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Larsen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Larsen Quotes

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Were I to spend my life commenting on the world that I see, I would never see the world. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Dean L. Larsen

It is not enough for us to know what is right and to believe it is good. We must be willing to stand up and be counted. We must be willing to act in accordance with what we believe under all circumstances. It is of little value for us to believe one way if we behave contrary to that belief in our private actions or in our public performance. — Dean L. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

In my opinion the Open variation is absolutely correct - and more interesting than the Closed. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Dennis F. Larsen

Plunder, ravage and kill; the secret works of the repugnant. Since the fall of man and brother killing brother, evil has owned the night. — Dennis F. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

** The fall semester will offer such classes as Learning When to Shut Up, Asking for Directions, Chick Flicks 101 and The Art of Loading the Dishwasher (Lab Fee Extra) — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

WHEN ASKED, CHARLENE had always explained away her life as a series of false starts that finally had disqualified her from running the race. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Patti Larsen

Well now," the dragon says to her in a voice like rolling thunder, "who are you really here to save? — Patti Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

A gambit never becomes sheer routine as long as you fear you may lose the king and pawn ending! — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

The trouble with Clare was, not only that she wanted to have her cake and eat it too, but that she wanted to nibble at the cakes of other folk as well. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

Chess is my profession. I am my own boss; I am free. I like literature and music, classical especially. I am in fact quite normal; I have a Bohemian profession without being myself a Bohemian. I am neither a conformist nor a great revolutionary. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Doodles were fertile ground; they were the visual evidence of heavy cognitive lifting. Although this was not always true: Ricky Lepardo was a doodler and he was not a heavy cognitive lifter. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

There's going to be positive and negative in anything in life. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

As the first Member of Congress from western Washington to serve on the House Agriculture Committee in over 50 years, I am proud to represent the needs of our agriculture community. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

The books say that it is not so serious to lose time in a closed position; I am lucky, since these comments have not harmed me too much. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Did the true, umbilical love that bound people together for the length of their lives require a certain intellectual dislocution in order to push past our insistent rationalization and enter the rough, uneven space inside our hearts? — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

Now more than ever, America needs an agenda for real change. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

I just get a feeling sometimes that everything is predetermined, and I am going through the motions of tracing an existence that will be what it will already be. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

Lack of patience is probably the most common reason for losing a game, or drawing games that should have been won. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

A text is evolutionary by its very nature. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

If sex isn't a joke, what is it? — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Jack London

I'll have you know I do the swearing on this ship. If I need your assitance I'll call you. Capt. Wolf LarsenJack London

Larsen Quotes By John Blumenthal

One aspect of Samantha's personality that drove me nuts was her tendency to reveal herself via literary allusions. She called it a quirk, but it was more of a compulsion. Her mother was Lady Macbeth; her father, Big Daddy. An uncle she liked was Mr. Micawber, a favorite governess, Jane Eyre; a doting professor, Mr. Chips.
This curious habit of hers quickly made the voyage from eccentric to bizarre when she began to invoke the names of literary characters to describe moments in our relationship. When she thought I was treating her rudely, she called me Wolf Larsen; if I was standoffish, I was Mr. Darcy; when I dressed too shabbily, I was Tom Joad.
Once, in bed, she yelled out the name Victor as she approached orgasm. I assumed she was referring to Victor Hugo because she'd been reading 'Les Miserables.'. It didn't really bother me that much though it was a little odd being with a woman who thought she was having sex with a dead French author. — John Blumenthal

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

I used to be a happy person. A person with a sparkle in her eye. I was carefree, easygoing, fun, and knew joy on a regular basis. I'm smart. I have a college degree from a good school. I've built a career from my degree and I'm good at it. I had friends. Lots of good friends. I used to go out. I was passionate about life and love and myself. None of that person exists anymore. She's been stripped of all redeeming qualities. — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

Trick." I say a little louder.
"Shhh, sleep baby." He mumbles. I laugh and smack his arm.
"Wake up. I can feel your morning wood." This gets his attention and he sits up, taking me with him. The arms wrapped around my middle graze my breasts as he shifts up and a tingle shoots straight between my legs.
"God, Caroline, I'm so ... " He stops, probably realizing that he doesn't have morning wood, "I don't have ... " He's actually pretty cute all sleepy. He laughs.
"I know but I couldn't figure out how else to get your attention." I shrug. — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

