Famous Quotes & Sayings

Korneel Bernolet Quotes & Sayings

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Top Korneel Bernolet Quotes

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Marilyn Manson

I don't need to drive. I have no business driving. I would never be able to find my keys. — Marilyn Manson

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Chelsea Fine

And because Scarlet loved pancakes ... That's what he would do. Make pancakes and flee. — Chelsea Fine

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Damien Hirst

I wanted a shark that's big enough to eat you, and in a large enough amount of liquid so that you could imagine you were in there with it. — Damien Hirst

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Frederick Lenz

If even one woman in the West were to become enlightened, it would change karmas on this planet. — Frederick Lenz

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Amanda Hocking

This was good, except that now I had two crazed, burning zombies standing between me and the exit, plus another one that wasn't on fire. I had not thought this plan through at all. — Amanda Hocking

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Abigail Thomas

It's easy now - it's middle-aged lady, nobody's looking, nobody notices. I go without lipstick if I feel like it, and I always wear my comfy clothes. It's a life with fewer distractions, but should something beautiful show up, a middle-aged woman is free to stare. — Abigail Thomas

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Brian Herbert

What is this Love that so many speak of with such apparent familiarity? Do
they truly comprehend how unattainable it is? Are there not as many
definitions of Love as there are stars in the universe? — Brian Herbert

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Logan Pearsall Smith

Married women are kept women, and theyare beginning to find it out. — Logan Pearsall Smith

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Jean-Baptiste Biot

The first step to be taken, is to study carefully the fundamental phenomenon above described, and to examine all the various circumstances under which it presents itself. — Jean-Baptiste Biot

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By John Ruskin

The greatest reward is not what we receive for our labor, but what we become by it. — John Ruskin

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Anna Louise Strong

Having no diplomatic representation in Washington, China has no sources which allow her to check the character of applicants and therefore makes the practice of refusing everybody from the United States. — Anna Louise Strong

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Rhonda Hetzel

Simple living is about being authentic and living an examined life and if you've thought about the values you want to live by, be confident and stick with them no matter what others around you are doing. — Rhonda Hetzel

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Shaniah Blue

Sometimes, it doesn't take another person to mend a broken heart, it takes acceptance that things don't always go the way they were planned and just move on with life.
- Mend Her Broken Heart — Shaniah Blue

Korneel Bernolet Quotes By Lauren Barnholdt

But it's that fucking dress she's wearing. It's low-cut and tight and just ... Jesus. Why would she wear a dress like that? Is she doing it just to torture me? I like the idea that maybe she had me in mind when she picked it out. Of course, she might be wearing it because she wants to get attention from other guys.
I look around the wedding suspiciously, trying to see if anyone is looking at her. I don't want to have to punch someone out, but i'll do it if I have to. — Lauren Barnholdt