Famous Quotes & Sayings

Ladylike Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ladylike Quotes

Ladylike Quotes By Meg Cabot

How about y'all take a seat now, and let's get right to business,' Muffy says as she tucks her cream-colored skirt beneath her in a ladylike manner. We all do as she suggested and take a seat, with the exception of Special Agent Lancaster, who declares he'd prefer to stand. I suppose if he sat down, the stick up his butt would lodge so deeply into his brain that he would instantly expire, and then we'd have another corpse on our hands, so it's just as well. — Meg Cabot

Ladylike Quotes By Glenna Sinclair

said. "I was just always told that it wasn't very ladylike." "Fuck that," he said succinctly, and I laughed. "It's language. It's genderless. Say what you want. If 'fuck' says it best, then fucking say 'fuck. — Glenna Sinclair

Ladylike Quotes By Cameron Russell

My style is definitely not ladylike - frills and bows kinda scare me - but I like the military look because I love that olive green khaki color. — Cameron Russell

Ladylike Quotes By Jonathan Dunne

A pipe? A pipe?! Your mother would turn in her grave if she knew she'd spawned a daughter who smokes a pipe! Your poor mama was a pure lady. Prim and ladylike. She smoked menthol cigarettes, now that's feminine. — Jonathan Dunne

Ladylike Quotes By Sarah MacLean

You really shouldn't sneak up on people in the dark, sir. It isn't gentlemanly." He responded quickly, the deep tenor of his voice sweeping over her. "My apologies. Of course, one might argue that lurking in the darkness isn't exactly ladylike. — Sarah MacLean

Ladylike Quotes By Andrea Dworkin

She will try to find the nice way to exercise intelligence. But intelligence is not ladylike. Intelligence is full of excesses. Rigorous intelligene abhors sentimentality, and women must be sentimental to value the dreadful silliness of the men around them. Morbid intelligence abhors the cheery sunlight of positive thinking and eternal sweetness; and women must be sunlight and cheery and sweet, or the woman could not bribe her way with smiles through a day. Wild intelligence abhors any narrow world; and the world of women must stay narrow, or the woman is an outlaw. No woman could be Nietzsche or Rimbaud without ending up in a whorehouse or lobotomized. Any vital intelligence has passionate questions, aggressive answers; but women cannot be explorers; there can be no Lewis or Clark of the female mind. — Andrea Dworkin

Ladylike Quotes By William Styron

Hell, they'd say in the country club locker room, you know how Milt's getting his. Everybody knew, bearing testimony to the fact that suburban vice, like a peeling nose, is almost impossible to conceal. It went all over town, this talk, like a swarm of bees, settling down lazily on polite afternoon sun porches to rise once more and settle down again with a busy murmur among cautious ladylike foursomes on the golf course, buzzing pleasurably there amid ladylike whacks of the golf ball and cautious pullings-down of panties which bound too tightly. Everybody knew about their affair and everybody talked about it, and because of some haunting inborn squeamishness it would not have relieved Loftis to know that nobody particularly cared. — William Styron

Ladylike Quotes By Daniel O'Malley

Not that a locked door made a difference to me, since we'd all been rigorously trained in "the ladylike arts of breaking and entering, — Daniel O'Malley

Ladylike Quotes By Inda Herwood

You need to give me some answers. Like, now. I'm done with this bullshit excuse that nothing is different about you." "Swearing isn't ladylike." He responds drily, like that's the only thing I just said. I roll my eyes at his old ways and say just to annoy him, "Bullshit. I'm not a lady which you should know by now, dumbass." I can't believe it, but he actually lifts a corner of his mouth in an almost smile. — Inda Herwood

Ladylike Quotes By Dorothy Parker

For years I have been crouching in corners hissing small and ladylike anathema of Theodore Dreiser. — Dorothy Parker

Ladylike Quotes By Linda Howard

Luna was remote and ladylike. The only time anyone had ever seen Luna angry was when someone referred to her as 'African-American'.
"I'm an American," she had snapped, whirling on the offender. "I've never even been to Africa. I was born in California, my father was a major in the Marine Corps, and I'm not a hyphenated anything. I have a black heritage, but I also have a white one." She had held out one slim arm and studied the color of it. "Looks to me like I'm brown. We're all just different shades of brown,so don't try to set me apart. — Linda Howard

Ladylike Quotes By Harper Lee

It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike
in the second place, folks don't like to have someone around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates them. Your not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language. — Harper Lee

