Famous Quotes & Sayings

John Bosley Quotes & Sayings

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Top John Bosley Quotes

John Bosley Quotes By Emma Hart

Fuck this. When life gets hard, ask Google. Google knows everything — Emma Hart

John Bosley Quotes By Lauren Gallagher

Any man for her had better be well-dressed, well-groomed, and well-hung, and if he couldn't get her off at least twice with his mouth, she wouldn't return his calls. Couldn't imagine why she was thirty-nine and still single. — Lauren Gallagher

John Bosley Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

It'll get easier, Paolo said.
But I knew that. That was the worst part. The worst part was that eventually you forgot about the people you loved. The dead ones and the ones who raised you and the ones you wanted to be with at the end of the day. — Maggie Stiefvater

John Bosley Quotes By Izabella Scorupco

I've never actually seen a Star Trek, but I have seen an Alien movie. — Izabella Scorupco

John Bosley Quotes By Lisa Genova

And she'd apologize for being so sensitive and moody lately. His warm hand on her hip brought her into the curve of his body. With his breath on her neck, she fell into a deep sleep, convinced that she was safe. — Lisa Genova

John Bosley Quotes By Hal Elrod

Don't 'just do it.' First, plan it, then do it. — Hal Elrod