Famous Quotes & Sayings

Known Atheists Quotes & Sayings

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Top Known Atheists Quotes

Known Atheists Quotes By Fob James

[James vowed again to] use the National Guard and state troopers to prevent the removal [of Judge Roy Moore's Commandments display]. — Fob James

Known Atheists Quotes By Richard House

What you have to understand, he says, is the mentality of the Iraqi versus the mentality of the average Westerner. — Richard House

Known Atheists Quotes By C.S. Lewis

At any rate', said I, 'we can now state the problem accurately. People usually think the problem is how to reconcile what we now know about the size of the universe with our traditional ideas of religion. That turns out not to be the problem at all. The real problem is this. The enormous size of the universe and the insignificance of the earth were known for centuries, and no one ever dreamed that they had any bearing on the religious question. Then, less than a hundred years ago, they are suddenly trotted out as an argument against Christianity. And the people who trot them out carefully hush up the fact that they were known long ago. Don't you think that all you atheists are strangely unsuspicious people? — C.S. Lewis

Known Atheists Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

The principal sponsors of the terrorists are not religious fanatics. "Palestine's Yasser Arafat, Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and Syria's Assad family have made themselves the icons of Islamism despite the fact that they are well-known atheists who live un-Muslim lives and have persecuted unto death the Muslim movements in their countries." — William F. Buckley Jr.

Known Atheists Quotes By Henry Ward Beecher

Amid the discords of this life, it is blessed to think of heaven, where God draws after him an everlasting train of music; for all thoughts are harmonious and all feelings vocal, and so there is round about his feet eternal melody. — Henry Ward Beecher

Known Atheists Quotes By Alessandra Ambrosio

I've been tiny since I was four, and I eat whatever I want. — Alessandra Ambrosio

Known Atheists Quotes By Sarah Mayberry

He was strong and warm and male and his mouth moved gently against hers, his kiss provocative and soothing at the same time. Her hands found his shoulders, her fingers gripping muscle and bone. She felt the brush of his tongue against her lips, then he was inside her, hot and wet and demanding, and a part of herself she'd pushed down deep inside came roaring to life. — Sarah Mayberry

Known Atheists Quotes By Dan Phillips

As I've often observed and remarked: the most gifted screenwriters can concoct believable monsters, deviants, heroes, regular-joes, atheists, agnostics, all sorts of characters. But the believable depiction of a full-orbed Christian character is simply beyond them. Evidently they have never known (much less understood nor liked) even one credible, practicing, Biblically-faithful Christian. It's the one color missing from their palate - as starved for ideas as they are. — Dan Phillips

Known Atheists Quotes By John Francis

I say I am a Planetwalker. Then I have to explain that a Planetwalker is anyone who walks the planet as a lifestyle choice, as part of an education in the spirit and hope of using the journey to benefit the world. — John Francis