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Law Of Universe Quotes & Sayings

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Top Law Of Universe Quotes

Law Of Universe Quotes By Julian Baggini

'That which does not kill me makes me stronger' is not a law of the universe. What it can be, if we so choose, is a resolution. — Julian Baggini

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

I think the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science. It has no beginning and no end. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Charlotte Saunders Cushman

We cannot break a law of eternal justice, however ignorantly, but throughout the entire universe will there be a jar of discord that will so trouble the divine harmonies that in the rebound we shall find each man his own hell! The sooner we arrive at this knowledge, the sooner we take the certainty to our souls, the sooner do our lives begin to assume the square allotted to us. — Charlotte Saunders Cushman

Law Of Universe Quotes By Max Tegmark

In 2056, I think you'll be able to buy T-shirts on which are printed equations describing the unified laws of our universe. — Max Tegmark

Law Of Universe Quotes By John Archibald Wheeler

Individual events. Events beyond law. Events so numerous and so uncoordinated that, flaunting their freedom from formula, they yet fabricate firm form. — John Archibald Wheeler

Law Of Universe Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Reflect on the "I" which can grasp all this. If the "I' can grasp the idea of the universe and its laws, then that "I" stands above all other things, stands aside from all other things, judges them, fathoms them. In that case, the "I" is not only liberated from earthly axioms, the earthly laws, but has its own law, which transcends the earthly. Now, whence comes that law? Certainly not from earth, where all reaches its issue, and vanishes beyond recall. Is that no indication of immortality? If there were no personal immortality, would you be worrying yourself about it, be searching for an answer? ... — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Law Of Universe Quotes By Chien-Shiung Wu

I was a senior research scientist that changed the accepted view of the structure of the universe.
I disproved one of the then widely accepted "laws" of physics, 'the conversation of parity', by proving that identical nuclear particles do not always act alike. — Chien-Shiung Wu

Law Of Universe Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Pure creativity is magnificent expressly because it is the opposite of everything else in life that's essential or inescapable (food, shelter, medicine, rule of law, social order, community and familial responsibility, sickness, loss, death, taxes, etc.). Pure creativity is something better than a necessity; it's a gift. It's the frosting. Our creativity is a wild and unexpected bonus from the universe. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Law Of Universe Quotes By Robert Anthony

The universe is like a river. The river keeps on flowing. It doesn't care whether you are happy or sad, good or bad; it just keeps flowing. Some people go down to the river and they cry. Some people go down to the river and they are happy, but the river doesn't care; it just keeps flowing. We can use it and enjoy it, or we can jump in and drown. The river just keeps flowing because it is impersonal, and so it is with the universe. The universe that we live in can support us or destroy us. It's our interpretation and use of the laws that determine our effects or results. — Robert Anthony

Law Of Universe Quotes By Esther Hicks

You do not invite experience with your 'yes' and exclude it with your 'no'. There is no exclusion in this attraction-based Universe. Your focus in the invitation. — Esther Hicks

Law Of Universe Quotes By Seth Lloyd

The primary consequence of the computational nature of the universe is that the universe naturally generates complex systems, such as life. Although the basic laws of physics are comparatively simple in form, they give rise, because they are computationally universal, to systems of enormous complexity. — Seth Lloyd

Law Of Universe Quotes By Michael Beckwith

There are laws of the universe and if you practice them they will respond to you. — Michael Beckwith

Law Of Universe Quotes By Alan Kay

The future is not laid out on a track. It is something that we can decide, and to the extent that we do not violate any known laws of the universe, we can probably make it work the way that we want to. — Alan Kay

Law Of Universe Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

There is no need to worry about whether you are capable of manifesting what you want. The truth is, the universe already is providing you exactly what you have asked. — Caroline A. Shearer

Law Of Universe Quotes By Deep Trivedi

Existence is governed by its own law. Here, the things impermanent by nature
are bound to meet their end. Hence, with the passage of time, not only Ravana's
Lanka but "Krishna's" Dwarka also sinks. — Deep Trivedi

Law Of Universe Quotes By James Allen

There is no room for a complainer in a universe of law, and worry is soul-suicide. By your very attitude of mind you are strengthening the chains which bind you, and are drawing about you the darkness by which you are enveloped, Alter your outlook upon life, and your outward life will alter. — James Allen

