Joy Quote Quotes & Sayings
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Top Joy Quote Quotes

There are many of us who live alongside others, less fortunate, watching them go through everyday suffering for one reason or another, and we're not moving even our little finger to help them. It's in human nature, unfortunately: for the most part, the only people we genuinely care about are ourselves. However, once in a while we encounter different species, different kind of human beings among us: full of compassion, willing and wanting to help, and doing so with joy and happiness. Those are a rarity. But you know what, my dear? Being one of them is not a special calling- it's a choice. So what will you choose, huh? — Yoleen Valai

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is most greatly experienced in the heart of those willing to surrender all self-sufficiency: self-promotion, self-reliance, self-protection, and self-absorption: it is a gift given. — Robin M. Bertram

All things want to float as light as air through the world witnessing all that is. I am a mote of dust floating freely in the firmament, a person who merely is, and I feel full of joy for all worldly treasures, the immaculate gift of life. — Kilroy J. Oldster

I am grateful for all the goodness in my life. I think life for bringing me so much joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

Habits are a way of life and often define our lives. Habitually miserable? You'll see misery in most circumstances. Habitually joyful? You'll see joy in most situations. My goal is to choose habits that empower me and break those that wear me down. — Charles F. Glassman

Enjoy this moment. The ultimate fulfilment of the dream will not come close to the dream. Enjoy it — Kamand Kojouri

A soul must gain wisdom by gathering information in whatever way works best. It is impossible to force wisdom on another, because each person has a choice to determine how and if it will be received. — Molly Friedenfeld

Homes should mean something to us humans. They are a basic instinct. A home, with a life that centers only on food and sleep, is not really a home, it's a house. Beauty and graciousness, joy of living, being used in every part, these are the things that make a house a home. (chapter header quote from Popular Home Decorations, 1940) — Ellen Baker

Among the greatest tragedies is a person who believes that they aren't meant to win--by winning I mean find their purpose, passion and joy in life.
They believe that other people have better DNA or happiness genes or something, but that they themselves are missing a critical chromosome.
This is a lie and it is begging to be un-believed.
For the moment we know the truth about ourselves, we can take both responsibility for our own lives and inspired action to create exactly the life which is our birthright.
In other words, you were meant to win. You were created for joy. — Jacob Nordby

Wholehearted acceptance is a basic element of love, starting with love for ourselves, and a gateway to joy. Through the practices of loving kindness and self-compassion, we can learn to love our flawed and imperfect selves. And in those moments of vulnerability, we open our hearts to connect with each other, as well. We are not perfect, but we are enough. — Sharon Salzberg

In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE - be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. - RVM. — R.v.m.

Nature offers us a thousand simple pleasers- Plays of light and color, fragrance in the air, the sun's warmth on skin and muscle, the audible rhythm of life's stir and push- for the price of merely paying attention. What joy! But how unwilling or unable many of us are to pay this price in an age when manufactured sources of stimulation and pleasure are everywhere at hand. For me, enjoying nature's pleasures takes conscious choice, a choice to slow down to seed time or rock time, to still the clamoring ego, to set aside plans and busyness, and to simply to be present in my body, to offer myself up.
Respond to the above quote. Pay special attention to each of your five senses as you describe your surroundings. Also, you need to incorporate at least one metaphor and smile in your descriptions. — Lorraine Anderson

As the refugee crisis unfolds across Europe, another is looming in our backyard. The number of children crossing the southwest border unaccompanied has quietly surged more than a year after President [Barack] Obama referred to the problem as a quote "urgent humanitarian situation." — Joy-Ann Reid

Remember this quote: "I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I woke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold service was joy." ~R. Tagore — John Franklin Graham

The more adept we become at feeling love and gratitude for all life's earthly learning experiences, the more quickly we are reminded that, whatever hardship may be placed before us, it is our choice always to return to a place of love and gratitude and to give thanks for all that still remains. — Molly Friedenfeld

The only reason you continue to love someone who treats you poorly is because you don't value yourself enough. — Rob Liano

Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." I love this quote because I want to be one of those people who dances to God's invisible music - that invisible reality where God works in response to His children's prayers, where angels dance, and where heaven prepares a glorious banquet for those just naive enough to believe in a Hero who will take us to a heaven where the celebration will never end. Our God delights to find even one such person. Own your sense of wonder, and the celebration of the stars and the unseen blessings of your life will always bring you a secret delight, an unquenchable song, and a bubbling joy that this world will never be able to quench. — Sally Clarkson

Always be willing, even anxious, to help others. Nothing else you do will give you the same genuine satisfaction and joy within because, and I quote, 'when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God' (Mosiah 2:17). Ignoring the needs of others is a serious sin. — Joseph B. Wirthlin

He blushed to see other Frenchmen overcome with joy whenever they met a compatriot abroad. The would fall on each other, cluster in a raucous group, and pass whole evenings complaining about the barbarity of the locals. These were the few who actually noticed that locals did things differently. Others managed to travel so 'covered and wrapped in a taciturn and incommunicative prudence, defending themselves from the contagion of an unknown atmosphere' that they noticed nothing at all. — Sarah Bakewell

Hope for joy, desire beauty.
Love much, live for eternity. — Debasish Mridha

The key principle I have always try to live by is peace. So If it doesn't bring you joy & will never bring you peace. Just walk away! — Timothy Pina

I am made of universal love. I embrace my interconnected self and let it bring me joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

Love is fuel for the soul. — Molly Friedenfeld

In this week I see such a picture of life, hard and joyful pressed up together and sleeping in the same bed. They come knit together. The lines of pain run through the joy and remind us to go all in, because life is short. The joy edges the pain and gives us a reason to rise. — Anna White

