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Quotes & Sayings About Life Deep Thoughts

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Top Life Deep Thoughts Quotes

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Debasish Mridha

You are my love
My source of joy
You are the joy
You are the love
Every chamber of your heart is like a flower, blooming and blooming
Spreading love with the wind of thoughts
I am floating in those divinely pure thoughts and feeling the happiness
When I am in deep love, I gain the power of love,
When I feel beloved, I feel divine happiness. — Debasish Mridha

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By William Wordsworth

Fiction; inner thoughts of Elisha
True beauty dwells in deep retreats,
Whose veil is unremoved
Till heart with heart in concord beats,
And the lover is beloved. — William Wordsworth

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Sanober Khan

I wouldn't mind
if life left me...


burnt to cinders
ripped by storms
scattered...like weeds

celestially wounded

without cherry blossoms
to perish with

but I would cry
with head held in my hands
if it left me...

unfulfilled. — Sanober Khan

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Iyanla Vanzant

Set an intention to heal any unexpressed anger that may be present in your life. Go to a quiet place with pen and paper. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your anger to speak to you. Write down the thoughts and feelings. When you are finished, forgive yourself for holding on to the anger for so long. — Iyanla Vanzant

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Robert Aickman

One of my deep thoughts was that it is not so much particular disasters that make people cry, but something always there in life itself, something that a light falls on when we are trying to enjoy ourselves — Robert Aickman

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Brooke Burgess

The space between between breaths is measured in moments. But the space between Truths..? Lifetimes. — Brooke Burgess

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Neville Goddard

On Sunday morning, April 12th, my wife woke from what was really a deep, profound sleep and as she was waking a voice distinctly spoke to her; and the voice spoke to her; and the voice spoke with great authority and it said to her: "You must stop spending your thoughts, your time and your money; everything in life must be an investment." So she quickly wrote it down and went straight to the dictionary to look up the two important words in the sentence, 'spending' and 'investing': the dictionary defines 'spending' as "to waste, to squander, to layout without return." To 'invest' is to "layout for a purpose, for which a profit is expected". — Neville Goddard

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jean Plaidy

But our lives were not as they seemed, were they, Sophia? No one's life ever is. — Jean Plaidy

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Logan Kain

As a species, tragedy dwells within us all. We push it to the back of our thoughts, but it is never so far gone that it cannot return, crashing and writhing into our souls: a rogue wave overturning a boat on a calm day. Tragedy is never more than a breath away. We hide from its certainty and go about our lives as though time can be wasted. Somewhere deep inside ourselves we know that we tell ourselves lies. We know that someday everything we love will be gone. — Logan Kain

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Steven Erikson

Now these ashes have grown cold, we open the old book.
These oil-stained pages recount the tales of the Fallen,
a frayed empire, words without warmth. The hearth
has ebbed, its gleam and life's sparks are but memories
against dimming eyes - what cast my mind, what hue my
thoughts as I open the Book of the Fallen
and breathe deep the scent of history?
Listen, then, to these words carried on that breath.
These tales are the tales of us all, again yet again.
We are history relived and that is all, without end that is all. — Steven Erikson

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Holly Bourne

Writing's much more romantic when its pen and ink and paper. It's... More timeless. and worthwhile. Think about it. There are so many words gushing out into the universe these days. All digitally. All in Comic Sans or Times New Roman. Silly Websites. Stupid news stories digitally uploaded to a 24-hour channel. Where's all this writing going? Who's keeping a note of it all? Who's in charge of deciding what's worthwhile and what isn't? But back then... Back then, if someone wanted to write something they had to buy paper. Buy it! And ink. And a pen. And they couldn't waste too many sheets cos it was expensive. So when people wrote, they wrote because it was worthwhile... not just because they had some half-baked idea and they wanted to pointlessly prove their existence by sharing it on some bloody social networking site. — Holly Bourne

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Seema Gupta

Love is when Looking at a glance at you
I found laughter in my eyes, Thoughts turns into jewels Where luster of your aura dwells — Seema Gupta

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Gianna Carini

Some things scratch the surface while others strike at your soul. — Gianna Carini