Law Of Universe Quotes By Jennifer O'Neill

The Universe and Spirit do not understand limitations ... PEOPLE invented limitations! — Jennifer O'Neill

Law Of Universe Quotes By Felix Adler

I believe in the supreme excellence of righteousness; I believe that the law of righteousness will triumph in the universe over all evil; I believe that in the attempt to fulfil the law of righteousness, however imperfect it must remain, are to be found the inspiration, the consolation, and the sanctification of human existence. We live in order to finish an, as yet, unfinished universe, unfinished so far as the human, that is, the highest part of it, is concerned. We live in order to develop the superior qualities of man which are, as yet, for the most part latent. — Felix Adler

Law Of Universe Quotes By Shukyou

Outside the train, the world went by, and somewhere above him in the sky, a plane flew away, and objects in motion would stay in motion, and objects at rest would stay at rest. Isaac Newton -- the real one, the one Isaac had been named after -- had figured out that law, and a law wasn't a theory, it was a law. The air Rick had breathed out was still in Isaac's apartment, and the sheets still smelled like him, and there were little parts of him everywhere, and someday he'd come home, and against the great scale of universal time, a few months wasn't long at all. Before Isaac even knew it, they'd be together. The train would rock its way down the tracks and Rick's airplane would fly west and the planet would rotate and the solar system would turn and the galaxy would spin and the universe would keep on expanding, and with enough time, everything in it would again be made right. — Shukyou

Law Of Universe Quotes By Anita Moorjani

Whatever you believe, you will find that you are correct. The Universe has a way of presenting to you exactly what you believe. — Anita Moorjani

Law Of Universe Quotes By Carl Sagan

The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by 'God,' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying ... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity. — Carl Sagan

Law Of Universe Quotes By Forrest Curran

Whether between man and women, man and man, or woman and woman; look not towards any system that binds society created by man for guidance, but be guided by the principles of love. Love is the only law that commands this universe, and is the only language that is understood universally. — Forrest Curran

Law Of Universe Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

Buddhism does not deny the existence of gods - they are described as powerful beings who can bring rains and victories - but they have no influence on the law that suffering arises from craving. If the mind of a person is free of all craving, no god can make him miserable. Conversely, once craving arises in a person's mind, all the gods in the universe cannot save him from suffering. — Yuval Noah Harari

Law Of Universe Quotes By Alexander MacLaren

The mystery of the universe, and the meaning of God's world, are shrouded in hopeless obscurity, until we learn to feel that all laws suppose a lawgiver, and that all working involves a Divine energy. — Alexander MacLaren

Law Of Universe Quotes By Liu Cixin

In the shooter hypothesis, a good marksman shoots at a target, creating a hole every ten centimeters. Now suppose the surface of the target is inhabited by intelligent, two-dimensional creatures. Their scientists, after observing the universe, discover a great law: "There exists a hole in the universe every ten centimeters." They have mistaken the result of the marksman's momentary whim for an unalterable law of the universe. The farmer hypothesis, on the other hand, has the flavor of a horror story: Every morning on a turkey farm, the farmer comes to feed the turkeys. A scientist turkey, having observed this pattern to hold without change for almost a year, makes the following discovery: "Every morning at eleven, food arrives." On the morning of Thanksgiving, the scientist announces this law to the other turkeys. But that morning at eleven, food doesn't arrive; instead, the farmer comes and kills the entire flock. — Liu Cixin

Law Of Universe Quotes By Charles Sanders Peirce

We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility
boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom. — Charles Sanders Peirce

Law Of Universe Quotes By Wu Wei

That is the most basic law of the Universe - cause and effect. If our actions are the result of our intentions to do good, to create harmony, to deal fairly, to love dearly, and to live the life of the superior person, can anything else happen except that, as a result of natural law, we reach the loftiest goals to which one can attain and lead lives of greatest happiness? — Wu Wei

Law Of Universe Quotes By Jason Lisle

Many Christians are tempted to believe in billions of years because they have confidence in what the secular scientists teach. But then again, Christians readily accept the resurrection of Christ, the virgin birth, Jesus turning water into wine, and so on - all of which are rejected by secular scientists. Some might respond, "But those are miraculous events - the miracles of Christ go beyond natural law. Normal scientific procedure would not apply." But isn't creation a miraculous event? God spoke the universe into existence - something He does not do today. Creation goes beyond the normal everyday operation of the universe. If we arbitrarily dismiss the possibility of supernatural action by God in Genesis, then to be logically consistent, we would have to reject the other miracles in Scripture as well, including the resurrection of Christ - and the resurrection is indeed a "salvation issue" (1 Corinthians 15:14, 17). — Jason Lisle

