Famous Quotes & Sayings

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes & Sayings

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Top Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Dorothy Day

To try to stop war by placing before men's eyes the terrible suffering involved will never succeed, because men are willing (in their thoughts and imaginations at least) to face any kind of suffering when motivated by noble aims like the vague and tremendous concept of freedom ... Or, in their humility (or sloth - who knows?) men are quite willing to leave decisions to others 'who know more about it than we do. — Dorothy Day

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Henry Cloud

Marriage is not slavery. It is based on a love relationship deeply rooted in freedom. Each partner is free from the other and therefore free to love the other. Where there is control, or perception of control, there is not love. Love only exists where there is freedom. — Henry Cloud

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Lee Child

What do I miss about the UK? Sadly, almost nothing. Maybe the midnight sun, in June in the north. That's all. — Lee Child

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By John Owen

Leanness of body and soul may go together. — John Owen

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Jerry Perenchio

I just don't want to give out interviews. I just hate them. Inevitably, I ended up hurting some people or leaving some names out or getting quoted out of context. — Jerry Perenchio

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Jennifer Ellision

Maybe my ma was sick of the corsets. — Jennifer Ellision

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Learn how to focus - that creates a lot of power. Focus on a candle flame for 15 minutes or a pretty colored rock, or one point, or a chakra. — Frederick Lenz

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Eben Alexander

I continued moving forward and found myself entering an immense void, completely dark, infinite in size, yet also infinitely comforting. Pitch black as it was, it was also brimming over with light: — Eben Alexander

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Michal Lapaj

It is a river of ideas from which I fish out sounds that make my soul happy. — Michal Lapaj

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Carlos Beltran

I used to think it would be neat to play my whole career with one team. But as a baseball player you want to come to the ballpark every day knowing you have a chance to win and that the games mean something. — Carlos Beltran

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By William Ralph Inge

God does not always punish a nation by sending it adversity. More often He gives the oppressors their hearts' desire, and sends leanness withal into their soul. — William Ralph Inge

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Becca Ann

You are so wonderfully bizarre. — Becca Ann

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By George Lincoln Rockwell

A leopard doesn't change his spots just because you bring him in from the jungle and try to housebreak him and turn him into a pet. He may learn to sheathe his claws in order to beg a few scraps off the dinner table, and you may teach him to be a beast of burden, but it doesn't pay to forget that he'll al ways be what he was born: a wild animal. — George Lincoln Rockwell

Leanness Into Their Soul Quotes By Charles Dudley Warner

You want to hate somebody, if you can, just to keep your powers of discrimination bright, and to save yourself from becoming a mere mush of good-nature. — Charles Dudley Warner