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jhumpa Lahiri

Literature is such a profound and deep way to look into someone else's life, his mind, his hopes and thoughts. Books have opened so many doors for me, taking me to places where my normal life and its finite limits could never have. — Jhumpa Lahiri

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am not engaged to Christianity by decent forms, or saving ordinances; it is not usage, it is not what I do not understand, that binds me to it
let these be the sandy foundations of falsehoods. What I revere and obey in it is its reality, its boundless charity, its deep interior life, the rest it gives to my mind, the echo it returns to my thoughts, the perfect accord it makes with my reason through all its representation of God and His Providence; and the persuasion and courage that come out thence to lead me upward and onward. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Marie Symeou

We do not create life, we create death. — Marie Symeou

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Nina G. Jones

The click of the seat belt securing into the buckle is the only sound to break the awkward silence. I feel his warm breath on my neck as he reaches and I take a deep nervous inhale. His scent fills my nose, it is clean and warm, just like in the coffee shop. The smell of his skin is delicious. I try to stop these thoughts, but they are invading my brain in a way that has never happened to me before. Not even with ... Rick. I try push him back out of my mind at this moment because I feel a sense of guilt. Rick and I are frozen. That's the only way I can describe us. He is faithful, he is steady, he is nice, but he is not like this man in front of me: new, mysterious, and unpredictable. Rick and I are in a state of comfort, but like much of my life, I am becoming more and more discontent with comfort. — Nina G. Jones

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

He is deaf, and keen to accept,
any economical operation,
that will correct his situation.
He visited the doctor best,
and started talking on subject,
like the after-effects, and if any threats.

The doctor medically checked,
and asked him what he expects?
He expressed, he wants to be addressed-
in words, and not in signs.
And how keen he is, to have his ears listening.

He wants to listen the echo of,
sun-set over that crimson dawn.

He is keen to know, the sound of,
a blooming rose.

He wants to know what it sounds like,
when a seedling grows.

But Doctor- if you say: You are incapable,
then I better get away,
for then there is- nothing worth to be heard,
in your seemingly wordy world. — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Pauline Oliveros

Deep Listening is listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing. Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life, of nature, or one's own thoughts as well as musical sounds. Deep Listening represents a heightened state of awareness and connects to all that there is. As a composer I make my music through Deep Listening — Pauline Oliveros

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Seema Gupta

Love is when unknowingly I am moving to a world of no return, Where my desire and your fragrance together burn
all your thoughts in canvas of my mind and soul
turns in to a masterpiece as my life's aim and goal
looks I am taken over and over away by you
showering in me as a rain of you and only you — Seema Gupta

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Shelly Thacker

He covered her mouth with his ---and she felt as if she had suddenly been enveloped in a cascade of sparks. The tingling warmth from his touch did not compare to the sensations that whirled through her as his lips moved over hers. It was as if every part of her body had at once become brilliantly alive.
His beard was a startling, silky roughness against her skin. His other hand came to rest at her waist, drawing her in tight, and her body seemed to meld to his hard, lean lines, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Her thoughts scattered. A sound escaped her, soft and deep, unlike any sound she had ever made in her life.
Then his tongue touched her lower lip and she gave a startled little squeak.
Her suddenly lifted his mouth from hers, his eyes midnight blue, his voice husky. "You have never even been kissed before, leannan. You are as innocent as the day you first set foot in the convent. — Shelly Thacker

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

They make life unnecessarily difficult for themselves by looking for deep thoughts and ideas everywhere and putting them into everything. just have the courage to
give yourself up to first impressions..don't think all the time that
everything must be pointless if it lacks an abstract thought or idea — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Groceries, you need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select what clothes you're gonna wear every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control. Drop everything else but that. Because if you can't learn to master your thinking, you're in deep trouble forever. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Saahil Prem

One of the biggest challenge in life is to see things for what they are instead of what you want them to be. — Saahil Prem

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Clouds are on top for a reason. They float so high because they refuse to carry any burden! — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Perfectionists talk about first love. Realists talk about true love. Optimists talk just about love. — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Louise Hay