Law Of Universe Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

The counting-room maxims liberally expounded are laws of the Universe. The merchant's economy is a coarse symbol of the soul's economy. It is, to spend for power, and not for pleasure. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Law Of Universe Quotes By Robert Anton Wilson

It became quite clear to me that the Natural Law mystique, in Catholic, libertarian or neo-pagan forms, remains basically a set of rhetorical strategies to hypnotize others into the state which Bernard Shaw called "barbarism" and defined as 'the belief that the laws of one's own tribe are the laws of the universe'. — Robert Anton Wilson

Law Of Universe Quotes By Carl Sagan

We live in an in-between universe where things change all right ... but according to patterns, rules, or as we call them, laws of nature. — Carl Sagan

Law Of Universe Quotes By Kenneth Samples

The truth that there is an infinite, eternal, and personal mind behind the realities of the universe that can be detected through human reflection is the most transformative Christian apologetics idea in history. Christianity's explosive explanatory power and scope extends to such human enterprises as philosophy, psychology, science, religion, the arts, history, law, education, labor, economics, and medicine. — Kenneth Samples

Law Of Universe Quotes By Dayananda Saraswati

Prayer in any form is efficacious because it is an action. It will, therefore, have a result. That is the law of this universe in which we find ourselves. — Dayananda Saraswati

Law Of Universe Quotes By Adolf Hitler

Man has discovered in nature the wonderful notion of that all-mighty being whose law he worships. Fundamentally in everyone there is the feeling for this all-mighty, which we call god (that is to say, the dominion of natural laws throughout the whole universe). — Adolf Hitler

Law Of Universe Quotes By Derek Rydall

An ancient statement declares that "God is no respecter of persons." What this means at the mystical level is that Spirit/The Universe doesn't know or see separate "people" any more than the sun sees separate sunbeams, the ocean recognizes separate waves, or a tree views the branches as separate from each other. All of Life is a unity, expressing fully at every point in the universe. Nowhere is it more or less. Nowhere is it withholding anything. In other words, the only thing blocking your good is your lack of acceptance. — Derek Rydall

Law Of Universe Quotes By Charles F. Haanel

The Universal mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms; the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules; molecules take objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds, of the universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception. — Charles F. Haanel

Law Of Universe Quotes By Dean Koontz

When you realize you're fighting a fundamental law of the universe, it's best to surrender to nature. — Dean Koontz

Law Of Universe Quotes By Ian Strang

The Law of Moronic Ubiquity: Anything in the universe that is generally considered to be idiot-proof will eventually be ruined by an idiot. — Ian Strang

Law Of Universe Quotes By Bear Grylls

And if you give your heart to a goal, it will repay you. It's the law of the universe. — Bear Grylls

Law Of Universe Quotes By Helen Keller

If we spend the time we waste in sighing for the perfect golden fruit in fulfilling the conditions of its growth, happiness will come, must come. It is guaranteed in the very laws of the universe. If it involves some chastening and renunciation, well, the fruit will be all the sweeter for this touch of holiness. — Helen Keller

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

The Greeks' Christian successors rejected the idea that the universe is governed by indifferent natural law. They also rejected the idea that humans do not hold a privileged place within that universe. And though the medieval period had no single coherent philosophical system, a common theme was that the universe is God's dollhouse, and religion a far worthier study than the phenomena of nature. Indeed, in 1277 Bishop Tempier of Paris, acting on the instructions of Pope John XXI, published a list of 219 errors or heresies that were to be condemned. Among the heresies was the idea that nature follows laws, because this conflicts with God's omnipotence. Interestingly, Pope John was killed by the effects of the law of gravity a few months later when the roof of his palace fell in on him. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Lao-Tzu