Ladylike Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Impregnation will be regarded in an entirely different manner, more in the light of a surgical operation, so that it will be thought not ladylike to have it performed in the natural manner. — Bertrand Russell

Ladylike Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

You've no idea what it's like, Captain Drake, to be a woman. To be told all your life that everything you want is foolish and that you're useless except as a broodmare. First it was simple. 'Don't climb that tree, Serenity. Ladies never do such.' Then it was, 'Don't run, it's not ladylike. Don't raise your voice. Don't speak your thoughts. Don't laugh too loudly, don't eat too much, don't cut your hair, don't wear those colors.' My whole life is don't. Now I'm too old to even be a broodmare. (Serenity) — Kinley MacGregor

Ladylike Quotes By Greg Rucka

Chace went to the bar to order the first round, two lagers. The barman was old, and old-fashioned, and when he served her one pine, presumably for Wallace, and a half, presumably for her, she sent the half back.
"No, another pint, if you please."
The barman's eyes turned critical. "Not terribly ladylike."
"I'm a terrible lady. — Greg Rucka

Ladylike Quotes By L'Wren Scott

Weirdly, my nickname was Lady. I didn't get Stretch, or Stilts, or Spider Legs - I got Lady. I guess I was always a bit ladylike. — L'Wren Scott

Ladylike Quotes By Caroline George

It wouldn't be very ladylike to punch a guy in the balls, but it isn't very manlike to harass a woman because she has different parts and a sweet face. — Caroline George

Ladylike Quotes By Kristi Ann Hunter

Lady Miranda gracefully kicked Lady Georgina in the shin. Amelia's eyes widened. How long would it take to learn how to do such an uncouth thing with ladylike grace? — Kristi Ann Hunter

Ladylike Quotes By Mary Harris Jones

No matter what the fight, don't be ladylike! God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies. — Mary Harris Jones

Ladylike Quotes By Jacqueline Woodson

I remember my mother would get upset with me 'cause she said I walked like my dad. But I think it was more like, there's something about you that's not quite ladylike and femme. And then when I got older - once I came out, my mom and grandma were horrified and just kind of like, where did we go wrong? — Jacqueline Woodson

Ladylike Quotes By Shana Abe

You snore."
"I don't!"
"Only a little. Very ladylike snores. I found them charming. — Shana Abe

Ladylike Quotes By Christine Feehan

You learned several forms of martial arts."
"yes, and for the most part, because I was doing something physical and most of my instructors enjoyed what they were doing, it was fun. Later, as I got older and they were serious about training me, I was faster than the instructors, and some of them would get angry."
"Honey, that's entirely understandable. You're barely five feet tall, and you can't weigh a hundred pounds. To make matters worse, you're a girl. Kicking some man's butt is not ladylike. — Christine Feehan

Ladylike Quotes By Glenda Bailey

I love the return of sweetness and lace. Ladylike dressing is back and it's beautiful. — Glenda Bailey

Ladylike Quotes By Percy Bysshe Shelley

Though we eat little flesh and drink no wine,
Yet let's be merry; we'll have tea and toast;
Custards for supper, and an endless host
Of syllabubs and jellies and mincepies,
And other such ladylike luxuries. — Percy Bysshe Shelley

Ladylike Quotes By Marie Brennan

Miriam snorted. It was not a very ladylike snort. She was the sort of woman one expected to find tramping the countryside in tweeds with a gun under her arm and a bulldog at her side, probably one of her own breeding. — Marie Brennan

Ladylike Quotes By Christina Hendricks

I have classic and feminine taste. I'm definitely drawn to vintage-inspired and ladylike things. I like an accentuated waist, and a strong shoulder works well with my figure. — Christina Hendricks

Ladylike Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Thanks," I muttered and added under my breath, "Douchebag."
He laughed, deep and throaty. "Now that's not very ladylike, Kittycat."
I whipped around. "Don't ever call me that," I snapped.
"It's better than calling someone a douchebag, isn't it?" He pushed out the door. "This has been a stimulating visit. I'll cherish it for a long time to come."
Okay. That was it. "You know, you're right. How wrong of me to call you a douchebag. Because a douchebag is too nice of a word for you," I said, smiling sweetly. "You're a dickhead."
"A dickhead?" he repeated. "How charming."
I flipped him off. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Ladylike Quotes By Laurie R. King

You see why I married her, Mycroft? The exquisite juxtaposition of ladylike threads and backhanded compliments proved irresistible. — Laurie R. King

Ladylike Quotes By Richard Peck

Besdies, to turn me ladylike might have rendered me useless and possibly ornamental. — Richard Peck

