Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kedves Quotes & Sayings

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Top Kedves Quotes

Kedves Quotes By Christopher Meloni

We're real fortunate to have such a unique cast. — Christopher Meloni

Kedves Quotes By Kerry Packer

If a working class Englishman saw a bloke drive past in a Rolls-Royce, he'd say to himself "Come the social revolution and we'll take that away from you, mate". Whereas if his American counterpart saw a bloke drive past in a Cadillac he'd say "One day I'm going to own one of those". To my way of thinking the first attitude is wrong. The latter is right. — Kerry Packer

Kedves Quotes By Francis Bowes Sayre, Sr.

History down through the centuries has proved again and again that there can be but one outcome to a struggle for selfish power against forces fighting to protect and advance human rights. Those genuinely serving humanity always ultimately emerge triumphant. It is under their standards that the [Western] allies choose to throw in their lot for humanity's defense. — Francis Bowes Sayre, Sr.

Kedves Quotes By Chinua Achebe

To show affection was a sign of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was strength. — Chinua Achebe

Kedves Quotes By Sherwood Boehlert

But our energy woes are in many ways the result of classic market failures that can only be addressed through collective action, and government is the vehicle for collective action in a democracy. — Sherwood Boehlert

Kedves Quotes By Henry James

You must save what you can of your life; you musn't lose it all simply because you've lost a part. — Henry James

Kedves Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Cam held her closer. "Marry me, Amelia. You're what I want. You're my fate." One hand slid to the back of her head, gripping the braids and ribbons to keep her mouth upturned. "Say yes." He nibbled at her lips, licked at them, opened them. He kissed her until she writhed in his arms, her pulse racing. "Say it, Amelia, and save me from ever having to spend a night with another woman. I'll sleep indoors. I'll get a haircut. God help me, I think I'd even carry a pocket watch if it pleased you. — Lisa Kleypas

Kedves Quotes By Katherine Boo

Still, Kasab seemed lucky to Abdul. "They will probably beat him lots in the jail," Abdul said one day, "but at least Kasab knows in his heart that he did what they said he did." That had to be less stressful than being beaten when you were innocent. The — Katherine Boo

Kedves Quotes By Jennifer Whitfield

You still awake? She chanted like an annoying little sister.
I groaned. — Jennifer Whitfield

Kedves Quotes By Eliezer Yudkowsky

What people really believe doesn't feel like a BELIEF, it feels like the way the world IS. — Eliezer Yudkowsky

Kedves Quotes By Kerstin Gier

Yeah, sure, I did have a bit imagination, but daydreaming is one thing. Imagining you're traveling through time is quite another.
People who imagined that kind of psychiatric treatment. And they should, if you asked me. Maybe I was like those weirdos who claim to have been abducted by aliens. Completely out of mumy mind. — Kerstin Gier