Before the birth of all things, there existed an undifferentiated whole. A solitary void: unchanging, yet operating everywhere, without exhaustion. It is therefore considered the source of everything. I do not know its true name, although some call it Tao. If compelled to characterize it, I would simply call it great. For to be great implies that it is far-reaching, to be far-reaching implies distance, and to be distant implies returning to the source. Thus the Tao is great, Heaven is great, Earth is great, the wise person is also great. In the universe there are four great ones, and the wise person is one of them. The wise person follows the laws of Earth, Earth follows the laws of Heaven, and Heaven follows the law of Tao. The Tao, with nothing to follow, is natural unto itself. — Lao-Tzu

Law Of Universe Quotes By Hans J. Morgenthau

Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with the moral laws that govern the universe. As it distinguishes between truth and opinion, so it distinguishes between truth and idolatry. All nations are tempted - and few have been able to resist the power for long - to clothe their own aspirations and action in the moral purposes of the universe. To know that nations are subject to the moral law is one thing, while to pretend to know with certainty what is good and evil in the relations among nations is quite another. There is a world of difference between the belief that all nations stand under the judgment of God, inscrutable to the human mind, and the blasphemous conviction that God is always on one's side and that what one wills oneself cannot fail to be willed by God also. — Hans J. Morgenthau

Law Of Universe Quotes By Sean Carroll

One of the older professors in the department didn't find my talk very convincing and made sure that everyone in the room knew of his unhappiness. The next day he sent an e-mail around to the department faculty, which he was considerate enough to copy to me: Finally, the magnitude of the entropy of the universe as a function of time is a very interesting problem for cosmology, but to suggest that a law of physics depends on it is sheer nonsense. Carroll's statement that the second law owes its existence to cosmology is one of the dummest [sic] remarks I heard in any of our physics colloquia, apart from [redacted]'s earlier remarks about consciousness in quantum mechanics. I am astounded that physicists in the audience always listen politely to such nonsense. Afterwards, I had dinner with some graduate students who readily understood my objections, but Carroll remained adamant. I hope he reads this book. — Sean Carroll

Law Of Universe Quotes By Jon Jones

People who know what they want, the universe has a way for clearing a path for them. When you want something bad enough, it's going to happen for you. You can almost manifest your own destiny by always focusing on it. Almost like the law of attraction. If you really know what you want, the chances of you finding it are so much more strong. It's almost as if it will come fall right on your lap. I know that I want to be champion. — Jon Jones

Law Of Universe Quotes By Derek Rydall

The universe isn't neutral, it has a plan, it has a pattern, a big idea that is seeking willing places for its ever expanding expression; and the good news is that it is always conspiring for your freedom. No matter how it may appear. — Derek Rydall

Law Of Universe Quotes By Kaiten Nukariya

It is not objective reality that displays the phenomenal universe before us, but it is our mind that plays an important part. Suppose that we have but one sense organ, the eye, then the whole universe should consist of colours and of colours only. If we suppose we were endowed with the sixth sense, which entirely contradicts our five senses, then the whole world would be otherwise. Besides, it is our reason that finds the law of cause and effect in the objective world, that discovered the law of uniformity in Nature, and that discloses scientific laws in the universe so as to form a cosmos. — Kaiten Nukariya

Law Of Universe Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you healthy. — Rhonda Byrne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Hope Bradford

The universe will bring people whatever they want ... Let the magic happen. It's always there. Abundance and love are always there. Believe in the highest good. There is a higher essence to everything. The realm you're in has a heaviness that mutes energy. You can penetrate through it, no matter how dark and heavy. Sometimes it has nothing to do with karma. Just don't forget to keep it open. Don't get too bogged down ... Prosperity can happen at any time. I want to give you everything that you need.-Kuan Yin — Hope Bradford

Law Of Universe Quotes By Freeman Dyson

The laws of nature are constructed in such a way as to make the universe as interesting as possible. — Freeman Dyson

Law Of Universe Quotes By Ray Dalio

I believe that dreamers who simply imagine things that would be nice but are not possible don't sufficiently appreciate the laws of the universe to understand the true implications of their desires, much less how to achieve them. — Ray Dalio

Law Of Universe Quotes By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The constitution of the universe is total natural law. 'Natural law,' we say from the field of science. 'Will of God,' we say from the field of religion. It's the same thing. — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

Because gravity shapes space and time, it allows space time to be locally stable but globally unstable. On the scale of the entire universe, the positive energy of the matter can be balanced by the negative gravitational energy, and so there is no restriction on the creation of whole universes. Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing in the manner described in Chapter 6. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

