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Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes & Sayings

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Top Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Rembrandt

Practice what you know, and it will help to make clear what now you do not know. — Rembrandt

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Chris Hardwick

I've always had a fondness for that satirical, Terry Gilliam - esque evil corporate megastructure, the kind of business that hangs banners that say making your life better as it throws kittens into the gears. — Chris Hardwick

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Matthew Quick

Daisy doesn't even go to his funeral, Nick and Jordan part ways, and Daisy ends up sticking with racist Tom ... you can tell Fitzgerald never took the time to look up at clouds during sunset, because there's no silver lining at the end of that book, let me tell you.
I do see why Nikki likes the novel, as it's written so well. But her liking it makes me worry now that Nikki really doesn't believe in silver linings, because she says The Great Gatsby is the greatest novel ever written by an American, and yet it ends so sadly. One thing's for sure, Nikki is going to be very proud of me when I tell her I finally read her favorite book. -Silver Linings Playbook, p. 9 — Matthew Quick

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

I see now that this has been a story of the West, after all
Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern life. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men, and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible. She was incurably dishonest. She wasn't able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness, I suppose she had begun dealing in subterfuges when she was very young in order to keep that cool, insolent smile turned to the world and yet satisfy the demands of her hard, jaunty body. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Cornell Woolrich

Then without any warning the car stopped. They were there.
"The ride's over," someone said. "End of the ride."
For a moment nobody got out. They just sat there. The driver cut the ignition, and after that there was silence. Complete, uncanny silence, more frightening than the most threatening noise or violence could have been. Night silence. A silence that had death in it. ("The Number's Up") — Cornell Woolrich

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Jami Gertz

And you can't make a mistake when you are reading the Torah, so you have men standing around who will correct you if you are reading it incorrectly. — Jami Gertz

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Tim Kreider

You'd think that it would make them all the more credible to be free of any obvious agenda or emotional bias, motivated only by objective logic. But there's something off-putting about these hyperrational types; they're immune to any appeals to common sense or humor, the for fuck's sake defense. [...] As Kim Stanley Robinson writes, "An excess of reason is in itself a form of madness". — Tim Kreider

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Wendell Phillips

Though plunged in ills and exercised in care,
Yet never let the noble mind despair. — Wendell Phillips

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Suddenly I wasn't thinking of Daisy or Gatsby anymore, but of this clean, hard, limited person, who dealt in universal skepticism, and who leaned back jauntily just within the circle of my arm. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Sebastian Cole

You remember?' he said incredulously. 'What could you possibly remember?' he asked, staring at her, waiting for the answer.
The beauty from within her soul shined brightly through her loving eyes as she looked deep into Noah's now melting eyes.
'I remember - I love you,' she said in a soft voice, nervously biting her lip. — Sebastian Cole

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Sol Stein

Today's readers can be roughly divided into two groups, those who accept the fantasy villains of childhood, as in the James Bond stories and Arnold Schwarzenegger films, and those who insist on credibility. — Sol Stein

Jordan From The Great Gatsby Quotes By Rick Hanson

Everything changes. That's the universal nature of outer reality and inner experience. Therefore, there's no end to disturbed equilibria as long as you live. — Rick Hanson