You are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of your mind. What do you need to let go of? Take a deep breath, relax, and say to yourself, 'I am willing to let go. I release. I let go. I release all tension. I release all fear. I release all anger. I release all guilt. I release all sadness. I let go of all old limitations. I let go, and I am at peace. I am at peace with myself. I am at peace with the process of life. I am safe.' — Louise Hay

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Rose Wynters

Nobody should have to die like these people had. I didn't know each of their circumstances, but I had a good guess. These people had died in terror, horror, and pain. More than likely, they had to watch their friends or loved ones die at the same time. Their last moments would have been spent knowing that they would come back and do the same to anyone they could get their hands on, even people they'd spent their life loving.
It was not the way any human being should have to go. — Rose Wynters

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By H. Kirk Rainer

If there is such a thing as depression and despair, I experienced it during the months leading-up to and following the divorce. Insomnia, constant and uncontrollable thoughts and a deep sense of loss were among the conditions of my life. Was I depressed? Yes, I was very much so and, what's worse, was determined to do nothing immediately for it. — H. Kirk Rainer

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Thomas Mann

The experiences of a man who lives alone and in silence are both vaguer and more penetrating than those of people in society; his thoughts are heavier, more odd, and touched always with melancholy. Images and observations which could easily be disposed of by a glance, a smile, an exchange of opinion, will occupy him unbearably, sink deep into the silence, become full of meaning, become life, adventure, emotion. Loneliness ripens the eccentric, the daringly and estrangingly beautiful, the poetic. But loneliness also ripens the perverse, the disproportionate, the absurd, and the illicit. — Thomas Mann

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Dean Koontz

Lies hurt people; imagination makes life more fun. — Dean Koontz

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Sanober Khan

may my faith always be
at the end of the day

like a hummingbird...returning
to its favorite flower. — Sanober Khan

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Ade Santi

I don't really wanna know what makes you leave, or when you'll be back.
I just wanna know what will make me cry at your arrival. — Ade Santi

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

Identify and replace any limiting deep-rooted beliefs that are like a solid mental prison, including thoughts like, 'I'm not worthy,' 'I can't do this,' 'I'm too old to start,' 'I don't have the qualification or skills to become a better person,' 'I'm always the unlucky one,' 'I have nothing to give/say or contribute — Archibald Marwizi

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Just think about this: haven't we been going just to and fro? The whole world rather. Years back, it was good to take vitamin supplements and today they are considered hampering body's natural immune. Sometime back, people were desperate to land up in high paying jobs, today there is a big entrepreneurship fad. Back in years, it was a pride to be settled in the city, now people are giving up all responsibilities to settle at a peaceful country side.
What are we all really doing? We are moving from pillar to post, forward and backward on theories. We are all as confused as the next person. And unfortunately, we are all going to leave this world with barely being able to decipher much. — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Saahil Prem

We are all crazy enough to hear the voices but not strong enough to listen — Saahil Prem

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Ben Herr

Live free, dream loud, be inspired, find your power. — Ben Herr

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Riccardo Bruni

He thought back to everything that happened the night before: the hooded men, the chase, his tired heart and weak legs. The very moment in which Mathias realized it was over, when he'd decided to sacrifice his own life in order to save the young man by his side, the monk had found something fundamental inside himself. Deep in his soul, in that hidden place that can only be discovered when a person finds himself poised on the edge of the abyss, gasping what he thought was his last breath, he'd suddenly seen it. Only then did he realize what he held dearest in his heart. Because the last thing to cross his mind, what he'd thought about the moment he'd spun around, prepared to impale himself on the blade, had been a face. No thoughts of God or faith or any other saint. A face. That's when everything became clear. — Riccardo Bruni

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Saahil Prem

My head phones always allow me to listen to myself — Saahil Prem

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Lindsey Rietzsch

Think about people in your own life who you have envied for one reason or another. It may surprise you to know that they do not see themselves the way that you do. Maybe they are all smiles on the outside but have personal struggles and trials that you would never guess from first glance. — Lindsey Rietzsch

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Steve Maraboli

When we're not true to our thoughts and not true to the feelings we have deep inside, we find ourselves unhappy. Be courageous enough to align your life with your feelings, desires, and sense of purpose. — Steve Maraboli