Every action of giving creates an opposite action of receiving and what you receive is always equal to what you've given. Whatever you give out in life, must return to you. It is the physics and the mathematics of the universe. — Rhonda Byrne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Peace Pilgrim

We lump together all things that are beyond the capacity of all of us collectively to understand-and one name we give to all those things together is God. Therefore, God is the creative force, the sustaining power, that which motivates toward constant change, the overall intelligence which governs the universe by physical and spiritual law, truth, love, goodness, kindness, beauty, the ever-present, all-pervading essence or spirit, which binds everything in the universe together and gives to everything in the universe.. — Peace Pilgrim

Law Of Universe Quotes By Bob Proctor

I believe people should study a little bit every day. It should become habitual, like brushing your teeth, combing your hair, having a shower or getting dressed. Study the mind, the laws of the universe and paradigms. There's enough information on those subjects to keep a person studying forever. — Bob Proctor

Law Of Universe Quotes By Bruce Lee

The law of non-interference with nature. - The law of non-interference with nature is a basic principle of Taoism [stating] that one should be in harmony with, not rebellion against, the fundamental laws of the universe. Preserve yourself by following the natural bends of things and don't interfere. Remember never to assert your self against nature; never be in frontal opposition to any problems, but to control it by swinging with it. — Bruce Lee

Law Of Universe Quotes By Robert Muller

I am as great as the thoughts I conceive. I am as great as the Universe I perceive. I am as great as the love of my heart. I am as great as the God in my Soul. — Robert Muller

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

What could define God, [is thinking of God] as the embodiment of the laws of nature. However, this is not what most people would think of that God. They made a human-like being with whom one can have a personal relationship. When you look at the vast size of the universe and how insignificant an accidental human life is in it, that seems most impossible. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Gary Wright

By the law of averages, there has to be life elsewhere. The universe is so huge, and I don't think God would have created this whole big huge cosmos and just say there's only going to be life on Earth, and that's it. — Gary Wright

Law Of Universe Quotes By Joe Vulgamore

Your imagination is a very powerful tool given to you by the Universe — Joe Vulgamore

Law Of Universe Quotes By Miyamoto Musashi

There is no one way to salvation, whatever the manner in which a man may proceed. All forms and variations are governed by the eternal intelligence of the Universe that enables a man to approach perfection. It may be in the arts of music and painting or it may be in commerce, law, or medicine. It may be in the study of war or the study of peace. Each is as important as any other. Spiritual enlightenment through religious meditation such as Zen or in any other way is as viable and functional as any "Way." ... A person should study as they see fit. — Miyamoto Musashi

Law Of Universe Quotes By Ayn Rand

Are you in a universe which is ruled by natural laws and, therefore, is stable, firm, absolute - and knowable? Or are you in an incomprehensible chaos, a realm of inexplicable miracles, an unpredictable, unknowable flux, which your mind is impotent to grasp? The nature of your actions - and of your ambition - will be different, according to which set of answers you come to accept. — Ayn Rand

Law Of Universe Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

Turn it over to the universe daily.. but it should never be a chore. — Rhonda Byrne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Gaurav Dagaonkar

Leave it to the Indians to have meditated upon and figured out the laws of the Universe. Leave it to the Americans to either change those laws, have us escape into another Universe with different laws, or create that other Universe if it doesn't exist already ! — Gaurav Dagaonkar

Law Of Universe Quotes By Marianne Williamson

The Law of Divine Compensation posits that this is a self-organizing and self-correcting universe: the embryo becomes a baby, the bud becomes a blossom, the acorn becomes an oak tree. Clearly, there is some invisible force that is moving every aspect of reality to its next best expression. — Marianne Williamson

Law Of Universe Quotes By R.C. Sproul

We want to be saved from our misery, but not from our sin. We want to sin without misery, just as the prodigal son wanted inheritance without the father. The foremost spiritual law of the physical universe is that this hope can never be realized. Sin always accompanies misery. There is no victimless crime, and all creation is subject to decay because of humanity's rebellion from God. — R.C. Sproul

Law Of Universe Quotes By Katherine Neville

The laws of chess are as beautiful as those governing the universe - and as deadly. — Katherine Neville

