Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kishkes Slang Quotes & Sayings

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Top Kishkes Slang Quotes

Kishkes Slang Quotes By Jan Ellison

What happens to a marriage? A persistent failure of kindness, triggered at first, at least in my case, by the inequities of raising children, the sacrifices that take a woman by surprise and that she expects to be matched by her mate but that biology ensures cannot be. Anything could set me off. Any innocuous habit or slight or oversight. The way your father left the lights of the house blazing, day and night. The way he could become so distracted at work that sometimes when I called, he'd put me on hold and forget me, only remembering again when I'd hung up and called back. The way he wore his pain so privately, whistling around the house after we'd had a spat, pretending nonchalance, protecting you and your sisters from discord, hiding behind his good nature, inadvertently — Jan Ellison

Kishkes Slang Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

Shall I bring you some beer, while you take care of the horse?" "A good wife is prized above rubies," he said, smiling. "Come to me, mo nighean donn." He reached out a long arm and drew me in, holding me close against him. I put my arms around him and felt the quiver of his muscles, exhausted, and the sheer hard strength still in him, that would hold him up, no matter how tired he might be. We stood quite still for some time, my cheek against his chest and his face against my hair, drawing strength from each other for whatever might come. Being married. — Diana Gabaldon

Kishkes Slang Quotes By John Walford

Beyond a narrow, elite audience, there is a pervasive sense from the side of the public that much contemporary art fails to connect - a failure not evident throughout centuries of earlier art. — John Walford

Kishkes Slang Quotes By Bear Grylls

Survival can be summed up in three words - never give up. That's the heart of it really. Just keep trying. — Bear Grylls

Kishkes Slang Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Philosophy which does not seek to impose upon the world its own conceptions of good and evil is not only more likely to achieve truth, but is also the outcome of a higher ethical standpoint than one which, like evolutionism and most traditional systems, is perpetually appraising the universe and seeking to find in it an embodiment of present ideals. — Bertrand Russell

Kishkes Slang Quotes By E.R. Braithwaite

I sat looking at her, completely lost for words; women say the damnedest things. — E.R. Braithwaite

Kishkes Slang Quotes By K.F. Breene

The way she stood, graceful and lithe, spoke of beauty and dancing, but the sleek, predatory quality of her movements screamed danger. — K.F. Breene

Kishkes Slang Quotes By William Shakespeare

Avaunt, you cullions! — William Shakespeare