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Nichole McElhaney

A poetess is a collection of unfinished thoughts. She is a tormented phantom, a harbinger of life and death. Those who peer deep inside her catacombs will learn that even madness is a virtue. — Nichole McElhaney

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Steven J. Lawson

The Word of God judges the thoughts. The word "judge" means to critique, to be or act as a critic. This is to say that Scripture is able to accurately audit a person's life and size it up for what it is. The Word of God is able to examine the unseen attitudes and motivations, expose the secret ambitions and desires, and then render the divine verdict. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart. This sharp, two-edged sword is able to penetrate into the hidden crevices of the heart and judge what only God can see. The Word makes known what we alone know about ourselves - and often what we do not yet know of ourselves. Scripture plunges deep into the unseen places of the human spirit and judges the private matters of the heart. Only the razor-sharp Word of God can do this. — Steven J. Lawson

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Naoki Higashida

Just by looking at nature, I feel as if I'm being swallowed up into it, and in that moment I get the sensation that my body's now a speck, a speck from long before I was born, a speck that is melting into nature herself. — Naoki Higashida

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Leon Uris

THE MOMENT OF DECISION is the loneliest in human life. It must be come upon in stillness and darkness and brooding thoughts and doubts torn out from the deep reaches of the soul. — Leon Uris

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jerome K. Jerome

The day has been so full of fret and care, and our hearts have been so full of evil and of bitter thoughts, and the world has seemed so hard and wrong to us. Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand upon our fevered head, and turns our little tear-stained faces up to hers, and smiles; and though she does not speak, we know what she would say, and lay our hot flushed cheek against her bosom, and the pain is gone.
Sometimes, our pain is very deep and real, and we stand before her very silent, because there is no language for our pain, only a moan. Night's heart is full of pity for us: she cannot ease our aching; she takes our hand in hers, and the little world grows very small and very far away beneath us, and, borne on her dark wings, we pass for a moment into a mightier Presence than her own, and in the wondrous light of that great Presence, all human life lies like a book before us, and we know that Pain and Sorrow are but angels of God. — Jerome K. Jerome

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Diane Ackerman

For if I do something, I never do it thoughtlessly. — Diane Ackerman

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Lauren Hammond

Because just before I arrived, he showed up on the bus. He, meaning Damien.
He reminded me of the pain I'd felt when he died. He reminded me of what it's like to feel your heart explode in your chest cavity at the realization of living your life without the only person you've ever loved. And he reminded me of the promise I'd made to him months ago. I told him that I'd love him forever.
That I'd never let go.
But part of me wants to let go.
Deep down inside I know that I can't go on loving a ghost forever. I tell myself this every day. Then I see him and I forget about having those thoughts. Because when I do see him, he looks like the Damien I met on that humid summer day, who was smirking at me, and driving his candy apple red Cadillac in reverse. When I see him he looks so vivid.
So full of life.
Not so ... so ...
So dead. — Lauren Hammond

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Noah Levine

When we really keep in the forefront of our thoughts that our intention in this life is to recover and be free, then being of service, practicing meditation, and doing what we need to do to get free becomes the only rational decision. This takes discipline, effort, and a deep commitment. It takes a form of rebellion, both inwardly and outwardly, because we not only subvert our own conditioning, we also walk a path that is totally countercultural. The status quo in our world is to be attached to pleasure and to avoid all unpleasant experiences. Our path leads upstream, against the normal human confusions and sufferings. — Noah Levine

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By K.L. Tharp

Deep down, we all have our dark thoughts, Kathy. Mine are no different than any others. My life was planned for me, like my body was engineered to be what it is, a Prime Elite. But underneath it all I am still a man. Though I did not want this bonding at the beginning, it is now a part of me . . . and a part of you. We will work things out, my wife and we will do it together, that is what I accept. Also," he adjusted his arm around her, feeling her discomfort. "I know that without you there is an emptiness that I cannot put into words. It is an emptiness that I will not live with. Thus, I do not wish to be free of you . . . ever. — K.L. Tharp

