Famous Quotes & Sayings

Leadership Teamwork Quotes & Sayings

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Top Leadership Teamwork Quotes

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Pearl Zhu

From average to great is a leadership journey; it takes vision, passion, confidence, problem-solving skills, and teamwork to match up. — Pearl Zhu

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Kenneth H. Blanchard

Once leaders embrace the role of coach, they realize the weight of leadership is now balanced between themselves and their direct reports. — Kenneth H. Blanchard

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By J. Richard Hackman

When overpowering authority or leadership intervenes in a team, it can affect the team by (1) throwing the team off track, (2) decreasing the motivation of the team, (3) reducing the commitment of the team members, and (4) causing more problems than solutions. — J. Richard Hackman

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

United a herd is an army; divided a herd is fair game. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By John C. Maxwell

I am convinced more than ever that good communication and leadership are all about connecting. If you can connect with others at every level -one-on-one, in groups, and with an audience-your relationships are stronger, your sense of community improves, your ability to create teamwork increases, your influence increases, and your productivity skyrockets. — John C. Maxwell

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Eunice Parisi-Carew

People need to feel safe to be who they are - to speak up when they have an idea, or to speak out when they feel something isn't right. — Eunice Parisi-Carew

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Saji Ijiyemi

You are either supporting the vision or supporting division — Saji Ijiyemi

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By John Kuypers

If you first take a minute, an hour or a month to let go of feeling annoyed, frustrated or critical of the person or situation that may be driving you crazy, you set yourself up for much greater leadership and personal success. — John Kuypers

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Seth Godin

'Teamwork' is the word that bosses use when they actually mean 'Do what I say' — Seth Godin

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Daley Thompson

Sport fosters many things that are good; teamwork and leadership. — Daley Thompson

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal. — Patrick Lencioni

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

A general is powerless without an army.
An army is directionless without a general.
To win battles a general and an army need each other. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Dustin Diamond

Chess is a game that benefits people of all ages, especially kids, in any area of life, business, problem solving, and social skills. Chess has the unique ability to combine focus, concentration, imagination, coordination, teamwork, and leadership all at the same time. — Dustin Diamond

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Krishna Saagar

You don't see the world as it is, you see it,as you are. — Krishna Saagar

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

One bee cannot build a hive; one ant cannot build a colony. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Rocky Bleier

The lessons I learned in Vietnam and in the NFL reinforced one another:
teamwork, sacrifice, responsibility, accountability, and leadership. — Rocky Bleier

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

Do not hire those who are incapable.
Do not fire those who are capable.
A small, devoted army is greater
than a large, indifferent one. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Vince Lombardi

Build for your team a feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another and of strength to be derived by unity. — Vince Lombardi

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Walter C. Wright

If people are not making mistakes, they are not trying new things. If they are making the same mistake twice, they are not learning new things! — Walter C. Wright

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Eunice Parisi-Carew

When people feel trusted, they'll begin to understand they are contributors--and you'll get great ideas and happy people. — Eunice Parisi-Carew

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Geoff Dyer

If you help them (the crew) create good memories, they'll forget all the bad stuff — Geoff Dyer

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Chris Bent

Made in America. Heck, let's make everything in America. Let's make pride and trust and teamwork more than chalk on a Harvard blackboard. — Chris Bent

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Mariah Burton Nelson

Think of yourself as an athlete. I guarantee you it will change the way you walk, the way you work, and the decisions you make about leadership, teamwork, and success. — Mariah Burton Nelson

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Cheryl A. Bachelder

Leadership is not about your ambition. It is about bringing out the ambitions of your team. — Cheryl A. Bachelder

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Dave Logan

Alignment, to us, means bringing pieces into the same line - the same direction. The metaphor is that a magnet will make pieces of iron point toward it. Agreement is share intellectual understanding. Tribes are clusters of people, and people are complex and nonrational at times. If a tribe is united only by agreement, as soon as times change, agreement has to be reestablished. If people learn new ideas or see a problem from a new perspective, they no longer agree, so tribes based on agreement often discourage learning, questioning, and independent thought. Tribes based on alignment want to maximize each person's contribution, provided that they stay pointed in the same direction like magnetized iron filings. — Dave Logan

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability. — Patrick Lencioni

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Eunice Parisi-Carew

The natural result of utilizing different perspectives is that people are more engaged because they feel their opinions are important. — Eunice Parisi-Carew

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Adam S. McHugh

In a team setting, leadership is shared by a community of people, which counters the tendency for pastors to form congregations in their own images. — Adam S. McHugh

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Janna Cachola

Organisations are innovating quicker than ever. Your members need to excel from being a team player to a team builder. — Janna Cachola

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By David Pietrusza

The author commented that John F. Kennedy's 1960 presidential campaign team worked like a band of brothers, while Richard Nixon's campaign team worked like a band of brothers in law under the direction of a quarrelsome aunt. — David Pietrusza

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Markus W. Lunner

It takes a thousand bricks to build a wall, but only one to tear it down. — Markus W. Lunner

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Wes Adamson

Having no say in the direction our leader was taking us, was just like in my cowboy days, if a cow got out of the flow of the cattle herd, my horse and I would gently remind him what direction his hoofs should be going. Now I knew how that poor cow must have felt! — Wes Adamson

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Michele Jennae

If we don't communicate, we certainly can't get much done and if we don't communicate authentically, what we get done is less effective. — Michele Jennae

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By T Jay Taylor

Progress has a steep price. Success has an even steeper price. Your team won't be willing to pay it if you aren't willing to pay it. — T Jay Taylor

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Tony Dovale

Every organisation, not just business, needs 1 core competence: Tactical execution — Tony Dovale

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Eunice Parisi-Carew

The key to handling conflict is to make sure people understand it's okay to have an opposing view. — Eunice Parisi-Carew

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Sue Tetzlaff

It takes healthy, resilient leaders and employees to achieve great results. — Sue Tetzlaff

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Tony Dovale

Teamwork and trust trump ego and arrogance in building high performance sustainable successful teams. Rethink your team building ideas — Tony Dovale

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Mark W. Boyer

We all cannot do everything or solve every issue. "It's impossible", however, if we each simply do our part. Make our own contribution, regardless of how small we may think it is ... together it adds up and great things get accomplished. — Mark W. Boyer

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Mo Rocca

I wish I had played team sports. I think every kid should. Teamwork builds character - teaches people about leadership and cooperation. — Mo Rocca

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Jane Ripley

As a leader, it's your job to get everyone to share what they know. — Jane Ripley

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Bob Ainsworth

Despite the increasingly presidential style of political leadership in our country, teamwork is essential. — Bob Ainsworth

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Eunice Parisi-Carew

You won't benefit from diverse perspectives if you aren't open to utilizing differences. — Eunice Parisi-Carew

Leadership Teamwork Quotes By Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Teamwork is the secret that make common people achieve uncommon result. — Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha