Famous Quotes & Sayings

Joshing Quotes & Sayings

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Top Joshing Quotes

Joshing Quotes By Chloe Sevigny

To be a true icon, you have to have style emanating from you. And you have to have figured it out on your own and have a point of view, a perspective, and be able to translate it in some personal way. — Chloe Sevigny

Joshing Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Its basic axiom is to be followed by individuals as well as great nations, by Losers and Winners alike. We have demonstrated the workability of the axiom in Vietnam, in Bangladesh, in Biafra, in Palestinian refugee camps, in our own ghettos, in our migrant labor camps, on our Indian reservations, in our institutions for the defective and the deformed and the aged. This is it: Ignore agony. — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Joshing Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

I asked the Warden why he never left this valley, why he didn't get away from the prison and me and the ignorant young guards and the bells across the lake and all the rest of it. He had years of leave time he had never used. He said, "I would only meet more people." "You don't like any kind of people?" I said. We were talking in a sort of joshing mode, so I could ask him that. "I wish I had been born a bird instead," he said. "I wish we had all been born birds instead. — Kurt Vonnegut

Joshing Quotes By James McAvoy

I always have a beard between jobs. I just let it grow until they pay me to shave it. People are quite surprised it's ginger. Sometimes they ask me if dye my hair and I always say 'Wow, no!' I'm 'trans-ginger.' — James McAvoy

Joshing Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in. — Henry David Thoreau

Joshing Quotes By David Nicholls

Some guidelines for a successful 'Grand Tour' of Europe: 1. Energy! Never be 'too tired' or 'not in the mood'. 2. Avoid conflict with Albie. Accept light-hearted joshing and do not retaliate with malice or bitter recriminations. Good humour at all times. 3. It is not necessary to be seen to be right about everything, even when that is the case. 4. Be open-minded and willing to try new things. For example, unusual foods from unhygienic kitchens, experimental art, unusual points of view, etc. 5. Be fun. Enjoy light-hearted banter with C and A. 6. Try to relax. Don't dwell on the future for — David Nicholls

Joshing Quotes By Leo Buscaglia

Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don't miss it. — Leo Buscaglia

Joshing Quotes By Karan Mahajan

There was a contradiction within Vikas, an open wound: though he was fascinated by the poor, good at joshing with them, he was afraid, thanks to his bourgeois background, of being perceived as poor. Poverty equaled failure. — Karan Mahajan

Joshing Quotes By Stephen Gregory

I went up to the tower. I thought I might find the woman and the boy there, in bed together. Or the boy and his father, enjoying some quality time, a dead man and a mad boy chuckling and joshing and exchanging their stories of being dead and being mad. — Stephen Gregory