Last night I danced.
My body rose from its slump for the first time since the beginning of sorrows - my fingers beckoning to the stars at arm's length, back arching as tingles bubbled up my spine, hips caught in a silent tempo while on tiptoe I twirled in endless euphoric circles. It didn't matter that you loved me or that you didn't. For I was wanted by the gods last night, their seraphs and muses descending on moonbeams into my midst, caressing my face and gliding their spirited arms about my waist, lifting my toes from the soil that I might feel what it is to fly without heaviness of heart. I danced with them under the glow of a loyal moon. For one brief, visceral dance I joyed as Heaven joys - in endless bliss.
And the universe cherished me. — Richelle E. Goodrich

There is no greater joy than to share what you love with those who appreciate it. — Bernard Jan

A quote about drinking is a joy forever — John Keats

Lead with your beautiful & equisite heart Dear Ones as it will lead you to the TREASURE that is YOU. — Suzie Abels

My new favorite quote is, Feed kids Cokes and french fries and you get an obesity crisis. Feed them mental junk food and you get non-readers and poor thinkers. — Joy Hakim

464Joy is found in the breath of acceptance knowing that all is well in our world, if we surrender with grace. — Jennifer Lynch

I relax into bliss. I am content and full of joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

The soul of us is never confused about why it is here.
It only asks us to wake up and see the breadcrumb clues it has been leaving all along.
It asks us to have courage to face the wounds we have been hiding, allow it to heal them and untangle the heavy, snarled patterns.
Because the soul of us has no doubt whatever that it can and, if we allow it to express fully, can live a life of such power and joy through us that our human selves will be astonished. — Jacob Nordby

Given the opportunity to help us with our dreams, the Universe does not disappoint. — Maggie Denhearn

Joy doubles your faith, strength triples your might, and love quadruples your power. — Matshona Dhliwayo

The hidden keys of true happiness are individual responsibility and an incessant quest for joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

Our joyful moments give us what we need, and then remembering them resupplies us once again. — Denesia Christine Huttula

I am at peace with myself. — Lailah Gifty Akita

The joy of comradeship in this foreign land has been killed by silence and overprotection of personal space. I miss the chaos around me for it makes me realise that I am amidst life and alive. — Gloria D. Gonsalves

Love is the greatest nourishment of the soul. To be loved creates a strong back bone, joy, peace and soundness. — Euginia Herlihy

Isn't God the one who urges us to "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"? Why do we always think that means singing? Seems to me the most obvious joyful sound on earth is laughter ... I've seen folks quote verses like "Rejoice in the Lord always" while their faces look like they just buried a rich uncle who willed everything to his pregnant guinea pig. Something is missing. — Charles R. Swindoll

We cannot see the beauty of life with our eyes closed. Only when we cry with our eyes open can we begin to shed tears of joy. — Tehya Sky

I receive the blessing of past dates, the lessons and the joy, and let the rest go now for all time. — Amy Leigh Mercree

Always write exactly what you're feeling at the exact moment when writing something like poetry or an emotional novel. Put yourself, pour all emotions into your work ... make yourself cry, feel joy if you are writing joyful things, feel lovey if it calls for it ... just put your heart and soul into all that you do ... then you will be a good writer when you can make whoever reads your work, feel. -Nina Jean Slack — Nina Jean Slack

My tears of joy
hear the raindrops crying,
as the rain never wants to pour
down on my cloudy days
when I make
our love-dreams
for the sun to dream
only for you ...
(From the poem "Only For You" By Munia Khan) — Munia Khan

Give joy, smiles, happiness, goodness and kindness to every person you meet. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Even on the silent days, believe your ship will come. — Shana Chartier

My heart is filled with great joy.
I am so thankful to God for miraculously saving my life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

What a joyful journey, to travel with the Lord. — Lailah Gifty Akita

She knew there were only small joys in life
the big ones were too complicated to be joys when you got all through
and once you realized that, it took a lot of the pressure off. — Lorrie Moore

I am made of joy! I am joy! My vibration is constantly raising, and I feel good! — Amy Leigh Mercree

I allow my inner joy wellspring to be unbounded and free, to power me up, and to keep me radiantly healthy! — Amy Leigh Mercree

Change the world, I know I won't,
Enthralling as always I hope it remains,
A kaleidoscope of joy, sorrow and pain.
But my only wish as I take this jaunt,
Is for my words on you to impress upon,
A smile, a tear or even an angry frown. — Anurag Anand

Let us see what tomorrow will bring us? Will it be joy and triumph, chaos and glory, love and growth, or victory and success? — Ana Monnar

The joy of giving last forever.
So give with love and forget it never. — Debasish Mridha

Now smiling had been something almost alien to me just a few weeks ago. But over this short period of time, I had rediscovered this art thanks to that noble emotion of love. Joy that had been bottled up inside since childhood now overcame me from deep within just like the healing water reaching folks at hot springs from regions deep below the surface. — Vivek Pereira

The support of our Soul and the joy that it bestows is sufficient to our need and carries us forward. — Genevieve Gerard

She placed her hand on her chest and thought, 'So this is what the poets write about'. — Kamand Kojouri

Love in your heart is better than gold in your hands. — Matshona Dhliwayo

As long as you're not hurting anyone or anything, including your future self, do only that which makes you happy. — Kamand Kojouri

Within us all is a radiant inner child bathed in joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

There's a great quote in Gus's house, one that both he and I found very comforting: Without pain, we couldn't know joy. - Hazel Grace Lancaster — John Green

A good man lives for the joy in life and the happiness of being alive, not shackled to the wants of the future or the regrets of the past. — Carew Papritz

I surround myself with bliss. My home is a blissful oasis that nourishes me and brings me joy. — Amy Leigh Mercree

There is no fear in love. Live with the foundation of LOVE in your heart and you will become FEARLESS. — Molly Friedenfeld