Ladylike Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

It's funny, you know, they're always telling me to be a man, take it like a man, act like a man, like they're afraid if they don't keep reminding me I'll grow up to be a centaur or a dining room table, like they know, somehow, that I'm not a man, like it's a spell they can cast, if they say it enough I'll be tricked into being a man forever."
... "Yes." Tamburlaine nodded. "They always say: be a lady, speak like a lady, behave like a little lady, that's not very ladylike, is it, dear?"
"Well, I won't be a man, or take anything like one or act like one!" The troll inside him rubbed his hands gleefully, crackling with anticipation.
"Come on, then ... Don't let's be men, or ladies either. Don't let's act like them or behave like them or speak like them! — Catherynne M Valente

Ladylike Quotes By Rick Riordan

Apparently, Clytius hadn't expected her to be quite so suicidal. He was slow raising his sword. By the time he slashed, Hazel had ducked between his legs and jabbed her Imperial gold blade into his gluteus maximus. Not very ladylike. The nuns at St. Agnes would never have approved. But it worked. — Rick Riordan

Ladylike Quotes By Virginia Woolf

She had influenced him more than any person he had ever known. And always in this way coming before him without his wishing it, cool, ladylike, critical; or ravishing, romantic. — Virginia Woolf

Ladylike Quotes By Felicity Jones

I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick.' — Felicity Jones

Ladylike Quotes By Kate Millett

Lady," we always call each other, partly a joke, partly in earnest, using still the old word, in its full flavor a kind of exorcism against "saleslady," "old lady," "ladylike." Relishing the anachronism, even the formality a type of aphrodisiac, a contrast to our delight in the horny, the vulgar, the vernacular which we cultivate just as ardently. — Kate Millett

Ladylike Quotes By Daisy Fuentes

Fits did not go over well in my house. There was a lot of discipline and obedience and you had to be very ladylike. Ladies didn't curse and I still don't curse in front of my parents. — Daisy Fuentes

Ladylike Quotes By George Du Maurier

I doubt if Dickens did, especially his women-his pretty women-Mrs. Dombey, Florence, Dora, Agnes, Ruth Pinch, Kate Nickleby, little Emily-we know them all through Hablot Browne alone-and none of them present any very marked physical characteristics. They are sweet and graceful, neither tall nor short; they have a pretty droop in their shoulders, and are very ladylike; sometimes they wear ringlets, sometimes not, and each would do very easily for the other. — George Du Maurier

Ladylike Quotes By Marta Acosta

A very ladylike bosom," she said, approvingly.
"There's nothing there," I complained.
The clerk grinned. "I have been fitting bras for twenty-five years and no
one ever thinks her breasts are good enough," she said. "You'll save yourself a
lot of unhappiness if you accept and enjoy what you have. Neat little breasts are
very chic. — Marta Acosta

Ladylike Quotes By Gail Carriger

Some of the most disagreeable people I know are the most ladylike. — Gail Carriger

Ladylike Quotes By Annie Barrows

But what can I do? I can - she leapt into the abyss - join a ladies' club. There! That's respectable! That's something I can do! I can be ladylike. Why, I can be more ladylike than anyone, as long as I can keep myself from saying the first thing that pops into my mind. — Annie Barrows

Ladylike Quotes By Kandi Steiner

Why, whatever were we thinking, Cassie?" I find my voice and try to keep up with the banter. "We're not being very ladylike, at all! — Kandi Steiner

Ladylike Quotes By L.J.Smith

Audrey: I was wet.
Michael: Sweat.
Audrey: I don't sweat.
Michael: Well, ladylike perspiration, then. — L.J.Smith

Ladylike Quotes By Lexi Ryan

Is there a ladylike way to say, Hey, you seem a little down. Want me to ride you until you can't remember her name? — Lexi Ryan

Ladylike Quotes By Carine Roitfeld

My private life is a lot more ladylike and less sultry than the fashion photos I imagine. — Carine Roitfeld

Ladylike Quotes By Jessica Valenti

As different as we all are, there's one thing most young women have in common: We're all brought up to feel like there's something wrong with us. We're too fat. We're dumb. We're too smart. We're not ladylike enough - 'stop cursing, chewing with your mouth open, speaking your mind'. We're too slutty. We're not slutty enough.
Fuck that.
You're not too fat. You're not too loud. You're not too smart. You're not unladylike. There is nothing wrong with you. — Jessica Valenti

