Famous Quotes & Sayings

Krimson Quotes & Sayings

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Top Krimson Quotes

Krimson Quotes By Nicholas D. Kristof

Palestinian militancy has accomplished nothing but increasing the misery of the Palestinian people. If Palestinians instead turned more to huge Gandhi-style nonviolence resistance campaigns, the resulting videos would reverberate around the world and Palestine would achieve statehood and freedom. — Nicholas D. Kristof

Krimson Quotes By Siobhan Davis

It feels like I've waited a lifetime to kiss you again. — Siobhan Davis

Krimson Quotes By Tracy Chevalier

Don't write about what you know - write about what you're interested in. Don't write about yourself - you aren't as interesting as you think. — Tracy Chevalier

Krimson Quotes By Grace Burrowes

My countess tells me Genevieve has taken it into her head to remove to Paris. I suspect she wants to avoid being aunt-at-large, while her own situation admits of no change. We are Jenny's family, and Christmas is upon us. Harrison paints, he argues with her, and he has all his teeth. What say you, gentlemen?" "Paris reeks," Lord Kesmore said. "Harrison's scent is rather pleasant by comparison." "He smells of linseed oil," St. Just observed. "A point in his favor," Hazelton murmured, "from Lady Jenny's perspective." Westhaven — Grace Burrowes

Krimson Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Show me one couple unhappy merely on account of their limited circumstances, and I will show you ten who are wretched from other causes. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Krimson Quotes By Karen Joy Fowler

Sometimes you best avoid talking by being quiet, but sometimes you best avoid talking by talking. — Karen Joy Fowler

Krimson Quotes By Robertson Davies

He became an unimaginative woman's creation. Delilah had shorn his locks and assured him he looked much neater and cooler without them. He gave her his soul, and she transformed it into a cabbage. — Robertson Davies

Krimson Quotes By Paul C. Vitz

The single greatest cultural contribution of postmodernity is that it eliminates the presumption of intellectual neutrality that modernity automatically associated with skeptical rationalism. (...) It shows, not that truth is socially constructed, but that the uniquely human act of bearing witness to the truth is always a moral as well as an intellectual or empirical or noetic act. — Paul C. Vitz

Krimson Quotes By Graham Shiels

Replacing it with a thought. I sometimes think, "What the hell. I have four working limbs right now. I'm winning just to even have the privilege of this experience!" Steering my brain onto this track of thought begins the process of being grateful for the lesson and returns my mind to a more peaceful place. — Graham Shiels

Krimson Quotes By Annie Proulx

You got to think a musical instrument is human or, anyway, alive ... You take a fiddle now, we say it has a neck, and in the human neck what do you find? Vocal cords like strings, where the sound comes from. — Annie Proulx

Krimson Quotes By Beyonce Knowles

Ten times out of nine, I know you're lying
But nine times outta ten, I know you're trying
So I'm trying to be fair
And you're trying to be there and to care
And you're caught up in your permanent emotions
All the loving I've been giving goes unnoticed
It's just floating in the air, lookie there
Are you aware you're my lifeline, are you tryna kill me
If I wasn't me, would you still feel me?
Like on my worst day? Or am I not thirsty, enough?
I don't care about the lights or the beams
Spend my life in the dark for the sake of you and me
Only way to go is up. — Beyonce Knowles