Famous Quotes & Sayings

Justin And Britney Quotes & Sayings

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Top Justin And Britney Quotes

Justin And Britney Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

Not only had Mr. Butcavage's questions been reasonable, he also had an unfortunate name and no friends in his neighborhood. He was probably a lonely person like her mother, and Pip felt helplessly compassionate toward anyone who reminded her of her mother. — Jonathan Franzen

Justin And Britney Quotes By Andy Bell

I think Justin Timberlake verges on being gay, he gets gay airplay. Britney gets loads as well. If you're male and you're black you're not going to get much play in a gay club. — Andy Bell

Justin And Britney Quotes By Peter Senge

Trusting people to be creative and constructive when given more freedom does not imply an overly optimistic belief in the perfectibility of human nature. It is, rather, belief that the inevitable errors and sins of the human condition are far better overcome by individuals working together in an environment of trust and freedom and mutual respect than by individuals working under a multitude of rules, regulations, and restraints imposed upon them by another group of imperfect individuals. — Peter Senge

Justin And Britney Quotes By John Wells

I love working with actors, and it's all been based on my being trained in the theater. — John Wells

Justin And Britney Quotes By Britney Spears

I do love Justin with all my heart and we have a lot of trust for each other. — Britney Spears

Justin And Britney Quotes By Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool. — Britney Spears

Justin And Britney Quotes By Chubby Checker

Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears all the rappers, they're doing my dances and they're making billions doing my dances. When they do that little thing they do with their hands that's The Fly and The Pony. — Chubby Checker

Justin And Britney Quotes By Keri Russell

When I was on the 'Mickey Mouse Club,' there was Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling and Christine Aguilera. But they were 12 and I was 17, so there was a bit of an age difference. — Keri Russell

Justin And Britney Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

I liked his voice, rich and unself-conscious even when he forgot words and hummed to fill in the gap. What I didn't understand, I imagined, and thus it became a love song. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Justin And Britney Quotes By Justin Timberlake

Britney and I wore matching denim outfits [to the 2001 American Music Awards]. Yeah, another bad choice. I'd probably pay good money to get some of those pictures off the internet. — Justin Timberlake

Justin And Britney Quotes By Justin Long

The Britney Spears movie was just fun and light, but let's talk about that in a few months. — Justin Long

Justin And Britney Quotes By Joan Rivers

I hate babies with trendy names like Tiffany and Britney and Heather and Noah and Blake and Justin. I'm sick of Olivia and Chloe and Eva and Madison. I hope Aiden and Jayden and Braden and Graden all suffer minor head injuries while reading Dr. Seuss. Enough already with the cutesy-poo baby names. What happened to John and Dave and Sue? Babies with trendy names grow up to be adults with ridiculous names. "This is our CEO, Micah." "You know what, Micah? I want my money back. I'm closing my portfolio. I'm going with Michael. He's a grown-up." One day all of these trendy-named children will grow up and become parents and then grandparents, and it's all wrong. Grandma Tori? Zayda Jared? Nana Savannah? — Joan Rivers

Justin And Britney Quotes By Billy Graham

The only place we can find a clear, i unmistakable message is in the Word of God [the Bible]. — Billy Graham

Justin And Britney Quotes By Britney Spears

I'm going to have sex when it feels right but at the moment ? I just don't feel ready, Justin is very understanding. — Britney Spears

Justin And Britney Quotes By Michael Aspel

I still buy nice pieces but, at the moment, they're presents for other people, so I only collect vicariously. — Michael Aspel

Justin And Britney Quotes By Alan W. Watts

It is interesting that Hindus, when they speak of the creation of the universe do not call it the work of God, they call it the play of God, the Vishnu lila, lila meaning play. And they look upon the whole manifestation of all the universes as a play, as a sport, as a kind of dance - lila perhaps being somewhat related to our word lilt — Alan W. Watts

Justin And Britney Quotes By Britney Spears

Yes I am planning to move in with Justin we haven't had sex, but it's very tempting. — Britney Spears

Justin And Britney Quotes By John Travolta

I wouldn't trade my career with anybody's. I'd trade a few movies with Tom Hanks - 'Apollo 13' and 'Forrest Gump' - but other than that, I love my career. — John Travolta