Famous Quotes & Sayings

Learning And Application Quotes & Sayings

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Top Learning And Application Quotes

Learning And Application Quotes By Marisa Calin

Sitting in the middle of my own constellation I can't imagine how I'll feel if you don't come. — Marisa Calin

Learning And Application Quotes By Abraham Flexner

Curiosity, which may or may not eventuate in something useful, is probably the most outstanding characteristic of modern thinking ... Institutions of learning should be devoted to the cultivation of curiosity, and the less they are deflected by the consideration of immediacy of application, the more likely they are to contribute not only to human welfare, but to the equally important satisfaction of intellectual interest, which may indeed be said to have become the ruling passion of intellectual life in modern times. — Abraham Flexner

Learning And Application Quotes By Thomas S. Kuhn

the process of learning a theory depends upon the study of applications, including practice problem-solving both with a pencil and paper and with instruments in the laboratory. If, for example, the student of Newtonian dynamics ever discovers the meaning of terms like 'force,' 'mass,' 'space,' and 'time,' he does so less from the incomplete though sometimes helpful definitions in his text than by observing and participating in the application of these concepts to problem-solution. That — Thomas S. Kuhn

Learning And Application Quotes By Malala Yousafzai

I have learned so much from Nelson Mandela, and he has been my leader. He is a perpetual inspiration for me and millions of others around the world. — Malala Yousafzai

Learning And Application Quotes By John Dewey

The real process of education should be the process of learning to think through the application of real problems. — John Dewey

Learning And Application Quotes By Charles Michael Austin

The pace of learning, application, and expectations of the real world of work - every week is finals week. — Charles Michael Austin

Learning And Application Quotes By Garry Kasparov

Results show that just one year of chess tuition will improve a student's learning abilities, concentration, application, sense of logic, self-discipline, respect, behavior and the ability to take responsibility for his/her own actions. — Garry Kasparov

Learning And Application Quotes By Jessica Lowndes

I definitely love the smoky eye, and when I do that, I like to do a nude lip so it draws attention to your eyes. — Jessica Lowndes

Learning And Application Quotes By Pico Iyer

I'm no Buddhist monk, and I can't say I'm in love with renunciation in itself, or traveling an hour or more to print out an article I've written, or missing out on the N.B.A. Finals. But at some point, I decided that, for me at least, happiness arose out of all I didn't want or need, not all I did. — Pico Iyer

Learning And Application Quotes By John Paul DeJoria

By loving yourself, you're going to be a happy person. A lot of people don't like themselves for whatever reason. — John Paul DeJoria

Learning And Application Quotes By R. Scott Boyer

I know how hard it is to let go of hate, but you have to try. It only leads to more suffering. — R. Scott Boyer

Learning And Application Quotes By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The writer of this legend then records
Its ghostly application in these words:
The image is the Adversary old,
Whose beckoning finger points to realms of gold;
Our lusts and passions are the downward stair
That leads the soul from a diviner air;
The archer, Death; the flaming jewel, Life;
Terrestrial goods, the goblet and the knife;
The knights and ladies all whose flesh and bone
By avarice have been hardened into stone;
The clerk, the scholar whom the love of pelf
Tempts from his books and from his nobler self.
The scholar and the world! The endless strife,
The discord in the harmonies of life!
The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books;
The market-place, the eager love of gain,
Whose aim is vanity, and whose end is pain! — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Learning And Application Quotes By Chris Matakas

True mastery, it turns out, is not found in accumulating each and every tool under the sun. True mastery is learning that there are really only a handful of tools, and it is the proper application with correct timing and setting that makes them so useful. — Chris Matakas

Learning And Application Quotes By David Amerland

We cannot learn something new and stick to it without a modular approach to application, positive reinforcement and a real change of environment. — David Amerland

Learning And Application Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

But why must everything have a practical application? I'd been such a diligent soldier for years - working, producing, never missing a deadline, taking care of my loved ones, my gums and my credit record, voting, etc. Is this lifetime supposed to be only about duty? In this dark period of loss, did I need any justification for learning Italian other than that it was the only thing I could imagine bringing me any pleasure right now? — Elizabeth Gilbert

Learning And Application Quotes By John Taylor Gatto

The lesson of report cards, grades, and tests is that children should not trust themselves or their parents but should instead rely on the evaluation of certified officials. People need to be told what they are worth. — John Taylor Gatto

Learning And Application Quotes By Brian Tracy

I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. — Brian Tracy

Learning And Application Quotes By Dale J. Stephens

I left college two months ago because it rewards conformity rather than independence, competition rather than collaboration, regurgitation rather than learning and theory rather than application. Our creativity, innovation and curiosity are schooled out of us. — Dale J. Stephens

Learning And Application Quotes By Glenn Greenwald

society pays great attention to the motives of dissenters, but none to those who submit to our institutions, either by ensuring that their actions remain concealed or by using any other means. Obedience to authority is implicitly deemed the natural state. In — Glenn Greenwald

Learning And Application Quotes By Stephen R. Covey

To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know. — Stephen R. Covey

Learning And Application Quotes By Pierre Bourdieu

Such competence is not necessarily acquired by means of the 'scholastic' labours in which some 'cinephiles' or 'jazz-freaks' indulge. Most often it results from the unintentional learning made possible by a disposition acquired through domestic or scholastic inculcation of legitimate culture. This transposable disposition, armed with a set of perceptual and evaluative schemes that are available for general application, inclines its owner towards other cultural experiences and enables him to perceive, classify and memorize them differently. . . . In identifying what is worthy of being seen and the right way to see it, they are aided by their whole social group and by the whole corporation of critics mandated by the group to produce legitimate classifications and the discourse necessarily accompanying any artistic enjoyment worthy of the name. — Pierre Bourdieu

Learning And Application Quotes By C.A.R. Hoare

I think actually if you take the analogy with other areas of engineering, and increasingly of science and even mathematics, you can see people do not have to learn the vast number of formulae they used to learn. Instead, they have to learn to use the computer effectively. This frees them, I feel, to understand concepts and the foundations while they're learning the mechanics of the application of the theory. — C.A.R. Hoare