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

A driving snow-storm in the night and still raging; five or six inches deep on a level at 7 A.M. All birds are turned into snowbirds. Trees and houses have put on the aspect of winter. The traveller's carriage wheels, the farmer's wagon, are converted into white disks of snow through which the spokes hardly appear. But it is good now to stay in the house and read and write. We do not now go wandering all abroad and dissipated, but the imprisoning storm condenses our thoughts. I can hear the clock tick as not in pleasant weather. My life is enriched. I love to hear the wind howl. I have a fancy for sitting with my book or paper in some mean and apparently unfavorable place, in the kitchen, for instance, where the work is going on, rather a little cold than comfortable. — Henry David Thoreau

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Avijeet Das

The evenings are meant for deep reflection. — Avijeet Das

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Helen Keller

Knowledge is power. Rather, knowledge is happiness, because to have knowledge - broad, deep knowledge - is to know true ends from false, and lofty things from low. To know the thoughts and deeds that have marked man's progress is to feel the great heart-throbs of humanity through the centuries; and if one does not feel in these pulsations a heavenward striving, one must indeed be deaf to the harmonies of life. — Helen Keller

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Matt Chandler

Press on, then, in the exercise of introspection. It is important to know yourself really well. It will not help you a bit if you lie when it comes to yourself. In other words, don't lie to yourself about you. Know where you're weak. Know your thoughts. Know the places in your heart that you don't want to give to the Lord. You must build time into your life to become aware of what's really going on in your heart, in your mind, and deep inside of you. Constantly ask yourself good diagnostic questions about areas of doubt and disbelief. — Matt Chandler

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Unknown

Life like candies.
You have your favorite candy, you have tasted it hundred times, you have got used to that, you know the taste, it is a perfect match for you. But there are plenty of the other ones, not tested yet, some of the them look so delicious that you wish to try them out, that feeling is so strong and instantaneous, but stop and think about it for a second, as soon as you will try it out, your favorite candy will never taste the same. — Unknown

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By John Ortberg

For much of our lives, we live in the shallows. Then something happens - a crisis, a birth, a death - and we get this glimpse of tremendous depth. My soul becomes shallow when my interests and thoughts go no further than myself. A person should be deep because life itself is deep. — John Ortberg

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Intellectuals seemed to think that their life - the life of the mind, the endless self examination, the continuous autobiography afflicted upon all comers-was somehow higher than the repetitive, meaningless lives of the common people. Virlomi knew the opposite to be true. The intellectuals in the university were all the same. They had precisely the same deep thoughts about exactly the same shallow emotions and trivial dilemmas. They knew this, unconsciously, themselves. When a real event happened, something that shook them to the heart, they withdraw from the game of university life, for reality had to be played out on a different stage.
In the villages, life was about life, not about one-upmanship and display. Smart people were valued because they could solve problems, not because they could speak pleasantly about them. — Orson Scott Card

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Amy Litzelman

Jesus lived a life of deep meditation. If thoughts and words were physical objects, meditation would be the act of holding, examining, taking apart, tasting, smelling, listening to, and savoring in order to study and become one. — Amy Litzelman

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Henry Van Dyke

Memory is a capricious and arbitrary creature. You never can tell what pebble she will pick up from the shore of life to keep among her treasures, or what inconspicuous flower of the field she will preserve as the symbol of "thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." ... And yet I do not doubt that the most Important things are always the best remembered. — Henry Van Dyke

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Duha Zanjabil

I will not just love you till death.I will love you for eternity,this life and the next. — Duha Zanjabil

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Rose Wynters

In the darkened recesses of the Suburban, my opinion of the vampire rose considerably. There were far worse things than having to drink blood to survive. I could tolerate him, so long as he didn't try to make me his next meal. — Rose Wynters

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Patrick Cruz

Thoughts are powerful
So be careful — Patrick Cruz

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

More often than not- Life moves really fast! It's only for you to pause and breathe! Sadly, none else can do that for you! — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

One of the most powerful lessons silence teaches us is to ponder — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Hermann Hesse

