Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Ai Yazawa

I'll make you so in love with me, that everytime our lips touch, you'll die a little death. — Ai Yazawa

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Gretchen McNeil

I'd found so much comfort in my precise, flawless formulas, and yet life wasn't precise or flawless. Life was a mess. — Gretchen McNeil

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Julian Barnes

I was deeply misled by Lady Chatterley's Lover, which seemed to insist that running naked through damp undergrowth with wild flowers entwined in your pubic hair was just about the closest thing to heaven. — Julian Barnes

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

A man could no longer be private and withdrawn. The world allows no hermits. — D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically . — D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Lily Amis

It's better to make baby steps in the right direction than big steps in the wrong direction! — Lily Amis

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Kate DiCamillo

What I hope is that the book [Bink & Gollie] delights children. What I hope is that they laugh and laugh and laugh, just as we did when we wrote them. — Kate DiCamillo

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Jack Paar

Son of Lady Chatterley's Lover had obvious commercial advantages (as a title for this book), but it impugned the marital status of my parents, something that enough critics were already doing. — Jack Paar

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Sherry Sontag

I read the GAO report, and it reminds me of a review I read of Lady Chatterley's Lover in the magazine Field and Stream. The reviewer of that book knew as much about the real purpose of Lady Chatterley's Lover as the GAO knows about the design and development of submarines. — Sherry Sontag

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Anna Quindlen

Keeping kids safe is sometimes a delusion. The world is a perilous place. Sometimes the kitchen is a perilous place. — Anna Quindlen

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Germaine Greer

Above all, for his merciless, contemptuous treatment of Clifford Chatterley, blown to bits in Flanders in 1918, Lawrence can be damned to hell. Damned but not banned. — Germaine Greer

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

It's terrible, once you've got a man into your blood! she said. — D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Zig Ziglar

Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours. — Zig Ziglar

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

Yes, I do believe in something. I believe in being warm-hearted. I
believe especially in being warm-hearted in love, in fucking with a
warm heart. I believe if men could fuck with warm hearts, and the women
take it warm-heartedly, everything would come all right. It's all this
cold-hearted fucking that is death and idiocy. — D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Richard Flanagan

I think it's common sense to shy away from the erotic. Perhaps this grand experiment, which started with Lady Chatterley's Lover, of seeing what you can write and how you can write about sex, has reached a certain weary terminus with Fifty Shades of Grey. — Richard Flanagan

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By John E. Stoll

He was more aware than is usually admitted of the Freudian implications in the novel, and the note of ambiguity could have insinuated itself at least as a partial effort to conceal the radical thesis and the problem of form. Since this is exactly what happens in Lady Chatterley's Lover, the hypothesis is not without possibilities. — John E. Stoll

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Douglas Wissing

Pashtuns are famously independent, primed to exchange their hoes for weapons at the first sign of an affront or invader. — Douglas Wissing

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

Perhaps you're a slave to your own idea of yourself. — D.H. Lawrence

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Thomas Aquinas

Suppose a person entering a house were to feel heat on the porch, and going further, were to feel the heat increasing, the more they penetrated within. Doubtless, such a person would believe there was a fire in the house, even though they did not see the fire that must be causing all this heat. A similar thing will happen to anyone who considers this world in detail: one will observe that all things are arranged according to their degrees of beauty and excellence, and that the nearer they are to God, the more beautiful and better they are. — Thomas Aquinas

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Roy L. Pickering Jr.

C.J. had once believed that he understood who he was, what he was about, what he was capable of. But when the moment came to act upon these convictions, he discovered that his knowledge of self was faulty. Had his lack of killer instinct been a momentary lapse, first time jitters? Or was there more to it than that? If not the fearless, remorseless man he supposed himself to be, then just who was he? — Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By Allan Massie

Today the crime novelist has one advantage denied to writers of 'straight' or 'literary' novels. Unlike them he can range over all levels of society, for crime can easily breach the barriers that exist in our stratified society. Because of these barriers the modern literary novel, unlike its 19th-century predecessors, is often confined to the horizontal, dealing only with one class. But crime runs through society from top to bottom, and so the crime novelist can present a fuller picture of the way we live now. — Allan Massie

Lady Chatterley Lover Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

The world is a raving idiot, and no man can kill it: though I'll do my best. But you're right. We must rescue ourselves as best we can. — D.H. Lawrence