Famous Quotes & Sayings

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes & Sayings

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Top Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

Hot flush, raging bluch. Ice flash, instant crash. — Ellen Hopkins

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Dalai Lama XIV

Be willing to familiarize yourself with this attitude, taking on yourself the burden of protecting all sentient beings from all problems; do it repeatedly and with regular analysis. Your empathy will be so great that it will suffuse your entire being. Without any desire for reward, your aim will be solely the development of others, never disheartened or discouraged in your task. — Dalai Lama XIV

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Hasil Paudyal

I will miss you
not because you taught me,
not because you helped me on all steps of education;
but only because
you made me a leader to lead as an perfect Electrical Engineer. — Hasil Paudyal

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Len Goodman

I can't do most things, if I'm honest, but cooking I definitely can't do. — Len Goodman

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Anthony Ryan

He looked down at his hands - resting on his knees - flexing the fingers, the veins and sinews standing out clearly amidst the scars. Killer's hands, I thought, knowing they could choke the life from me in a few seconds. — Anthony Ryan

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Linda Alfiori

Major changes in life are just the way the universe is aligning a better future for you. — Linda Alfiori

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Leonard Sweet

To imagine things other than they are is the essence of hope. It is also the stuff of revolution. — Leonard Sweet

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Karen White

Maybe it was the way of the South to welcome home wayward family members who had no claim to such a piece of history except for a willingness to adopt it as their own and a shared last name. — Karen White

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

All souls are sacred with a spirit and a body. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Donatella Versace

I wake up at about the same time every day. I sleep well and wake without an alarm clock. — Donatella Versace

Knuckles Bugsy Malone Quotes By Edward Kitsis

When you have great working relationships with people, both collaborative and creatively, everybody will always want to work together. — Edward Kitsis