I don't care very much for miniatures. I don't try to beat my opponents quickly because if they are strong, I think I should respect them. It is too risky to play sharply to beat them in 20 moves. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

Alright then. Remember kid, the devil is in the details. Paris. Nineteen eighty-four. — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By J.A. Belfield

Sure, swing your oscillating dick over there, and see how long you last before she runs screaming for the authorities. — J.A. Belfield

Larsen Quotes By Veronica Larsen

The tiny match we've been fooling with just set off an explosion. — Veronica Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

A chess player never has a heart attack in a good position. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

I think anyone taken out of their comfort zone and put somewhere else will change. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

America needs to be secure at home and abroad. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Lars Larsen

I will sell all other things before JYSK. That's my baby, and you don't sell your baby. — Lars Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

The threat of her relapsing had created a strong gravitational field around their little family and was part of the reason he had never left home. He — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

A novel is a tricky thing to map. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Of the seventeen thousand prisoners who passed through Tuol Sleng, only seven survived. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

Lies, injustice, and hypocrisy are a part of every ordinary community. Most people achieve a sort of protective immunity, a kind of callousness, toward them. If they didn't, they couldn't endure. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

I think it's funny because on 'Glee Project,' there's that added pressure, but with 'Glee,' there's no element of competition. No one's trying to dance better than anyone. But there's that added pressure of, 'So many people are going to watch 'Glee' this week. If I don't nail this dance, I look like an idiot.' — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

One charming characteristic of many flank attacks I could mention is that they do not very often lead to simplification: if the attack is parried, there usually are still opportunities left for initiating action in another sector. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

I have heard repeated stories of meth users leaving their children unattended for days as they cook, use and then sleep off the intense effects of methamphetamine. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

On 'Glee,' the director can be like, 'Hey, your face is looking a little too intense here.' And they can show me the screen, and I can be like, 'I know exactly what to do here.' — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Writing a novel is always complicated, it's not like you snap your fingers and go, 'Ah, I know what I'll write'. For me, a lot of the time, I have to write and as I write, I learn about the story. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By J.A. Belfield

...But I know as well as the next werewolf who's fallen that you don't get to choose who trips you. Once your soul recognises its other half, what follows is no longer within your control..."

~ Connor LarsenJ.A. Belfield

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

Everything can't be explained by some general biological phrase. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

Most of all I like "bad" lines, that is those considered bad, in my opinion unjustly, by theory. The reason for the last quotation marks is that most so-called theory is only a collection of examples from master practice. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Lars Larsen

I had $20,000, and I started up JYSK. — Lars Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Veronica Larsen

Of course you'd say that. That's your answer to everything. Rub some penis on it, it should clear right up. — Veronica Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

Some of the craziest people I know, some of the coolest guys I know who party and go crazy and play rock shows and have tons of tattoos, they will still go to church on Sunday and do their best to live that kind of a life. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

I think being a mother is the cruelest thing in the world. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Veronica Larsen

I'm not just going to love you, I'm going to love every version of you, everything you will become, everything you will grow and change into. — Veronica Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

These people yapped loudly of race, of race consciousness, of race pride, and yet suppressed its most delightful manifestations, love of color, joy of rhythmic motion, naive, spontaneous laughter. Harmony, radiance, and simplicity, all the essentials of spiritual beauty in the race they had marked for destructions. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

For me, chess is at the same time a game, a sport, a science and an art. And perhaps even more than that,. There is someting hard to explain to those who do not know the game well. One must first learn to play it correctly in order to savor its richness. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Theresa Larsen

Challenges bring opportunity for growth. — Theresa Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

I'm Clara Lord. I own Bloodline's Tattoo Parlor, have a filthy mouth, no filter, and a really strong — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Patti Larsen

I was always an odd child, though I had no idea what odd was, really. — Patti Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Marsha L. Larsen