Ladylike Quotes By Unknown

The trouble is that, for women, being "nice" often translates into putting up with things we should never put up with. How many times has some creep sat uncomfortably close to me on the bus and stared me down, yet I'm too afraid to just get up and move, lest I offend him?
We smile when we're harassed on the street or hit on by jerks. We laugh at sexist jokes. We learn that when we have strong opinions, we'll be called bitches and that if we get angry, we'll be called hysterical. When we say what we want, we're called pushy or aggressive.
Part of learning "ladylike" behavior is about learning to smile politely when someone is being crude. Femininity has long been attached to passivity and to being docile. Men fight, women giggle and fume silently. — Unknown

Ladylike Quotes By Margaret Atwood

took the magazine from him and turned it the right way round. There they were again, the images of my childhood: bold, striding, confident, their arms flung out as if to claim space, their legs apart, feet planted squarely on the earth. There was something Renaissance about the pose, but it was princes I thought of, not coiffed and ringleted maidens. Those candid eyes, shadowed with makeup, yes, but like the eyes of cats, fixed for the pounce. No quailing, no clinging there, not in those capes and rough tweeds, those boots that came to the knee. Pirates, these women, with their ladylike briefcases for the loot and their horsy acquisitive teeth. I — Margaret Atwood

Ladylike Quotes By Amy Clipston

You know it's not very ladylike to play with engines. Boys tend to like girls who dress and act like girls. — Amy Clipston

Ladylike Quotes By Robin York

His name feels like a secret, and now he's wearing it on his wrist. I want to know all about this girl who put it there. What she looks like. If she's got freckles, fair hair or dark, like his. If she's scrappy or etheral, funny or serious, scrape-kneed or ladylike. I know that she loves him, so I want to know everything else. But West doesn't want to share her with me. I shouldn't keep trying to scale these walls he puts up. I'm a terrible climber. — Robin York

Ladylike Quotes By Wanda Sykes

And then also I think it's harder for women because comedy is so opposite of being ladylike. — Wanda Sykes

Ladylike Quotes By L.A. Meyer

I'll be a lady tomorrow — L.A. Meyer

Ladylike Quotes By Heather Graham

What language for such a refined and sophisticated northern lass! And a beautiful one. Even more beautiful when you're swearing away in such a ladylike manner! — Heather Graham

Ladylike Quotes By Helena Bonham Carter

Everyone seems to think I'm very ladylike. That I'm very cultured and intelligent. I drink alot of Diet Coke and belch. I've been known to use the F-word. I've told a few dirty jokes. I arm-wrestle. — Helena Bonham Carter

Ladylike Quotes By Morgan Fairchild

I try hard to look hip but ladylike; current, but not like I'm trying to be 16. — Morgan Fairchild

Ladylike Quotes By Neil Gaiman

I'm the idiot box. I'm the TV. I'm the all-seeing eye and the world of the cathode ray. I'm the boob tube. I'm the little shrine the family gathers to adore.'
'You're the television? Or someone in the television?'
'The TV's the altar. I'm what people are sacrificing to.'
'What do they sacrifice?' asked Shadow.
'Their time, mostly,' said Lucy. 'Sometimes each other.' She raised two fingers, blew imaginary gunsmoke from the tips. Then she winked, a big old I Love Lucy wink.
'You're a God?' said Shadow.
Lucy smirked, and took a ladylike puff of her cigarette. 'You could say that,' she said. — Neil Gaiman

Ladylike Quotes By Rick Riordan

Not very ladylike. — Rick Riordan

Ladylike Quotes By Brooklyn Ann

Justus?" she whispered. "I know it is not ladylike for me to ask, but I very much would for you to kiss me again."
Those sensuous lips of his curved in a smile that made her belly flutter. "See, you are my counterpart, for I was just going to do just that. — Brooklyn Ann

Ladylike Quotes By George Bernard Shaw

Hypatia: ... I don't want to be good; and I don't want to be bad: I just don't want to be bothered about either good or bad: I want to be an active verb.
Lord Summerhays: An active verb? Oh, I see.An active verb signifies to be, to do or to suffer.
Hypatia: Just so; how clever of you! I want to be; I want to do; and I'm game to suffer if it costs that. But stick here doing nothing but being good and nice and ladylike I simply won't. — George Bernard Shaw

Ladylike Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

Truth is a demure lady, much too ladylike to knock you on your head and drag you to her cave. She is there, but people must want her, and seek her out. — William F. Buckley Jr.