I know that many people won't believe that a child not yet eleven is capable of such feelings. It is not to those people that I am telling my story. I'm telling it to those who have greater knowledge of humanity. An adult who has learned how to transform part of his emotions into thought processes notices that such thoughts aren't present in a child, and then concludes that the experiences aren't present, either. But only seldom in my life have I had such deep and painful experiences as I had then. — Hermann Hesse

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Bianca McCormick-Johnson

Whatever's got you down is causing a great deal of stress. Pick yourself up and reflect on the positive things about your life. You'd be surprised at how one slingshot of optimism can overturn the deep dark thoughts affecting your mood and making you vulnerable. — Bianca McCormick-Johnson

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

in so far as we cherish the tangibles, we must value the intangibles. The intangibles, though as latent as they may seem to be, they are solemnly tangible. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

Deep down, underneath all his layers of stupidity, he's a really good man. He may act out far too many selfish thoughts, says all the wrong things at all the wrong times, but behind closed doors he's a best friend. I understand that he has idiotic tendencies and I can still love him for it. He may not be someone that you feel comfortable sitting next to at a dinner party but for me, he's someone that I feel comfortable sharing my life with. — Cecelia Ahern

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Kari Jobe

There will never be enough thanks, never enough words nor thoughts high or deep enough to adequately convey His worth. I don't know how to give back to the Lord what He deserves other than to just offer Him my life and every part of me. — Kari Jobe

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Rose Wynters

Don't go out there, I yelled out, suddenly afraid for the man outside to figure out the way in. For whatever reason, so far he hadn't. To my way of thinking, if someone isn't in their right mind enough to figure out how to get into a store, they didn't have any business being there in the first place. — Rose Wynters

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Emiliano Campuzano

Life shouldn't be measured in hours for the vagueness in which they exist, but moments; moments are memorable and we could easily say that a short life filled with a stock of extraordinary memories is worth a thousand times what a long, boring and loveless one is. — Emiliano Campuzano

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Jude Watson

And she realized, standing there, that in all her practical plans for marriage, she'd never thought about the simple pleasure of being loved. — Jude Watson

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Thomas Kelly

To you I speak with much hesitation about suffering. . . . But there is an introduction to suffering which comes with the birthpains of Love. And in such suffering one finds for the first time how deep and profound is the nature and meaning of life. And in such suffering one sees, as if one's eye were newly opened upon a blinding light, . . . And there too is suffering, but there, above all, is peace and victory. — Thomas Kelly

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Shubham Choudhary

How is your book doing?" or "How many copies have you sold?" are the questions for a salesman. To a writer, you better ask "What did you write today?". — Shubham Choudhary

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Darren Shan

It was a time for reflection. Jebel had regained some of his vitality and was mildly excited to be closing in on Tubaygat. But he was troubled too and often fell to studying Tel Hesani, trying to imagine himself driving a knife into the Um Kheshabah's chest or slitting his throat.
It had been easy in the beginning. Tel Hesani was a slave, fit only for execution. Now Jebel considered him a friend. Could he brutally end the older man's life and send him to the hold of Rakhebt Wadak's boat?
Jebel knew that he must, or the quest would have been for nothing, but he wasn't sure that he could. He prayed to the gods to steady his hand when the time came, but he didn't think they were listening. In a strange sort of way, he almost wished they weren't. — Darren Shan

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Anamika Mishra

The great frothing waves broke into frothy as they slammed onto the rocks, but they kept rolling in, again and again. The sight of those persistent waves calmed him, and instead of anger, all he felt was a deep sadness. — Anamika Mishra

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Kristin Hannah

If there was one thing Tully had always done well, it was to ignore unpleasantness. For most of her life she'd been able to box up bad memories or disappointments and store them deep in the back of her mind, in a place so dark they couldn't be seen. Sure, she dreamed about the bad times, and woke occasionally in a cold sweat with memories on the oily surface of consciousness, but when daylight came, she pushed those thoughts back into their hiding place and found it easy to forget. — Kristin Hannah

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By S.L. Northey

Hide the scars, let us pretend. If you burry deep enough, no one can find them. — S.L. Northey

Life Deep Thoughts Quotes By Debasish Mridha

For I am a drop of water, I may change but I will never vanish in thin air. — Debasish Mridha