Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes & Sayings

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Top Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Lynn Austin

Prayer isn't just about asking for things. It's taking time to hear what God is saying, too, just like any good conversation. Once we finally stop talking and demanding and begging for things, it's easier to hear what God is trying to say to us. — Lynn Austin

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Vilhelm Moberg

When a politician states that we are all in the same boat, be on Your guard. Does it mean that YOU are supposed to be doing all the rowing? — Vilhelm Moberg

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Ty Segall

But I think it's hard for me to only put out one record a year. Because I get too antsy. But it's good I'm learning to do that, because each record counts. And you should make it count. — Ty Segall

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

Whatever happens to you has been waiting to happen since the beginning of time. The twining strands of fate wove both of them together: your own existence and the things that happen to you — Marcus Aurelius

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Owl City

I twirl through the driveway with angelic grace
Till I slip on the sidewalk and fall on my face — Owl City

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Emily Dickinson

The Ocean's Heart too Smooth - too Blue -
To break for you. — Emily Dickinson

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Paul Kalanithi

But in residency, something else was gradually unfolding. In the midst of this endless barrage of head injuries, I began to suspect that being so close to the fiery light of such moments only blinded me to their nature, like trying to learn astronomy by staring directly at the sun. I was not yet with patients in their pivotal moments, I was merely at those pivotal moments. I observed a lot of suffering; worse, I became inured to it. Drowning, even in blood, one adapts, learns to float, to swim, even to enjoy life, bonding with the nurses, doctors, and others who are clinging to the same raft, caught in the same tide. My — Paul Kalanithi

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook

Let me say that the credit belongs to the boys in the back rooms. It isn't the man who sits in the limelight like me who should have the praise. — Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Andy Borowitz

It used to be that people could be painfully boring in private. Facebook changed all that. — Andy Borowitz

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Garrett Hardin

Education can counteract the natural tendency to do the wrong thing, but the inexorable succession of generations requires that the basis for this knowledge be constantly refreshed. — Garrett Hardin

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Jimmy Connors

When you're hot, anything can happen. — Jimmy Connors

Kohnstamm Family Foundation Quotes By Bruce Dickinson

If heavy metal bands ruled the world, we'd be a lot better off. — Bruce Dickinson