Ladylike Quotes By M.R.C. Kasasian

We do not serve spirits to the ladies.'
'As you have probably guessed, I am not a lady — M.R.C. Kasasian

Ladylike Quotes By Michelle Zink

There is no ladylike way to tell him to push all he wants, that his mouth and body on mine are the only things keeping me from losing my hold on a reality I never questioned until these past days. — Michelle Zink

Ladylike Quotes By Agatha Christie

Miss Marple made a ladylike noise of vexation like a cat sneezing to indicate profound disgust. — Agatha Christie

Ladylike Quotes By Cyndi Goodgame

It will just upset you."
No my freaking way! He didn't just tell me I'm weak to him, did he?
"Yes, Ian. Thanks for reminding me I am just a dang girl in your eyes." A string of not ladylike curse words went across the marquee of my brain.
"Be reasonable," he snipped out at me.
Oh.No.He.Didn't. "Reasonable caught a train to Canada. Meet her peeved counterpart who wants to snap boy parts off and sterilize them to spare the future generations of learning that equal doesn't mean jack squat." - Grace — Cyndi Goodgame

Ladylike Quotes By E. M. Forster

When we were only acquaintances, you let me be myself, but now you're always protecting me... I won't be protected. I will choose for myself what is ladylike and right. To shield me is an insult. Can't I be trusted to face the truth but I must get it second-hand through you? A woman's place! — E. M. Forster

Ladylike Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Go to the devil, Captain Drake. (Serenity)
That's not very ladylike! (Morgan)
Then try this one. Go to hell, and ... and rot! (Serenity) — Kinley MacGregor

Ladylike Quotes By E. Nesbit

Ladylike is the beastliest word there is, I think. If a girl isn't a lady, it isn't worth while to be only like one, she'd better let it alone and be a free and happy bounder. — E. Nesbit

Ladylike Quotes By Mother Jones

Whatever your fight, don't be ladylike. — Mother Jones

Ladylike Quotes By Mary Balogh

crowded about the four sides of the green to watch and cheer. Viola had set out from home early in the morning looking ladylike and elegant in a muslin dress and shawl and straw bonnet, her hair in a neatly braided coronet about her head beneath it. She had even been wearing gloves. But she had long ago discarded all the accessories. Even her hair, slipping stubbornly out of its pins during the busy morning of rushing hither and yon, had been allowed finally to hang loose in a long braid down — Mary Balogh

Ladylike Quotes By Min Jin Lee

Casey glanced at her plate again, recalling the posters of her elementary school lunchroom: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. So, how much you ate indicated the quantity of your desire. Walter was also implying that how quickly you got your food revealed the likelihood of achieving your goals. She was in fact terribly hungry, but she'd pretended to be otherwise to be ladylike and had moved away from the table to be agreeable, and now she'd continue to be hungry (Free Food For Millionaires, p.92.) — Min Jin Lee

Ladylike Quotes By Georgette Heyer

Me, I am not a lady,' announced her grace. 'I have been very well educated, and I will drink port. — Georgette Heyer

Ladylike Quotes By Elizabeth Wurtzel

I wish I were shyly, quietly intriguing, like Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, like someone French and fashionable who knows how to twirl her ladylike locks just so and walk adroitly on kitten heels, who is all gesture and whisper - but I am unfortunately forward and forthright: When I am interested in a man, he absolutely knows it. — Elizabeth Wurtzel

Ladylike Quotes By Lynn Povich

At Newsweek only girls with college degrees
and we were called "girls" then
were hired to sort and deliver the mail, humbly pushing our carts from door to door in our ladylike frocks and proper high-heeled shoes. If we could manage that, we graduated to "clippers," another female ghetto. Dressed in drab khaki smocks so that ink wouldn't smudge our clothes, we sat at the clip desk, marked up newspapers, tore out releveant articles with razor-edged "rip sticks," and routed the clips to the appropriate departments. "Being a clipper was a horrible job," said writer and director Nora Ephron, who got a job at Newsweek after she graduated from Wellesley in 1962, "and to make matters worse, I was good at it. — Lynn Povich

Ladylike Quotes By Michael Cunningham

I was not ladylike, nor was I manly. I was something else altogether. There were so many different ways to be beautiful. — Michael Cunningham

Ladylike Quotes By Koren Zailckas

I do think anger is so difficult for women. Girls think it undermines their femininity; it's not very ladylike. — Koren Zailckas

Ladylike Quotes By Jenny Lawson

I'm not sure I have the words to describe that moment but if there's a word that means the exact opposite of "ladylike", that would be a good start. — Jenny Lawson