The other thing that's happened with writing is that I'm not afraid it will go away. Up until a couple of years ago, I feared that sitting down with paper and pencil revealed too much desire and that for such ambition I would be punished. My vocabulary would contract anorexia, ideas would be born autistic, even titles would not come to flirt with me anymore. I suppose this was tied to that internal judge, the serpent who eats her own tail. She insinuates you're not good enough; you believe her and try less, ratifying her assessment; so you try even less; and on and on. This snake survives on your dying. Finally, now, the elided words of my wisest writing teacher, the poet David Wojahn, make sense. "Be ambitious," he said, "for the work." Not for the in-dwelling editor. That bitch was impossible to please anyway. — Marsha L. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

I suppose he represented the worst of what rural life can do to a man: he was racist, uneducated, and badly in need of dental work. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Aaron Larsen

In political situations, we should be careful not to assume "everyone is wrong" and "just compromise. — Aaron Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

Chess is a beautiful mistress. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

Congress had the opportunity to extend tax relief to working families without increasing the deficit. Instead, we were handed a bill that favors the wealthy and eliminates deductions that benefit the middle class. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

The first time I heard 'Jolene,' I was 12 years old, and it was performed by Jack White. I remember watching that video and forgetting it was from a woman's point of view, and forgetting it was a country song, and forgetting it was originally by Dolly Parton. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

A draw may be the beautiful and logical result of fine attacks and parries; and the public ought to appreciate such games, in contrast, of course, to the fear-and-laziness draws. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

We are the greatest country in the world but we are facing serious issues. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

Yet I know down to my core that I will do anything she wants, anything she needs, anything she asks. I'm pulled, drawn to her. My gut tells me not to let her out of my sight, to take every second I have with her and make it count. — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

And yet sometimes we become the person we most dread. Or maybe we dread most the person we know we are to become. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

Had I not played the Sicilian with Black I could have saved myself the trouble of studying for more than 20 years all the more popular lines of this opening, which comprise probably more than 25 percent of all published opening theory! — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Anthony Burdge, Jessica Burke, Kristine Larsen

Cabinet is a conscious, explicit attempt to portray the Doctor himself as myth. "He's a mischief, a leprechaun, a boojum," says one character, bookseller and collector of incunabula, Syme. "The Doctor is a myth. He's straight out of Old English folklore, typical trickster figure really."29 Neither part of an ongoing narrative, nor specifically located within the series' past, Cabinet is in a position to challenge the portrayal of the Doctor. — Anthony Burdge, Jessica Burke, Kristine Larsen

Larsen Quotes By J.A. Belfield

I hated lying to my family.
I had no choice.
As a werewolf, the pack'd go apeshit if they found out I'd spent the last few months shagging a cat.

~Kyle LarsenJ.A. Belfield

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

Children are often the silent victims of drug abuse. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Bent Larsen

All chess masters have on occasion played a magnificent game and then lost it by a stupid mistake, perhaps in time pressure and it may perhaps seem unjust that all their beautiful ideas get no other recognition than a zero on the tournament table. — Bent Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Dean L. Larsen

As the opportunity grows for unlimited growth and progress, the chances of failure increase. There is no such thing as a program that will provide security and growth and progress with no risk ... even within the church. As freedom for unrestricted development is enhanced, the possibilities for failure are also increased. The risk factor is great. — Dean L. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

Incited. That was it, the guidingprinciple of her life in Copenhagen. She was incited to make an impression, a voluptous impression. She was incited to inflame attention and admiration. She was dressed for it, subtly schooled for it. And after a little while she gave herself up wholly to the fascinating business of being seen, gaped at, desired. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Stevie O'Connor

Sometimes at night I would look out and up at the glow rising up around me through the plastic and it would just make me shudder. It reminded me of larvae. We were like pale grubs in our eggs. When I got the horrors like that, I requested a little yellow pill from the dial-a-doc and flopped down into the fuzz along with everyone else. — Stevie O'Connor

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

I'm a practicing Zen Buddhist and I'm influenced by my readings in that tradition, such as the notion that everyone is born a perfect being and we spend most of our lives with a clouded vision trying to realize our perfection, he says. At critical moments in the book, T.S. registers his inkling of this realization. When he makes his maps, it feels like taking down dictation from the universe. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

One cannot spend one's entire life running into bathrooms when danger calls! — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

We need safe communities that are free from methamphetamine and a federal commitment to stand next to state leadership and law enforcement in the fight against this epidemic. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

There aren't a whole lot of things I want out of life. My bucket list is extremely short: Achieve the success in the industry I want, and get married. If I achieve both of those, I can die completely stoked. I don't need anything else. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Jessica E. Larsen