Law Of Universe Quotes By Victor J. Stenger

A scenario is suggested by which the universe and its laws could have arisen naturally from nothing. Current cosmology suggests that no laws of physics were violated in bringing the universe into existence. The laws of physics themselves are shown to correspond to what one would expect if the universe appeared from nothing. There is something rather than nothing because something is more stable. — Victor J. Stenger

Law Of Universe Quotes By Hina Hashmi

Good intention bring success in everything you do. Intention is always supported by the universal energy because it's a vital ingredient for manifestation. — Hina Hashmi

Law Of Universe Quotes By John O'Donohue

Friendship is a creative and subversive force. It claims that intimacy is the secret law of life and universe. — John O'Donohue

Law Of Universe Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

No rules according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond. — Rhonda Byrne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Stephen Hawking

The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second. If you like, you can call the laws of science 'God', but it wouldn't be a personal God that you could meet, and ask questions. — Stephen Hawking

Law Of Universe Quotes By Elizabeth Cady Stanton

How anyone, in view of the protracted sufferings of the race, can invest the laws of the universe with a tender loving fatherly intelligence, watching, guiding and protecting humanity, is to me amazing. — Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Law Of Universe Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

To get everything you want is an inside job! The outside world is the world of effects; it's just the result of thoughts. Think and bask in happy thoughts. Radiate the feelings of happiness and joy, and transmit that into the Universe with all of your might, and you will experience true heaven on earth. — Rhonda Byrne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Paul Davies

Mathematics is universal. It's discovered by human beings, but the rules of mathematics are the same throughout the universe and the laws of the universe. — Paul Davies

Law Of Universe Quotes By Paul Davies

Science may explain the world, but we still have to explain science. The laws which enable the universe to come into being spontaneously seem themselves to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design. If physics is the product of design, the universe must have a purpose, and the evidence of modern physics suggests strongly to me that the purpose includes us — Paul Davies

Law Of Universe Quotes By Thomas Hardy

So passed away Sorrow the Undesired
that intrusive creature, that bastard gift of shameless Nature who respects not the social law; a waif to whom eternal Time had been a matter of days merely, who knew not that such things as years and centuries ever were; to whom the cottage interior was the universe, the week's weather climate, new-born babyhood human existence, and the instinct to suck human knowledge. — Thomas Hardy

Law Of Universe Quotes By Marianne Williamson

The scientific revolution proved that there are objective, discernible laws of physical phenomena. Take gravity, for instance. You don't exactly have faith in the law of gravity so much as you just know that the law is the law. Now we are learning that there are objective, discernible laws of non-physical phenomena. These two sets of laws are parallel. Externally, the universe supports our physical survival. Photosynthesis in plants and plankton in the ocean produce oxygen, which we need in order to breathe. Internally the universe also supports our survival. Emotionally and psychologically the internal equivalent to oxygen, what we need in order to survive, is love. And human relationships exist to produce love. — Marianne Williamson

Law Of Universe Quotes By Barry Lopez

The cold view to take of our future is that we are therefore headed for extinction in a universe of impersonal chemical, physical, and biological laws. A more productive, certainly more engaging view, is that we have the intelligence to grasp what is happening, the composure not to be intimidated by its complexity, and the courage to take steps that may bear no fruit in our lifetimes. — Barry Lopez

Law Of Universe Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

No difficulty can come to you (your way). If the mind wavers, difficulty will embrace you! That is all, the law of the universe is just this. — Dada Bhagwan

Law Of Universe Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

There are no victims in the universe, only creators. The Masters who have walked this planet all knew this. — Neale Donald Walsch

Law Of Universe Quotes By Lee Smolin

A successful unification of quantum theory and relativity would necessarily be a theory of the universe as a whole. It would tell us, as Aristotle and Newton did before, what space and time are, what the cosmos is, what things are made of, and what kind of laws those things obey. Such a theory will bring about a radical shift - a revolution - in our understanding of what nature is. It must also have wide repercussions, and will likely bring about, or contribute to, a shift in our understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the rest of the universe. — Lee Smolin

