talk to each other about what works and what doesn't. So many people just expect sex to happen, but really great sex takes work, like everything in life. You have to talk to your partner. — Lexi Blake

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Every great soul was inspired by another great soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Robin LaFevers

Once they leave to see to their other duties, I go to stand before the fire, feeling once again as if I have been completely upended and remade anew, when in truth, I have barely caught my breath from the first time my life shattered before my eyes.

But this- this is different. This is no shattering, but rather some great knitting together of the broken pieces into a stronger whole.

I feel cleansed, not only of sin- but of artifice. I am stripped down to nothing but my raw self. As uncomfortable as it makes me feel, there is freedom in it as well, for there is no place left for others' expectations and desires of me to hide. — Robin LaFevers

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Marya Hornbacher

I didn't particularly want to live much longer than that. Life seemed rather daunting. It seems so to me even now. Life seemed too long a time to have to stick around, a huge span of years through which one would be require to tap-dance and smile and be Great! and be Happy! and be Amazing! and be Precious! I was tired of my life by the time I was sixteen. I was tired of being too much, too intense, too manic. I was tired of people, and I was incredibly tired of myself. I wanted to do whatever Amazing Thing I was expected to do - it might be pointed out that these were my expectations, mine alone - and be done with it. Go to sleep. — Marya Hornbacher

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Charles Dickens

So, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise. — Charles Dickens

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Never ever feel inferior because of the colour of your skin. Great is your soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Siri Hustvedt

I had never seen anything like New York, and its newness held the promise of my future: dense with the experience I craved - romantic, urbane, intellectual. Looking back on that moment, I believe I was saved from disappointment by the nature of my "great expectations." I honestly wasn't burdened with conventional notions of finding security and happiness. At that time of my life, even when I was "happy," it wasn't because I expected it. That was for characters less romantic than myself. I didn't expect to be rich, well fed, and kindly treated by all. I wanted to live deeply and fully, to embrace whatever the city held for me. — Siri Hustvedt

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Nick Hornby

I recently discovered that a friend who was re-reading Bleak House had done no other Dickens apart from Barnaby Ridge. That's just weird. I shamed and nagged him into picking up Great Expectations instead. But when I tried to recall anything about it other than its excellence, I failed. Maybe there was something about a peculiar stepfather? Or was that This Boy's Life? And I realized that, as this is true of just about every book I consumed between the ages of, say fifteen to forty, I havent even read the books I think I've read. I can't tell you how depressing this is. What's the fucking point? — Nick Hornby

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

The great political, artistic, and religious project of modernity has been to find a meaning to life that is not rooted in some great cosmic plan. ...But we are still convinced our lives have meaning. As of 2016, humankind indeed manages to hold the stick at both ends. Not only do we possess far more power than ever before, but against all expectations. God's death did not lead to social collapse. Throughout history prophets and philosophers have argued that if humans stopped believing in a great cosmic plan all law and order would vanish. Yet today, those who pose the greatest threat to global law and order are precisely those people who continue to believe in God and his all-encompassing plans. — Yuval Noah Harari

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Robertson Davies

I think a lot of people have unreasonable expectations because they never stop to consider what life actually has to offer them. They're always looking for some great epiphany from the skies. They never stop to consider the fact which human beings find hardest to recognize: Maybe I'm not worthy of an epiphany. — Robertson Davies

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Believe you are great and you will be great. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Life In Great Expectations Quotes By Fredrik Sjoberg

Or it might be better to say that all of us need to flee blindly from time to time so as not to become copies of the world's expectations, and maybe, too, to give us the courage to remember some of those great, bold thoughts that made a child get up in the night, heart pounding, and write down a secret promise for his life. — Fredrik Sjoberg