Being blind is the worst possible thing and asking me to read and write no more is torture. — Jessica E. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

And yet she hadn't the air of a woman whose life had been touched by uncertainty or suffering. Pain, fear, and grief were things that left their mark on people. Even love, that exquisite torturing emotion, left its subtle traces on the countenance. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

She isn't stupid. She's intelligent enough in a purely feminine way. Eighteenth-century France would have been a marvellous setting for her, or the old South if she hadn't made the mistake of being born a Negro. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Rick Larsen

Congress must take responsibility for a new positive direction - an innovative agenda that will lead to a more secure America. Secure communities, secure economies, and a secure quality of life. — Rick Larsen

Larsen Quotes By K. Larsen

Best surprise ever." I whispered in his face. Then I leaned in and kissed him hard and deep like it was the last kiss I'd ever get.
"Wrong darlin', best hello ever." He grinned — K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

The mountains sighed with the weight of the heavens on their backs. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

I do love the sound of ripping corn husks. The violence of the noise, the sustained popping and shoring of the silky organic threads, made me think of someone tearing up an expensive and potentially Italian set of trousers in a fit of madness that this person just might regret later. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Angela Sage Larsen

I'm glad to be me! — Angela Sage Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

It was not uncommon for his father to toss out the phrase "Jebem ti supu od klinova Isusovih!" which translated roughly as "Fuck the soup made from the nails of Jesus's crucifixion," and not think twice about it, even if in English he was unfailingly polite. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

I'm a Christian, and I'm not judgmental towards anyone. I think that's really important. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Outside, there was that predawn kind of clarity, where the momentum of living has not quite captured the day. The air was not filled with conversation or thought bubbles or laughter or sidelong glances. Everyone was sleeping, all of their ideas and hopes and hidden agendas entangled in the dream world, leaving this world clear and crisp and cold as a bottle of milk in the fridge. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

But there was, she knew, something else. Happiness, she supposed. Whatever that might be. What, exactly, she wondered, was happiness. Very positively she wanted it. — Nella Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

The thing that 'Glee' has successfully done that no other TV show has is that they're just honest - but they don't tell you what's right or wrong. They don't tell you what to agree with or what to believe in. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

I'm not a very typical singer. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

I am a Christian guy. And I am kind of quiet about it because I want people to take me seriously before I throw something that serious in their face. — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

I was only twelve, but through the slow, inevitable burn of a thousand sunrises and sunsets, a thousand maps traced and retraced, I had already absorbed the valuable precept that everything crumbled into itself eventually, and to cultivate a crankiness about this was just a waste of time. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Society was the only threat to the sanctity of selfhood: an unpatroned library was an orderly library. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Annette K. Larsen

You were the one choice I made for myself. And that one choice was taken away from me, because the night I realized I was in love with you was the same night you left. — Annette K. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Samuel Larsen

The good thing is I didn't feel like anyone was going to judge me on 'Glee.' — Samuel Larsen

Larsen Quotes By John Steinbeck

I didn't think that at all, sir, but I bet I'm going to. Why, I remember when people took everything out on Mr. Roosevelt. Andy Larsen got red in the face about Roosevelt one time when his hens got the croup. Yes, sir," he said with growing enthusiasm, "those Russians got quite a load to carry. Man has a fight with his wife, he belts the Russians." "Maybe everybody needs Russians. I'll bet even in Russia they need Russians. Maybe they call it Americans. — John Steinbeck

Larsen Quotes By Reif Larsen

Whenever I smelled the same perfume on other women, no matter where I was, I was instantly transported back to that feeling of discovery. The sensation of fingertips against old paper, whose surface was powdery and fragile, like the membrane of a moth's wing. — Reif Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Mallory Hopkins

Oh you rebel you! — Mallory Hopkins

Larsen Quotes By Sharon G. Larsen

Love is listening when they are ready to talk
midnight, 6:00 A.M. on their way to seminary, or when you're busy with your urgencies. — Sharon G. Larsen

Larsen Quotes By Nella Larsen

She wished to find out about this hazardous business of "passing," this breaking away from all that was familiar and friendly to take one's chance in another environment, not entirely strange, perhaps, but certainly not entirely friendly. — Nella Larsen