Law Of Universe Quotes By Michael Grant

First there was Caine's patently false "confession." Then there was the fact that the FAYZ Legal Defense Fund racked up three million dollars in its first two weeks. Then there was a judicial panel that took statements from eminent scientists and concluded that the FAYZ was in fact a separate universe and thus not covered under California law.
Finally, there was a shift in public opinion following the involvement of the two popular movie stars, the McDonald's documentary starring Albert Hillsborough, the likelihood of a major Hollywood feature film, and the kiss seen round the world. Polls now showed 68 percent of Californians wanted no criminal charges brought against the FAYZ survivors.
The kiss alone would have wrecked the career of any prosecutor or politician who had anything bad to say about Astrid Ellison or Sam Temple. — Michael Grant

Law Of Universe Quotes By Kevin Michel

You are deluded if you think that the world around you is a physical construct separate from your own mind. — Kevin Michel

Law Of Universe Quotes By Felix Frankfurter

Certainly the affirmative pursuit of one's convictions about the ultimate mystery of the universe and man's relation to it is placed beyond the reach of law. Government may not interfere with organized or individual expressions of belief or disbelief. Propagation of belief - or even of disbelief - in the supernatural is protected, whether in church or chapel, mosque or synagogue, tabernacle or meeting-house. — Felix Frankfurter

Law Of Universe Quotes By Francis S. Collins

At this point, godless materialists might be cheering. If humans evolved strictly by mutation and natural selection, who needs God to explain us? To this, I reply: I do. The comparison of chimp and human sequences, interesting as it is, does not tell us what it means to be human. In my views, DNA sequence alone, even if accompanied by a vast trove of data on biological function, will never explain certain special human attributes, such as the knowledge of the Moral Law and the universal search for God. Freeing God from the burden of special acts of creation does not remove Him as the source of the things that make humanity special, and of the universe itself. It merely shows us something of how He operates. — Francis S. Collins

Law Of Universe Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

So it became,
the law of universe,
to have the,
of the words,
cloaked in the,
darkest of the masks. — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Law Of Universe Quotes By Barbara Hambly

The universe, it appeared, had never been kind to Captain Bortrek, conspiring against him in a fashion that Threepio privately considered unlikely given the man's relative unimportance. Knowing what he did about the Alderaan social structure, shipping regulations, the psychology of law enforcement agents, and the statistical behavior patterns of human females, Threepio was much inclined to doubt that so many hundreds of people would spend that much time thinking up ways to thwart and injure a small-time free-trader who was, by his own assertion, only trying to make a living. — Barbara Hambly

Law Of Universe Quotes By John P. Wheeler III

The laws of physics must provide a mechanism for the universe to come into being. — John P. Wheeler III

Law Of Universe Quotes By Esther Hicks

The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you. — Esther Hicks

Law Of Universe Quotes By Sung Yee Poon

Life and death is a matter of destiny, just like day and night is the law of the universe. Chuang Tzu — Sung Yee Poon

Law Of Universe Quotes By James A. Garfield

Coercion is the basis of every law in the universe,
human or divine. A law is not law without coercion behind it. — James A. Garfield

Law Of Universe Quotes By Joel Osteen

The creator of the universe is lining up things in my favour. — Joel Osteen

Law Of Universe Quotes By William John Macquorn Rankine

The law of the conservation of energy is already known, viz. that the sum of the actual and potential energies in the universe is unchangeable. — William John Macquorn Rankine

Law Of Universe Quotes By Etienne Gilson

To minds tormented by the divine thirst, it is useless to offer the most certain knowledge of the laws of numbers and the arrangement of the universe — Etienne Gilson

Law Of Universe Quotes By Albert Einstein

My feeling is religious insofar as I am imbued with the consciousness of the insufficiency of the human mind to understand more deeply the harmony of the Universe which we try to formulate as "laws of nature". — Albert Einstein

Law Of Universe Quotes By John Polkinghorne

When you realize that the laws of nature must be incredibly finely tuned to produce the universe we see, that conspires to plant the idea that the universe did not just happen, but that there must be a purpose behind it. — John Polkinghorne

Law Of Universe Quotes By Richard Morgan

Angels and demons, heaven and hell, God, morality, law and language. It's all metaphor. Scaffolding to handle the areas where base reality won't cut it for you guys, where it's too cold for humans to live without something made up. We codify our hopes and fears and wants, and then build whole societies on the code. And then forget it ever was code and treat it like fact. Act like the universe gives a shit about it. Go to war over it, string men and women up by the neck for it. Firebomb trains and skyscrapers in the name of it. — Richard Morgan